Showing posts with label pureaire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pureaire. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Winemaking - A Must Read


The art and science of winemaking have been around for thousands of years. Winemakers rely on their instincts, palettes, and a thorough knowledge of the nuances involved in every stage of the winemaking process as they strive to achieve the flavors and qualities that they desire.Even a cursory overview of certain elements of the process underscores the critical role played by gases…from fermentation to first sip…in preserving the flavors created and nurtured by the winemaker’s skills.

From Harvesting to Fermentation

Since grapes do not continue to ripen after they have been picked, winemakers must carefully monitor the fruits when still on the vine, to ensure that they are harvested when flavor and ripeness are at peak levels. To protect the fragile grapevines, harvesting is typically done by hand, a laborious but important undertaking.

Once grapes are harvested, they are sorted and, sometimes, destemmed, and then crushed. At one time, grapes were crushed by hand (or, rather, by foot), but winemakers today crush them by using mechanical presses, which improves sanitation and the lifespan of the wine “must” (derived from the Latin phrase vinum mustum, or “young wine”), which is the industry term for the mixture of grape juice, seeds, and skins(and, in certain red wines, stems) that is the result of crushing.

The wine must is blanketed with nitrogen to reduce excessive levels of oxygen, which can oxidize the must, leaving it discolored and overly tart.For white wines, solids in the must are quickly removed after the crushing, in order to preserve the pale color of the juice.  For reds, solids are left in the must, to create a more flavorful wine.

Next, the young wine is transferred to fermentation tanks. The fermentation process begins when yeast is introduced to the must.  Most winemakers today use commercial yeasts, so they can control the predictability of the final product, though some winemakers (much like certain Belgian beermakers) continue to use the old-fashioned method of allowing wild yeasts to mix with the wine must. In either case, during fermentation, the yeast converts the grape sugars into alcohol. A byproduct of the fermentation process is carbon dioxide.  Too much carbon dioxide in the fermentation area can displace oxygen and create potential health and safety risks to employees.

The fermentation process can take anywhere from ten days to a month or more.  To maintain sweetness, some wines are not allowed to fully ferment, which leaves higher levels of sugar in the wine.

Once fermentation is complete, the wine is clarified or filtered, in order to remove residual solids and any other undesired particles. At that point, the fermented wine is transferred into aging vessels, most often either stainless-steel tanks or oak barrels.

Aging and Bottling

Exposure to oxygen can negatively impact a wine’s flavor, longevity, and overall quality. Inert gases, including argon, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, may be used to flush oxygen out of the environment during storage, to help preserve the flavor and quality of the wine.

Flushing fermentation vessels, aging tanks, barrels, and bottles with an inert gas before filling with wine helps prevent oxidation, which is much dreaded by winemakers, as it produces discoloration, unpleasant aromas, and off flavors reminiscent of vinegar.

Oxygen Monitors Can Protect Winemakers and Their Employees

The same property--oxygen displacement --that makes inert gases ideal for winemaking, can be deadly if gas leaks from the supply lines or storage containers, or if there is a dangerous buildup of carbon dioxide during the fermentation stage. Employees could suffocate from breathing oxygen-deficient air and, since inert gases lack color, and odor, there is no way, absent appropriate monitoring, to determine if there has been a leak.

PureAire Monitors 

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ line of oxygen and dual oxygen/carbon dioxide monitors offer thorough air monitoring, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required. A screen displays current oxygen levels for at-a-glance reading by employees, who derive peace of mind from the monitor’s presence and reliable performance.

Built with zirconium oxide sensor cells and non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR)cells, to ensure longevity, PureAire O2 and O2/CO2 monitors can last, trouble-free, for over 10 years under normal operating conditions.

As such, the use of PureAire’s monitors will enable winemakers, in a cost-effective manner, to preserve both the quality of their wines and the well-being of their employees.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

New requirements for safe use and storage of liquid nitrogen and dry ice

The College of American Pathologists ("CAP")recently imposed new requirementsto address risks related to the use and storage of liquid nitrogen ("LN2") and dry ice.


The new requirements come after a deadly incident in 2017, when liquid nitrogen leaked at a Georgia lab that was not accredited through CAP.  Emergency responders were called to the scene when an employee suffered burns and, moreover,lost consciousness from oxygen deprivation caused by the leak. While the employeeeventuallyrecovered from her injuries, one of the first responders died of asphyxiation as a result ofthe nitrogen leak.

That unfortunate incident illustrates the dangers of nitrogen leaks,which are inherent in the storage and use of LN2. Indeed, there are several cases reported nearly every year of laboratory personnel who die of asphyxiation caused by exposure to nitrogen gas.
Asphyxiation riskis present in dry ice usage as well since, if it is stored in areas without proper ventilation, dry ice can replaceoxygen with carbon dioxide, potentially causing workers to rapidly lose consciousness.

