Showing posts with label gas detector. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gas detector. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2022

Monitoring Off-Gasses to Guard Against Thermal Runaway Risk with Li-Ion Batteries


Lithium-Ion Batteries

Rechargeable lithium-ion (“li-ion”) batteries (comprised of cells in which lithium ions move from a negative electrode through an electrolyte to a positive electrode during discharge—and the other way around when charging) were first described conceptually in the 1970s.

Following initial prototype development in the 1980s, li-ion batteries became commercially viable in subsequent decades, and they are now commonly used in a variety of portable consumer electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, and tablets.

Li-ion batteries also provide power for a broad array of automotive, aerospace, and commercial energy applications, such as electric vehicles (i.e., cars, trucks, buses, and trains), drones and satellites, and battery energy storage systems (or “BESS”, which enable power system operators and utilities to store energy—including that generated from renewable power sources—for later discharge and distribution as demand necessitates).

Analysts expect that the global size of the lithium-ion battery market will grow from some $40 billion in 2021 to over $115 billion by 2030, as users increasingly appreciate li-ion batteries for their rechargeability, large storage capacity, slow loss of charge when not in use, and high power to weight ratio.

However, those involved with li-ion battery production and usage must live with the inherent safety hazards involved with these batteries, as their electrolytes are flammable by nature, which can, at high temperatures, lead to fires and explosions.

Thermal Runaway Can Impact Lithium-ion Battery Safety

In 2019, a battery failure at an Arizona BESS facility operated by the Arizona Public Service (“APS”) utility resulted in an explosion that caused serious injuries to a number of firefighters. The APS site housed over 10,000 lithium-ion battery cells in 27 battery racks within a relatively small battery storage enclosure.

Authorities believe that the explosion, which they attributed to a chain reaction process knows as “thermal runaway”, was initiated by a failure in just one li-ion battery cell, which leaked explosive gas which, in turn, combusted as soon as the firefighters, responding to an alarm and reports of gas clouds emanating from the structure, opened the door and let oxygen into the storage enclosure.

Described simply, thermal runaway is an exothermic reaction in which li-ion battery cell temperatures rise rapidly in an uncontrollable self-exacerbating fashion. As cell temperatures rise, flammable and/or toxic gasses are vented (that is, “off-gassed”) from the battery.

While the gasses may not ignite immediately, the risk for a potential gas explosion remains. Ultimately, pressure from the buildup of gas can cause the cell to rupture and release toxic or explosive gasses (most commonly, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, fluorine, hydrogen, and methane, though there may be others).

An after-incident report commissioned by APS and released in 2020 listed a number of incidents from 2006-2017 involving thermal runaway events in lithium-ion batteries, including one on a tugboat in 2012 and another on a Boeing 787 in 2013.

There have been other such events as well including, memorably, a 2017 fire and explosion in Houston, TX on a train car that was transporting lithium-ion batteries to a recycling facility. The explosion broke windows in nearby buildings and, reportedly, sent a chemical stench throughout downtown Houston.

Off-Gas Monitoring Can Reduce the Risk of Thermal Runaway

Lithium-ion battery off-gassing, and subsequent thermal runaway, can occur due to manufacturing defects, mechanical damage or failures, overvoltage, excessive heat, or improper handling or storage.

Unfortunately, without reliable gas detectors in place, there is no sure way to know, until it is too late (i.e., when thermal runaway has actually started), that battery cells have in fact begun to off-gas.

To detect off-gasses, and protect against thermal runaway, best practices call for manufacturers, researchers, facility operators, storers, transporters, and others working with li-ion batteries to install high-quality gas detection monitors.

The gas detectors should continuously monitor all relevant areas and, if off-gas concentrations are detected, activate alarms and turn on ventilation systems.

PureAire Monitoring Systems

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ ST-48 Gas Detector tracks levels of toxic and/or combustible off-gasses including, but not limited to, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, fluorine, hydrogen, and methane. 

The ST-48 is housed in a NEMA 7 explosion-proof enclosure suitable for Class 1, Divisions 1 and 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, making it ideal for locations (including li-ion storage facilities and electric vehicle manufacturing plants) where toxic and/or combustible gasses may accumulate.

PureAire’s ST-48 Gas Detector offers continuous readings of toxic and/or combustible gasses and features an easy-to-read screen, which displays current gas levels, in either parts per million (ppm) or lower explosive limit (LEL), for at-a-glance observation.