CAP’s New Regulations

Despite their safety risks, both dry ice and LN2 have many beneficial uses in commercial and lab settings, including hospital and research facilities. As such, CAP’s new focus on utilizing best practices to increase employee safety and reduce the danger of nitrogen leaks is vitally important.
Before the regulations were changed, lab directors had greater personal discretion in selectingthe types and deployment of safety equipment utilized in their facilities. Now, laboratories are required to place oxygen("O2") monitors at human height breathing levels anywhere liquid nitrogen is used or stored, and they must place signage warning of safety risk regarding, and train all affected employees on safe handling of, LN2 and dry ice.

Pathologists understand that oxygen/carbon dioxide monitors must be placed appropriately anywheredry ice or LN2 are used or stored.  Even a couple tanks of liquid nitrogen kept in a supply closet pose a safety risk, because even a small leak can quickly displace a large amount of oxygen.

Oxygen Monitors Protect Laboratory Workers

While many people realize that the use and storage of liquid nitrogen and dry ice can present health risks, they may fail to grasp the speed at which circumstances can become dangerous.  It takes only a few breaths of oxygen-deficient air for one to lose consciousness.

AS CAP recognized, oxygen and carbon dioxide monitors offer an effective solution to the health and safety risks posed by nitrogen leaks and inadequatedry ice storage. O2/CO2 monitors continually monitor the air, and they will remain silent so long as oxygen and carbon dioxideremain within normal levels.However,in the event that oxygen is depleted to an unsafe level (19.5%, as established by OSHA), or carbon dioxide levels rise to an unsafe level, alarms embedded in the monitors will sound, alerting employees to evacuate the area and summon assistance from qualified responders.


PureAire Monitoring Systems’ line of oxygen and dual oxygen/carbon dioxide monitors offerthorough air  monitoring, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required., The monitors function well in confined spaces, such as closets, basements, and other cramped quarters.  PureAire’s monitors can handle temperatures as low as -40 C, making them ideally suited for environments, such as laboratories, that utilize liquid nitrogen or dry ice. A screen displays current oxygen levels for at-a-glance reading by employees, who derive peace of mind from the monitor’s presence and reliable performance.
Built with zirconium oxide sensor cells and non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR)cells, to ensure longevity, Pure Aire O2 monitors can last, trouble-free, for over 10 years under normal operating conditions.  That makes PureAire a cost-effective choice forprotecting employees and complying with the new safety regulations affecting labs and hospitals.
Learn more about oxygen monitors and best practices for their use at

Thursday, April 11, 2019

From Farm to Market: Fruit Ripening

Fruit has a brief window where it is perfectly ripe. If farmers waited until every piece of fruit was ripe before harvesting, farming would be more labor-intensive as farmers rushed to pick ripe fruits. Prices might crash due to a short-term glut of fruit on the market. To ensure a steady supply and demand, keep prices competitive, and reduce food waste, farmers use artificial ripening procedures. One method for ripening fruit after harvest involves ripening chambers. Ripening chambers using ethylene, a natural plant hormone, enable the fruit to be harvested, stored, and transported to where it will be marketed and consumed. While ethylene ripening chambers are beneficial, they are not without risks.

How Ethylene Ripening Chambers Work

While there are other ways to artificially ripen fruit in ripening chambers, ethylene has become a favorite, since it occurs naturally in fruit.
Ethylene is a natural hormone found in plants. Fruits begin to ripen when exposed to ethylene, whether the exposure occurs naturally or artificially. In ethylene ripening chambers, unripe fruits are laid out, and the chamber is sealed.Ethylene gas is then piped into the sealed chamber. As the fruit is exposed to ethylene, the fruit
“respires”,which involves intake of oxygen andemission of carbon dioxide. For the ripened fruit to have the right color and flavor, the ripening should occur in a controlled atmosphere in which the temperature, humidity, ethylene, oxygen, and CO2 concentrationaremaintained at optimum levels.
However, there is a risk of combustion from the ethylene gas, as well as decreased levels of oxygen and increased levels of carbon dioxide inside the chamber.

How Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide and LEL Combustible Monitors Protect Employees

Low oxygen levels cause respiratory distress. If oxygen levels drop below the safe threshold for breathing, which could happen in the event of an ethylene gas leak, employees could suffocate. Suffocation is also a danger when there is too much carbon dioxide in the air. Ethylene gas used in ripening chambers would be hazardous if an employee were to enter the chamber before determining that oxygen and carbon dioxide were at safe levels.

A dual oxygen/carbon dioxide (O2/CO2) monitor detects the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the chamber and sounds an alarm should the oxygen level falls to an OSHA action levelor if the carbon dioxide rises to an unsafe level.  By checking the monitor’s display, an employee will know when it is safe to enter the chamber.

PureAire Monitoring Systems has developed its dual O2/CO2 monitor with zirconium oxide and non-dispersive infrared sensor (“NDIR”) cells. The cells are unaffected by changing barometric pressure, storms, temperatures, and humidity, ensuring reliable performance.  Once installed, the dual O2/CO2 monitor needs no maintenance or calibration.

Ethylene is a highly flammable and combustible gas. If the gas lines used to pipe ethylene into the ripening chambers were to develop a leak, the chamber could fill with ethylene and reach combustible levels. A combustible gas monitor, which takes continuous readings of combustible gases, would warn employees of an ethylene leak within the chamber.

PureAire Monitoring System's Air Check LEL combustible gas monitor continuously monitors for failed sensor cell and communication line breaks. The Air Check LEL gas monitor is housed in an explosion-proof enclosure. If a leak or system error should occur, an alarm will immediately alert employees.

To learn about PureAire Monitoring Systems’ dual O2/CO2 monitors or the Air Check LEL Combustible monitor, please visit

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

IVF Cryopreservation and Safe Handling Practices

Couples that want to have a baby but have not been able to conceive naturally are drawn to invitro fertilization (IVF) treatments.

In an IVF treatment, several eggs are fertilized at once, which creates multiple embryos. While more than one embryo may be implanted, to spur the odds of pregnancy, there are inevitably some unused embryos.

The remaining embryos may be preserved cryogenically, for use later, rather than destroyed. There are many reasons couples may select cryopreservation of embryos, including:
  • A second chance if the IVF treatment fails the first time around
  • The desire to have another child
  • As a precaution before undergoing medically necessary procedures that might the reduce the odds of a successful pregnancy, such as cancer treatment
  • Opportunity to use embryos in medical research
  • Opportunity to donate embryos to another couple
The National Embryo Donation Center estimates that there are over 700,000 human embryos currently stored in the United States.

The cryogenic process relies on cryoprotective agents (or CPAs), which protect the embryo from damage while it freezes. Damage may occur as ice crystals form during the freezing process. Without the use of CPAs, the ice crystals could pierce the embryo wall, causing embryo failure.

Cryopreservation facilities may use either a slow or fast method to freeze the embryos. In the slow method, embryos are frozen in stages, with protective agents added in slow doses over time. The frozen embryos are then preserved in liquid nitrogen until they are slowly thawed for use.

The fast-freezing method combines higher concentrations of CPAs to the embryo, after which the embryo is quickly plunged into liquid nitrogen. The process is so quick that ice is unable to form, thus protecting the embryo from damage.

Wherever liquid nitrogen is used, there are risks associated with nitrogen leaks. Nitrogen displaces oxygen, and a leak would rob the air of oxygen, thereby creating a health hazard for medical staff. When there is not enough oxygen in the air, persons working in the area can suffocate due to the lack of oxygen. Since nitrogen lacks color and odor, there is no way to detect a leak using the senses. In addition, a nitrogen leak could lead to failure of the cryopreservation tanks storing the embryos. In order to ensure the safety of employees, and the viability of the embryos, cryopreservation facilities need to rely on oxygen monitors.

How Oxygen Monitors Protect Employee Health in IVF Facilities

Oxygen monitors continually sample the air, taking periodic readings of current oxygen levels. In the event of a nitrogen leak, and a drop in oxygen to an OSHA action level, the built-in horn will sound, and lights will begin to flash, thereby providing notification to the employees that they must exit the area.

Best practice calls for oxygen monitors to be placed wherever nitrogen is used or stored. Not all oxygen monitors currently on the market are suitable for use in confined spaces or in freezers.

PureAire Monitoring Systems oxygen monitors are uniquely suited for use in an IVF facility, because the monitors can withstand temperatures as low as -40C.

PureAire Monitoring Systems monitors feature long-lasting zirconium sensors, which are designed to provide accurate readings, without calibration, for up to 10 years. Busy IVF facilities will appreciate the ease of use, and low maintenance of PureAire Monitoring Systems products.

To learn more or to view product specs, please visit

Friday, February 22, 2019

New Solar Cell Technology to Help lower prices for the consumer

Inkjet Perovskite solar cells may help shape the future of energy production by lowering costs, and transparency.

Solar panels used to be costly and time-consuming to produce—and quite expensive on the consumer side. New technologies have driven costs as well as production time down, to the benefit of consumers. See what's new with solar panels and where the solar cell technology is going. 

New Solar Panel Developments

In traditional solar panels, silicon acts as a semiconductor. By doping the silica material with gallium and arsenic impurities, the silicon-based solar panel is able to capture solar energy and convert the sun's energy to electricity. While there are other materials that can act as semiconductors for solar energy, silicon is ideal because is forms an oxide at high temperatures. The oxide makes it easy to product consistent, high quality solar panels. The latest generation of solar cells use perovskite rather than silicon.