In the event of an accumulation of off-gasses to an unsafe level, the Detector will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting personnel to evacuate the area and contact appropriate first responders.

Importantly, the PureAire Gas Detector can be programmed to tie into ventilation systems when off-gas levels reach a user-selectable ppm or LEL, so that the gasses can be flushed before human life is jeopardized.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Butane for THC and CBD Extraction Trend Requires Some Simple Steps to Stay Safe

On May 17th, 2020, twelve firefighters were injured after an explosion occurred at a facility where butane is used for cannabis extraction. It is not yet known if butane was the cause of the explosion but, it was reported that, butane canisters where found in and around the building. The investigation is ongoing.

According to a Politico article, following an uptick in explosions in Colorado, fire officials there persuaded the National Fire Protection Association, which establishes a fire code for the whole country, to amend its rules to address hazards at facilities that grow and extract marijuana. The revised code requires any hazardous extraction process to be performed in a non-combustible room, in a building that contains no child or health care facilities. Staff must be trained on safe operation of the extraction equipment, and the extraction room must be equipped with a gas detection system and multiple fire extinguishing systems.


Extraction is a process by which desired chemical compounds are extracted and separated from the cannabis plant. Extraction strips the plant of essential oils, including CBD, THC, and terpenes (aromatic oils that give cannabis plants their distinctive scents). The extracted oils can be utilized in vape pens, edibles, capsules, tinctures, and topical solutions.

Butane is one technique used to separate essential oils from the plant material. The use of butane for extraction is popular owing, in large part, to the relatively low overhead costs, efficiency (including the wide variety of products that can be created from a single extraction, without the need for further refinement), and high product quality associated with this technique. For instance, the low boiling point of butaneallow extractors to remove the desired compounds without risking evaporation of, or damage to, the delicate and heat-sensitive cannabinoids and terpenes. Moreover, the low boiling point makes it relatively easy to purge any residual butaneat the end of the extraction process, leaving behind only a relatively pure product.

Gas Detection Monitors Can Protect Extractors and Their Employees

While butane is important for extracting essential oils from cannabis plants use of this gas is not without risk, since extraction facility personnel and property are exposed to potential leaks from gas supply lines and storage containers. Butane is highly flammable and explosive gas as well.  Absent appropriate gas monitoring, an explosion can occur if butane vapors are ignited by a spark, heat, or open flame.

Proper gas detection equipment should be placed where the cannabis extraction process takes place, as well as in butane storage rooms, and in any other site where butanemay be expected to accumulate. The gas detection equipment should include the capacity to activate visual and audible alarms, stopping the flow of gas and turning on the ventilation system.

PureAire Monitors

PureAire Monitoring Systems has safety monitors to meet the needs of cannabis extractors using butane. Extractors utilizing butane rely on PureAire’s LEL, explosion-proof, combustible gas monitors. The monitor is housed in a NEMA 4 enclosure specifically designed to prevent an explosion. The durable, long-life LEL catalytic sensor will last 5+ years without needing to be replaced.

PureAire monitors feature an easy to read screen, which displays current oxygen levels for at-a-glance observation by employees, who derive peace of mind from the monitor’s presence and reliable performance. In the event of a gas leak, PureAire’s monitors will set off alarms, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting personnel to evacuate the area. At the same time, the monitors can be programmed to turn off the flow of butaneand turn on the ventilation system.

In short, PureAire’s monitors enable cannabis extractors, in a cost-effective manner, to preserve both the quality of their products and the well-being of their employees.


Monday, September 17, 2018

Why Gas Distributors Play a Crucial Role in Most Everyday Businesses?