In 2009, researchers first discovered that perovskite could also be used to make photovoltaic solar cells. Despite the potential of this discovery, perovskites weren't considered a good choice for solar panels, because the materials needed to be heated to such high temperatures that very few materials could be coated with the perovskite solution. Glass could withstand the high heat, but a glass solar panel would be an impractical product for obvious reasons.

A young scientist recently discovered a new way to work with perovskites. Using an evaporation method, Polish scientist Olga Malinkiewicz, was able to coat flexible foil with perovskites. To speed the substrate drying process, nitrogen was used. By blowing dry nitrogen gas over the wet perovskite film, the resulting evaporation happened faster and more consistently. Without utilizing nitrogen in the process, the panels could have an inconsistent coverage, which would lead to poor energy conversion rates. 

The resulting solar panels were thin and flexible, both in their material application and their use cases. Imagine a portable solar panel that could attach to a laptop, drone, or car, something that could capture the sun's energy indoors or outdoors and travel with you, to power whatever you needed. 

Since her initial discovery, Malinkiewicz has refined the approach. The latest generation of perovskite solar cells are created with an inkjet printing procedure which makes them faster and cheaper to produce. With mass production feasible from an economic perspective, the perovskite solar cells can be a popular option to add electricity to areas that do not have an underlying power grid, whether that's rural communities or developing countries.

The technology is still being refined, so you won't see widespread perovskite solar cells just yet. However, researchers are cheering the innovation and its potential to revolutionize energy distribution.

One thing to consider moving forward with perovskite solar panels is the use of nitrogen in the process. Anywhere nitrogen is used, there's a safety risk should the gas leak from supply lines. 

How an Oxygen Monitor Can Help Detect Nitrogen Gas Leaks

Nitrogen leaks create health risks because nitrogen displaces oxygen, which humans need to breathe. Undetected, a nitrogen leak could create oxygen-deficient air, leading to respiratory distress and eventually death via asphyxiation. Nitrogen gases is both colorless and odorless, which means it would be impossible to detect a leak relying on the senses.

The easiest way to detect a leak is to measure ambient oxygen using an oxygen monitor. Oxygen monitors continually track levels of oxygen, sounding an alarm if levels fall to the OSHA threshold where safety is at risk. With flashing lights and a loud alarm, workers will be able to exit the room before the onset of health problems. 

PureAire creates industry-leading oxygen monitors that last for 10 or more years, with no calibration or maintenance needed. Learn more or view product specs at

Monday, February 11, 2019

Pepsi Is Launching the First Ever “Nitro Soda”

Nitrogen-infused or nitro beverages have been among the biggest trends in the beverage industry. There's been no shortage of nitro cold brew coffees and nitro beers, but never a nitro soda—until now, with the launch of Nitro Pepsi. The new beverage was sampled at the 2019 Super Bowl and while you won't find it on tap just yet, here's what you can look forward to.

Introducing Nitro Pepsi 

Nitro Pepsi aims to revolutionize the most signature aspect of soda, which is the carbonation.

CO2 gas is responsible for creating the tangy bubbles that give soda its texture and mouthfeel. Nitrogen creates bubbles that are smaller and softer, for a creamier mouthfeel in the drink. The creamy experience naturally complements sweet, malty beer styles like stouts and porters, as well as cold brew coffees.

Translated into Pepsi, the nitrogen bubbles create a beverage that's reminiscent of an ice cream float (with that creamy sweetness). The drink will be available in two flavors, original Pepsi and vanilla. Pepsi recommends drinking the Nitro Pepsi cold, but not over ice.

With its new nitro soda, Pepsi hopes to transform the soda drinking experience, much the way that craft beer and coffee have been transformed by nitro drinks, and introduce their brand to a new audience of consumers.

While there's a lot of excitement around the new beverage, there are also some risks to consider, due to the use of nitrogen gas. Nitrogen is naturally dense and will displace oxygen in the environment. If the bottling plant experiences a nitrogen leak, this means that oxygen within the bottling plant will be pushed out of the air, creating a public health hazard.

Nitrogen gas is colorless and odorless, so employees would not be able to spot the leak. When oxygen levels first begin falling, employees will not notice any symptoms. By the time oxygen levels dip to the point where health is at risk, employees may begin to experience cognitive confusion or suffer respiratory distress. With oxygen deprivation, there's a risk of losing consciousness or suffering death via asphyxiation.

Preventing Nitrogen Leaks With a Dual O2/CO2 Monitor

While the nitrogen leak cannot be detected, what can be tracked is the level of oxygen in the room. By paying attention to oxygen levels and alerting employees when levels fall below the safe threshold, as defined by OSHA, a dual O2/CO2 monitor protects public health. Not only are these alarms required by OSHA where inert gases like nitrogen are used, they are the easiest way to protect employees from workplace hazards and deliver peace of mind in the plant bottling area.

The O2 monitor works by sampling the air to check oxygen levels. As long as oxygen levels are within the safe zone, the monitor is silent. With PureAire products, the monitor always displays readouts on a screen, so employees can check oxygen levels at a glance.

If a nitrogen leak develops and oxygen starts to fall, the monitor will flash lights and sound an alarm so that employees have ample warning to evacuate the area. Plant workers can then alert emergency services, who can respond to the leak.

There are many O2 monitors on the market, but PureAire's are unique for their construction. PureAire O2 monitors and dual O2/CO2 monitors feature zirconium sensors, which offer 10 or more years of reliable performance with no calibration. PureAire monitors do not need calibration or maintenance. All that's needed is to unbox the monitor, mount it on the wall, and plug it in to enjoy continuous oxygen monitoring and superior leak detection.

PureAire's O2 monitors are industry leading for their quality, construction, and performance. To learn more about PureAire’s dual O2/CO2 monitor or oxygen monitor, visit

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What is a Room Oxygen Deficiency Monitor?

Many industries use compressed gas to create products. While compressed gases such as nitrogen are low-cost, easy to use, and flexible in a range of industries, these gases have a hidden downside: They displace oxygen from the air, which puts your workers at risk of suffocation if there's a leak. A room oxygen monitor checks levels of oxygen and provides in-time alerts if there's a gas leak. Learn what a room oxygen monitor does, how it works, and who needs one.

What Does an Oxygen Monitor Do? 

Inert gases, such as nitrogen, displace oxygen. Since these gases cannot be seen or smelled, facilities need a tool that's capable of detecting gas leaks. An oxygen monitor tracks levels of oxygen in a room and provides efficient notification if oxygen levels fall as the result of a gas leak.

Oxygen monitors may be called O2 monitors or oxygen deficiency monitors. While these names are all synonymous, there are a few other terms you might hear that do not refer to this kind of oxygen monitor.

In the medical and pharmaceutical industries, you may come across blood oxygen monitor, pulse oximetry, or oximeter products. These are totally different products than the oxygen deficiency monitor, and they will not protect against gas leaks. You'll find medical oximeters sold at pharmacies and online retailers, while oxygen deficiency monitors are sold online, through distributors, or directly from manufacturers like PureAire.

Which Industries Use an Oxygen Monitor? 

Oxygen monitors are used by businesses in the following industries:

Food and beverage 
Medical gas
Cryotherapy and cryohealth
Egg freezing
Research and development
Businesses in these industries commonly use gases such as nitrogen in everyday operations. An oxygen deficiency monitor not only provides in-time notification of gas leaks but may be required by regulations. Failing to install an oxygen deficiency monitor could leave you out of compliance, which could lead to fines.

How Does an Oxygen Monitor Work? 

An oxygen monitor works by using a sensor to check levels of oxygen. A digital display interface shows readouts in PPM, PPB, or percentage, so your workers can tell at a glance that everything is functioning properly.

When levels of oxygen are at naturally occurring levels, the oxygen monitor stays silent. Employees can still check the readout for peace of mind. When something is wrong, an loud alarm goes off to provide your workers with instant notification of a safety threat. 

PureAire's line of oxygen monitors feature a unique zirconium sensor, which is designed to function for 10 years or more with no maintenance. Unlike other types of O2 monitors on the market, our oxygen monitor does not need regular maintenance or calibration. Your facility will save time and money when you choose PureAire products. 

PureAire's O2 monitor perform in a range of environments, including confined spaces, basements, and freezers. Capable of accurate readouts in temperatures as low as -40 C, our oxygen monitors never drift from barometric pressure shifts or thunderstorms. 

Do you have questions about oxygen deficiency monitors? We're here to answer your questions. Chat with us online or call today: 888.788.8050.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

How to Monitor Oxygen Levels in a Room?

If you're wondering how to monitor oxygen levels in a room, look no further than an oxygen monitor. Learn how to use an oxygen monitor, where you install an oxygen monitor, and why this one little device could save a life. 

Why Should I Measure Oxygen Levels in a Room? 

Before we can answer the question of how to measure oxygen levels in a room, we must look at why you're measuring oxygen levels in a room. 

Humans need oxygen to breathe. The air's natural oxygen concentration is around 21 percent; however, natural oxygen in the air can be displaced by certain gases, including nitrogen and argon. If nitrogen were to leak in a closed space, oxygen levels would fall. Since nitrogen and other inert gases have no color or odor, it's not as if you can spot a nitrogen leak occurring. 