Inert gases power a wide range of industries, including pharmaceutical, automotive, manufacturing, and semiconductor. While argon, helium, nitrogen, and cryogenic gases have benefits and uses, there are also risks with other gases such as halogens, refrigerants, combustibles, or etching gases. Gas detectors can monitor storage areas and facilities where these gases are used to guard against gas leaks onsite. Learn why it's critical to use one of these monitors in combustible gases distribution facilities.
The Role of Gas Distributors
Unless companies are manufacturing their own gases onsite through, for instance, a nitrogen generator, they rely on prompt delivery of gases they need for operation.
Gas distributors store a range of inert gases for use by manufacturers. Industry regulations mandate that gas distributors follow certain guidelines for the storage and disposal of these substances to reduce the risk of fires, explosion, gas leaks, and other incidents.
When everything is working correctly, gas flows as its needed from the supply tank to, for instance, storage dewars which are then readied for delivery. If a supply line develops a leak or a storage tank is not properly sealed, gas will leak into the air.
Many of these gases have no smell, color, or odor. This means that even if a facility is following all regulations regarding gas storage, there is no way that an employee could detect a gas leak in the moment when something goes wrong.
If storage dewars are compromised, gas will leak in the storage truck and at the delivery site, spreading the risk to third parties.
When one of these toxic gases leaks into the air, the consequences are dangerous. Hydrofluoric acid, a highly corrosive substance, is harmful to the health when it's inhaled or in direct contact with skin. Ammonia, which is commonly used as a refrigerant and in paper making, irritates the skin, lungs, and eyes.
Some gases are flammable when in contact with oxygen, which elevates the risk of fire. Others, like nitrogen, deplete oxygen from the environment. When oxygen drops below a critical threshold, workers can experience respiratory distress, cognitive distress, and ultimately death via asphyxiation.
To provide fast notification and decrease the risk of health hazards, it is recommended to install a universal gas detector wherever toxic gases are used or stored. To further guard against leaks, gas distributors can invest in durable equipment and train staff on proper handling of substances and appropriate emergency responses.
How a Universal Gas Monitor Can Protect Your Staff
A universal gas monitor can detect levels of gases even when the eye and nose cannot.
OSHA, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, oversees worker safety in all environments, including gas distribution plants. OSHA requirements to prevent workers from being harmed at work include the use of a gas monitor where dangerous substances are used. By installing a universal gas detector, you can bring your gas distribution plant in line with mandatory requirements to keep workers safe on the job.
Not all gas monitors are created equal. It's important to choose a gas monitor that is flexible, especially if you work with a range of substances, and reliable for continuous operation. Gas monitors that do not take accurate readings place worker health at risk, because they may fail to spot a low-level leak.
PureAire's universal gas monitor detects a wide range of gases, including:
·        Ammonia

·        Chlorine
·        Fluorine
·        Hydrogen chloride
·        Hydrogen fluoride
·        Nitrogen dioxide
·        Phosphine
·        and more

PureAire's universal gas monitor is designed to function optimally once set up with no routine maintenance. The renewable sensor lasts for 3 to 8 years on average. Unlike other monitors, PureAire's sensor is rechargeable onsite, to save your gas storage facility time and money. While employees can check interface readouts for peace of mind, the gas detector works 24/7 out of the box. If the unit experiences a problem, error readouts are related to the control room.
Since the monitor has a built-in LCD display, employees can check substance levels at a glance. Dual level alarm relay contacts allow gas distributors to choose the appropriate level for their purposes. Alarms provide employees with sufficient notification to close valves, exit the area, and reduce the risk of fire.
PureAire is an industry leader with more than 15 years of experience developing oxygen monitors and universal gas detectors. Our products provide reliable reports to increase safety and peace of mind. Learn more about our universal gas monitor and view full product specifications online.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Neon Gas and Where it is Used. PureAire Oxygen Deficiency Monitors for Safety and Why a Monitor May be Required?

Neon gas has a range of uses in industry, including in the popular business signs advertising stores as open. Explore some of the less well-known ways to use neon and learn how use of the gas may require installation of an oxygen deficiency monitor to protect worker safety.  

Uses for Neon Gas

Neon gas can be filtered from helium using activated charcoal in a low temperature environment, or through the selective adsorption method. Once filtered out, neon can be used in the manufacturing of television tubes, plasma screens, and more. 

Ne or neon gas is used for advertising signs, as are other noble gases. Neon is also used for television tubes, plasma screens, wave meter tubes, inside lightning arresters, and with high-voltage indicators.
The gas itself has no color until an electric charge is applied that alters the structure of the Ne molecules. Neon gas only produces a reddish orange color light, so other inert gases are used to make other colors. In plasma screens, individual neon lights interact with phosphors within the screen to product the vibrant colors. This interaction allows neon to make other colors. 

In its liquid form, neon is extremely cold, and can act as a stronger refrigerant than liquid hydrogen or helium. Thus, the gas can be converted to liquid for use in cryogenic health tanks or other applications. There are potential cryonics applications for neon as well. 

In recent years, noble gases including neon have been used to detect fracking leaks. Neon can be tracked as it moved, illustrating the path of leaked methane from the frack site. Neon is a good choice for this purpose since it will not interact with other natural elements. 

As one of the inert gases, neon has a low environmental impact. The substance cannot react with other substances in the environment, which could pose harm. Neon is naturally found in the earth's environment in relatively low concentrations.