When oxygen levels fall below the safe threshold, which is 19.5 percent, health hazards may occur. With only a few breaths of oxygen deficient air, you could fall unconscious and suffocate. Given these safety risks, leak detection systems are necessary. 

What is an Oxygen Monitor? 

An oxygen monitor is a device that measures oxygen levels in the room, to ensure the air has enough oxygen for respiration. Also called an oxygen deficiency monitor or an O2 monitor, an oxygen monitor uses a sensor to measure oxygen levels. By tracking oxygen levels, gas leaks can be detected even though the leaking substance cannot be seen or smelled. 

Oxygen monitors come with a range of features, including built-in alarms that go off when leaks occur. There is usually a loud alarm (designed to be heard over machine noise) as well as a flashing light. 

Oxygen levels differ in their setup and maintenance needs, which makes the question of how to use an oxygen monitor a little more challenging to answer. Some brands of oxygen monitor require annual maintenance and calibration. Other styles of oxygen monitor, such as those sold at PureAire, do not need calibration after installation. PureAire's O2 monitors are designed to work efficiently and accurately for 10 or more year after installation, saving time and money. 

Where You Install an Oxygen Monitor? 

Oxygen monitors should be installed anywhere there is a risk of gas leaks. Place one oxygen monitor in any room where you store inert gases and in any room where these gases are used. This way, if you have a helium, argon, or nitrogen spill -- for instance, in a university science lab -- the oxygen sensor will detect the lower levels of oxygen and sound the alarm. 

How do You Install an Oxygen Monitor?

Oxygen monitors can be mounted on the wall using a bracket and screw, then connected via plug-in-the-wall power supply. Alternately, oxygen monitors can be hardwired with the services of an electrician. It's your choice. We recommend that oxygen monitors be installed 3 to 5 feet off the ground, and 3 to 5 feet away from any obstacle, such as a gas tank. 
Oxygen monitors deliver peace of mind that your employees and your facility are protected from the hazardous side effects of a gas leak. They may be required by industry regulations. To get an industry-leading oxygen monitor that's maintenance-free, look to PureAire.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Where Can I Buy an Oxygen Monitor?

You know you need an O2 monitor, but where do you get one, and how much does it cost?  Selling oxygen deficiency monitors is our business, so we've rounded up information to choose the right oxygen deficiency monitor for your needs. 

Who Should Use an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor? 

An oxygen deficiency monitor should be placed anywhere that inert gases, such as argon or nitrogen, are used or stored. Industries that use an oxygen deficiency monitor include: 

  • Research & development – Laboratories often perform testing using nitrogen, argon, or CO2.
  • Medical gases- Used in hospitals, or labs requiring ultra-purity (99.9%) inert gases or nitrogen gas.
  • MRI facilities- Helium gas surrounds the MR magnet to protect from overheating while in operation.
  • Pharmaceutical- Nitrogen is used in cryogenic freezers and CO2 or dry ice is commonly used for shipping heat sensitive prescription drugs.
  • Cryotherapy- Nitrogen gas is used to create on-demand low temperatures quickly for therapy. Used for treating people to reduce inflammation.
  • Cryopreservation- N2 gas is used in the process of cooling and storing cells, tissues, or organs at very low temperatures to maintain their viability.
  • Universities- Many schools specializing in medicine, sciences, or aerospace require nitrogen gas, argon gas, or carbon dioxide for experiments and long-term research.
  • Semiconductor- Ultra purity nitrogen gas or other inert gases are required to reduce corrosion and oxidation on wafers or in semiconductor tools.
  • Food & Beverage- Nitrogen gas or CO2 is used to rapidly flash freeze food, or increase the shelf life of packaged foods and beverages.
  • OLED- Nitrogen gas is used to reduce oxidation in printing chambers maintaining the quality of the substrate.
  • 3D Printers- Argon gas and nitrogen gas are used in printers to reduce corrosion and protect metals from being a source of ignition, most commonly titanium metals.

What is an Oxygen Monitor Alarm?

An oxygen monitor alarm goes off if oxygen levels fall to a critical threshold, which is defined by OSHA as below 19.5 percent. 

The type of alarm varies by the specifications of the oxygen deficiency monitor you're considering. At PureAire, our oxygen monitors have two alarm levels, for 19.5 percent and 18 percent. The built-in alarm operates at 90 decibels, so workers can hear the alarm over facility noise. The optional horn and strobe combination amplifies the alarm. 

Alarm relays link alerts with third party communication systems, such as control panels, PLCs, or fire alarm systems for maximum versatility. 

How Much Does an Oxygen Monitor Cost?

Oxygen monitors range in price from $1,500 to $4,500, depending on if you need percentage or ppm accuracy. 

Where Can I Buy an Oxygen Monitor? 

Now that you understand the different features available in an oxygen monitor, as well as who should have an O2 monitor, you're ready to research and buy. We're partial to PureAire products, but we always recommend that you review the specifications of any oxygen deficiency monitor so you understand what features the product has and whether it's right for you. PureAire includes a sensor lasting 10 year or more which is usually more desirable when you’re planning on using an oxygen monitor longer than 2 to 3 years.

You can buy an oxygen deficiency monitor online from the manufacturer, directly though distributors, and through commerce outlets as well. 

PureAire works with various distributors such as Airgas, Air Liquide, Linde, Air Products, Fisher Scientific, and Johnson Controls.

One note of caution here, especially if you use the internet to research oxygen monitors. A number of products may come up when you search for O2 monitors that are NOT the correct product to detect gas leaks. You may find search results for the following products when you begin to look for oxygen monitors online: 

  • Finger oxygen monitor
  • Blood oxygen monitor 
  • Pulse oximetry monitor 
  • Oximeter
  • Baby monitor 

As you may guess from the names, these other monitors are commonly used in medical and pharmaceutical settings. The price point will be far less than what you would spend for the type of oxygen monitor we're talking about. The other oxygen monitors are also found in stores and online at pharmacies: Walgreens, Target, CVS, and the like. 

When you review the product specifications, make sure the product you've found does what you need it to do: Monitor levels of oxygen in the air to detect a gas leak that could harm your facility and workers. 
If there are other questions you have about shopping for an oxygen deficiency monitor, we're here for you. Chat with us online or email us today. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Gas Distributors and Specialty Gas Suppliers Are the Key to Technology Companies

The technologies that power laptops, smartphones, LED televisions, and other technologies rely on one hidden ingredient: Gas. Compressed and inert gases help create a pure environment, control the temperature, and carry other substances for a high-quality end product. See how the different gases used play a pivotal role in technology product development and also how they introduce health and safety risks into the workplace. 

Compressed Gases Used in Technology Devices 

The most common compressed gases used in technologies include argon (Ar), helium (He), and nitrogen (N2). 
Liquid and gas helium have a range of uses in science, laboratory, manufacturing, and technology settings. Within the semiconductor industry, helium keeps the manufacturing environment pure so that no unwanted chemical reactions occur. Since helium conducts heat efficiently, it stabilizes the temperature when silicon is introduced in the semiconductor manufacturing process. Helium's ability to cool quickly aids in a range of uses, from chilling semiconductor wafers to keeping an MRI magnet cool.  

Nitrogen (N2) gas aids with the liquidous stage of semiconductor manufacturing, where the solder is wetting the surface to create a good bond. Since nitrogen flushes out oxygen, it's also used during the purging process. 

Some semiconductor manufacturing facilities have opted for nitrogen generations onsite rather than N2 delivery from a commercial gas supplier. Since nitrogen is one component of air, it can be distilled for purity onsite using a generator. 

Like helium (He) and nitrogen, argon or Ar is inert. This gas is introduced in the sputtering phase of semiconductor manufacturing. Since argon maintains a highly pure environment, it prevents silicon crystals used in semiconductors from developing impurities. 

To source these gases, semiconductor, LED, and other manufacturers turn to compressed gas providers, who offer on-demand delivery of combustible gases. The chief gas distributors include Praxair, Airgas, Air Liquide, Linde, Matheson Tri-gas, and BOC.

The Hidden Dangers of Specialty Gas

While these specialty gases are highly useful, there is a danger associated with their use. Helium, nitrogen, and argon all deplete oxygen from the air. In the manufacturing process, this is a desired trait. Oxygen can cause flaws in the final product. 

Where trouble starts is when leaks occur and the specialty gas escapes into a closed room. Leaks can develop in supply lines, storage canisters, or nitrogen generators. These gases have no scent or color, so employees would not see or smell an argon leak. 

Within minutes of a leak, oxygen levels can fall from typical levels to deficient levels, which means that the air in the environment does not have enough oxygen for respiration. Employees can experience fatigue, dizziness, cognitive confusion, and respiratory distress. A few breathe of oxygen deficient air can render someone unconscious. Once an employee loses consciousness, the risk is death via asphyxiation. 
By tracking levels of oxygen using an oxygen monitor, employers can prevent workplace accidents and injuries and protect the well-being of their employees. An oxygen deficiency monitor tracks oxygen levels 24/7 and provides fast notification if oxygen levels plummet due to an inert gas leak. 

Just as these gases can leak in the semiconductor manufacturing plant, they can leak at the gas distributor as well. Leaks arise when storage equipment and supply lines develop holes, when storage dewars are not properly sealed, or when the equipment is used in a manner for which it was not originally intended or designed.