Neon gas itself has no color or odor naturally. The noble gas could seep into the environment in a manufacturing leak without anyone knowing what had happened. 

How an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Can Protect Workers From Neon Gas Danger

Like other inert gases, neon can act as an asphyxiant. This means that, if Ne leaks into the air, it begins to displace oxygen in the air. As oxygen levels fall, workers can experience confusion and respiratory problems. If employees do not evacuate in time, they can lose consciousness and die of asphyxiation from the lack of oxygen in the air. In extreme cases, this can happen in a matter of minutes before staff even have time to reach safety. 

Since workers cannot see or smell the gas, they need a way to know when they are in danger of asphyxiation. Installing an oxygen monitor is one of these easiest ways to protect employees and provide early warning. 
A wall-mounted O2 deficiency monitor continually checks the levels of oxygen in the air, to protect employee health. The monitor stays silent when everything is normal. As soon as oxygen levels fall below the threshold set by OSHA, the monitor will sound an alarm and flash colored lights to provide staff with clear notification. Workers can then evacuate before oxygen levels fall so low that they experience respiratory problems. 
PureAire offers an O2 monitor built to withstand 10 years of use with no maintenance once it is installed. Oxygen monitors from PureAire contain zirconium sensors, which are accurate, efficient, and long-lasting. Simply by installing the right O2 monitor, businesses can protect their workers in environments where a noble gas is used. 

To learn more about the oxygen monitors PureAire offers, please visit


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Nitrogen Demand Increases for Semiconductor: How Safe Are You?

As users demand ever-smaller smartphones and better televisions, semiconductor manufacturing plants are tasked with developing new products faster and using new materials. Key to the continued success of the semiconductor industry are inert gases, which include nitrogen and argon. When used safely, both nitrogen and argon play a number of important roles within the semiconductor plant. Yet, these gases poses a health hazard for employees if a leak occurs. 

How and Why Nitrogen is used in Semiconductor Manufacturing Plants 

Nitrogen is used throughout the manufacturing process, from purging pumps to abatement. Nitrogen is also used in the process, especially now that fab size is growing. In a modern semiconductor manufacturing plant, as much as 50,000 cubic meters of nitrogen gas are used every hour. 
To meet this demand, semiconductor manufacturing plants are installing nitrogen generators onsite. Generators mean a cheap, efficient, and always-ready supply of nitrogen gas to supply production. 
As long as nitrogen gas is stored safely in the generator and used properly, there is no health risk. Yet if the generator or supply lines develop a leak, nitrogen gas can escape and deplete oxygen in the environment. Since nitrogen gas is both odorless and colorless, there is no way that staff can monitor their risk. 

Along with nitrogen, argon gas is used in semiconductor manufacturing, most notable as a sputtering gas. Like nitrogen, argon gas depletes oxygen from the environment. Like nitrogen, the gas has no color or odor. In a closed area, the gas can deplete oxygen and cause respiratory problems and eventual suffocation. 

How an Oxygen Analyzer Can Protect Staff Working in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant 

If either nitrogen or argon were to leak into the plant, these inert gases would begin to deplete the levels of oxygen in the air. OSHA sets the oxygen threshold at 19.5 percent or less oxygen in the air. If oxygen levels fall below this, staff could suffer. 

When oxygen levels fall to OSHA's threshold, staff may show signs of confusion or fatigue. Since there are no warning signs that something is wrong, staff can fall unconscious before they can escape the oxygen deficient environment. Once unconscious, they asphyxiate. 

It is critical for any workplace that uses these inert gases, including semiconductor plants, to monitor levels of oxygen in the air and alert workers if the ambient oxygen levels fall to the OSHA threshold. 
By installing an oxygen monitor and an oxygen analyzer anywhere inert gases are used, manufacturers can protect the safety of their workers through continual oxygen monitoring and fast alert if oxygen levels fall. A wall-mounted oxygen monitor scans the atmosphere and measures the amount of oxygen from 0 to 25 percent, well above the safety threshold. As long as there is enough oxygen in the air -- which there will be as long as there is no inert gas leak -- the oxygen monitor will remain silent. 

When oxygen levels fall to the OSHA threshold, the oxygen monitor will flash lights and sound an alarm, providing instant notification to workers. Staff can take notice and evacuate before negative health outcomes occur. 

An oxygen analyzer measures the level of oxygen present in gas produced via nitrogen generator to ensure the purity of the gas for use in manufacturing. Oxygen analyzers are ideal for low level analysis and can measure from 0 to 1,000 ppm. Workers can check oxygen levels at a glance and ensure the nitrogen generator is working properly. When combined with the oxygen monitor for safety, the oxygen analyzer streamlines and safeguards the semiconductor manufacturing process. 

PureAire offers industry leading oxygen monitors and oxygen analyzers that can last for up to 10 years after installation with no maintenance needed. These products offer worker protection and peace of mind for manufacturers who want to remain cutting edge in their industry. Learn more about PureAire's products at

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Olympic Training: Use of Cryotherapy and Hypoxic High Altitude Training

Olympic athletes have been known to try some pretty strange things to enhance their performance. Major Olympic swimming star Michael Phelps has been relying on a special device for the last year, a high-altitude sleep chamber that retails for $15,000. While therapies like high-altitude training and cryotherapy can be beneficial, they do have risks. Learn why you need an oxygen monitor for cryotherapy and high-altitude training chambers.

How High Altitude Training Benefits Athletes

A high-altitude chamber mimics the conditions of high altitude. Phelps keeps the air inside his chamber at 8,500 to 9,000 feet. High altitude environments have less oxygen than low altitude environments. As a result, your body has to work harder to breathe. For Phelps, this means that he can train his body to perform better even while getting a good night's sleep.
The high-altitude chamber Phelps used is made by Hypoxico. Their high altitude chambers can be adjusted to a maximum level of 12,500 feet. By sleeping in a low oxygen environment and living in an oxygen-rich environment, athletes can avoid the fatigue and dehydration associated with living in a high altitude environment. Since bodies produce more red blood cells at high altitude, the sleep chamber also promotes faster muscle recovery. This is essential for training.

Michael Phelps is far from the only athlete to try this type of sleep training. It's popular among endurance runners, who rely on breathing capacity to fuel their runs. Dwayne Wade, Lebron James, and Santonio Holmes also use the high altitude training. Pro golfer Tiger Woods reportedly relies on high altitude training too.

How Cryotherapy Benefits Athletes

In addition to sleeping at high altitudes, many top tier athletes also turn to cryotherapy. Whole body cryotherapy exposes the body to extreme temperatures of -240 Fahrenheit for a set period of time. Athletes can stop the treatment at any time using safety measures. The dry chilled air elicits a response from the circulatory system. As a result of spending a few minutes in a cryohealth chamber, athletes decrease inflammation and lactic acid. They also initiate self healing through the nervous system.

The San Antonio Spurs, Los Angeles Clippers, Los Angeles Sparks, Minnesota Timberwolves, Toronto Raptors, and TCU Horned Frogs all rely on services from Cryohealthcare. Floyd Mayweather Jr., LeBron James, and Kobe Bryant also depend on cryotherapy for their competitive edge.

Why You Need an Oxygen Monitor with High Altitude and Cryotherapy
Both high altitude sleep chambers and cryotherapy put athletes at the risk of exposure to levels of oxygen that are too low. When the air does not have enough oxygen to breathe, athletes can suffer respiratory complications and may die from asphyxiation.
High altitude chambers need an oxygen deficiency monitor to measure the levels of oxygen in the sleep chamber. If the settings on the machine malfunction, too much oxygen could be removed from the air. With just a couple of breaths of oxygen-deficient air, someone can become unconscious. Within minutes, they could die.

Cryotherapy chambers rely on nitrogen gas to keep the air chilled to -240 Fahrenheit. Nitrogen gas is known to deplete oxygen from the air. As long as the chamber has enough oxygen, nitrogen can be used to chill the air without posing a health hazard. Yet if there is too much nitrogen, the air will become oxygen-deficient. Thus, anyone taking a dip in the cryohealth chamber could become a victim of death by asphyxiation.
To safeguard users, cryohealth chambers rely on an installed oxygen monitor to continually check levels of oxygen in the air. Likewise, the sleep chamber uses an O2 monitor to track oxygen levels during use. With an O2 monitor installed, users can enjoy their form of training without worry that it will harm their health.

Hypoxico relies on PureAire's line of oxygen deficiency monitors as a safety feature in their high altitude sleep chambers. PureAire's O2 monitor contains a zirconium sensor, which can function properly for up to 10 years. The monitor will provide instant notification if oxygen falls below safe levels, so that athletes can escape in time.