While end manufacturers are well aware of the risks of an oxygen deficient environment, there is less talk of the need for protection in gas distribution facilities. Wherever He, Ar, and N2 are used or stored, oxygen monitors should be installed as a precaution. 

How an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Works

An oxygen deficiency monitor has a built-in alarm to provide LED and sound alert when oxygen levels fall to the critical defined threshold, which is 19.5 percent. PureAire's monitors work in confined spaces, including basements and freezers, and function at temperatures of -40 C. PureAire's oxygen monitors are built to withstand 10+ years of use without subjectivity to barometric pressure shifts or temperature changes. The zirconium sensor needs no annual maintenance or calibration.

If you're looking for a reliable product that is easy to use out of the box, consider PureAire's O2 monitor. Learn more about PureAire's oxygen deficiency monitor or read customer testimonials at or


Monday, September 17, 2018

Why Gas Distributors Play a Crucial Role in Most Everyday Businesses?

Inert gases power a wide range of industries, including pharmaceutical, automotive, manufacturing, and semiconductor. While argon, helium, nitrogen, and cryogenic gases have benefits and uses, there are also risks with other gases such as halogens, refrigerants, combustibles, or etching gases. Gas detectors can monitor storage areas and facilities where these gases are used to guard against gas leaks onsite. Learn why it's critical to use one of these monitors in combustible gases distribution facilities.
The Role of Gas Distributors
Unless companies are manufacturing their own gases onsite through, for instance, a nitrogen generator, they rely on prompt delivery of gases they need for operation.
Gas distributors store a range of inert gases for use by manufacturers. Industry regulations mandate that gas distributors follow certain guidelines for the storage and disposal of these substances to reduce the risk of fires, explosion, gas leaks, and other incidents.
When everything is working correctly, gas flows as its needed from the supply tank to, for instance, storage dewars which are then readied for delivery. If a supply line develops a leak or a storage tank is not properly sealed, gas will leak into the air.
Many of these gases have no smell, color, or odor. This means that even if a facility is following all regulations regarding gas storage, there is no way that an employee could detect a gas leak in the moment when something goes wrong.
If storage dewars are compromised, gas will leak in the storage truck and at the delivery site, spreading the risk to third parties.
When one of these toxic gases leaks into the air, the consequences are dangerous. Hydrofluoric acid, a highly corrosive substance, is harmful to the health when it's inhaled or in direct contact with skin. Ammonia, which is commonly used as a refrigerant and in paper making, irritates the skin, lungs, and eyes.
Some gases are flammable when in contact with oxygen, which elevates the risk of fire. Others, like nitrogen, deplete oxygen from the environment. When oxygen drops below a critical threshold, workers can experience respiratory distress, cognitive distress, and ultimately death via asphyxiation.
To provide fast notification and decrease the risk of health hazards, it is recommended to install a universal gas detector wherever toxic gases are used or stored. To further guard against leaks, gas distributors can invest in durable equipment and train staff on proper handling of substances and appropriate emergency responses.
How a Universal Gas Monitor Can Protect Your Staff
A universal gas monitor can detect levels of gases even when the eye and nose cannot.
OSHA, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, oversees worker safety in all environments, including gas distribution plants. OSHA requirements to prevent workers from being harmed at work include the use of a gas monitor where dangerous substances are used. By installing a universal gas detector, you can bring your gas distribution plant in line with mandatory requirements to keep workers safe on the job.
Not all gas monitors are created equal. It's important to choose a gas monitor that is flexible, especially if you work with a range of substances, and reliable for continuous operation. Gas monitors that do not take accurate readings place worker health at risk, because they may fail to spot a low-level leak.
PureAire's universal gas monitor detects a wide range of gases, including:
·        Ammonia

·        Chlorine
·        Fluorine
·        Hydrogen chloride
·        Hydrogen fluoride
·        Nitrogen dioxide
·        Phosphine
·        and more

PureAire's universal gas monitor is designed to function optimally once set up with no routine maintenance. The renewable sensor lasts for 3 to 8 years on average. Unlike other monitors, PureAire's sensor is rechargeable onsite, to save your gas storage facility time and money. While employees can check interface readouts for peace of mind, the gas detector works 24/7 out of the box. If the unit experiences a problem, error readouts are related to the control room.
Since the monitor has a built-in LCD display, employees can check substance levels at a glance. Dual level alarm relay contacts allow gas distributors to choose the appropriate level for their purposes. Alarms provide employees with sufficient notification to close valves, exit the area, and reduce the risk of fire.
PureAire is an industry leader with more than 15 years of experience developing oxygen monitors and universal gas detectors. Our products provide reliable reports to increase safety and peace of mind. Learn more about our universal gas monitor and view full product specifications online.