To learn more about the line of oxygen deficiency monitors from PureAire, please visit


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Chlorine Safety and Prevention: How to Protect Yourself from Chlorine Leaks

While chlorine gas is widely used in swimming pools, water treatment facilities, cleaning products, pharmaceutical products, and in many other industries, the gas is highly toxic when handled improperly. Training your workers on how to safely use chlorine is one part of health and safety best practices; monitoring your workplace for chlorine leaks is another. Learn about the hidden dangers in this common substance and how you can stay safe. 

The "Hidden Dangers" of Chlorine 

So many everyday things that you see and touch have come into contact with chlorine. The substance is a common cleaner and disinfectant because it is easy to use and inexpensive. Chlorine is also used in agricultural pesticides, in the manufacturing of drugs, in wastewater treatment facilities and the sanitizing of everyday drinking water, in paper manufacturing, in hospitality swimming pools and spas, and in many other products. No matter where it is being used, chlorine must be properly handled by all staff at all times. 

At room temperature, high chlorine levels are toxic. If chlorine gas comes into contact with substances including ammonia, ether, hydrogen, and turpentine, it can combust. Since this gas can cause breathing problems, it is dangerous to individuals with respiratory problems including asthma. 
The gas is yellowish at room temperature and has a distinct odor, so staff will be able to see and smell the substance. While this does aid in awareness of chlorine leaks, it is not sufficient to trust that your staff will see or smell leaked chlorine and leave. 

Employees exposed to chlorine can experience eye damage, coughing, choking, frostbite on the skin, and respiratory problems. In a worst case scenario, staff can die from suffocation due to sustained chlorine exposure. 

Fortunately, fixed gas monitors are an efficient way to protect staff from a chlorine leak. 

How PureAire Universal Gas Detectors Protect You From Chlorine Leaks

At PureAire, we offer universal gas monitors that protect against chlorine and other gases. PureAire's universal gas detectors are compact and designed for wall mounting in areas where you store or work with gases. Once installed, these detectors continually performs gas detection and monitoring. The maximum acceptable level of chlorine that workers can be exposed to, per OSHA regulations, is 1.0 parts per million (ppm). Chlorine is considered to be "Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health" when levels reach 10 ppm. As long as levels of chlorine remain below the acceptable safe level of 1.0 ppm, the detector is silent. Yet if gas leaks out and levels rise above the maximum acceptable level, the PureAire gas detector will sound an alert and flash a light so that staff will see or hear the alarm. 

Staff can then have enough time to stop what they are doing, exit the premises, and wait for emergency responders to contain the chlorine leak. When staff are alerted as soon as levels exceed those deemed safe, they can get out of the building before succumbing to chlorine-related health hazards. 

The universal gas monitor from PureAire protects against toxic gases including chlorine, hydrogen chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen fluoride, and other gases. Once installed, the PureAire detector will last for more than seven years without requiring any maintenance. If you seek a safe solution that delivers peace of mind and effective protection from chlorine leaks, PureAire's fixed gas monitor is a cost-effective, reliable option. 

Capable of chlorine gas detection in temperatures as low as -25 Fahrenheit up to to 22 Fahrenheit (-32 C to 50 C), these gas detectors offer flexible gas monitoring for visible and invisible toxins. PureAire's universal gas monitor is also water resistant and capable of detecting gases within a 30-foot range. 

Since PureAire's detectors have such a long lifespan, they are a convenient way to address gas leaks in the workplace. An optional long life renewable sensor extends the lifespan of these gas monitors by recharging the battery. 

After you install the gas monitor, your staff can work with chlorine and other gases with the certainty of knowing that their safety is protected. To protect your workers and your business assets, look to PureAire. View their fixed gas monitor or learn more at

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

PureAire Universal Gas Detector Offers Protection Against Toxic Levels of Ammonia

In March of 2016, an ammonia gas leak at a seafood processing plant in Boston left one worker dead. The fumes at the plant were so powerful that firefighters could not promptly enter the scene to mitigate the gas leak and try to save the staff member until much later. Reports show that 5,300 pounds of ammonia gas leaked out of the plant. If you work with ammonia at your facility, learn why this gas is so dangerous and one simple thing that you can do to prevent a tragedy like this from affecting your workers. 
The Hidden Dangers of Ammonia 
Ammonia is commonly used in refrigeration of dairy, meat, food processing, and cold storage. In fact, almost everything you can buy at your local grocery store has passed through an ammonia refrigeration site before making its way to your local store. 
A mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen, ammonia has been used in refrigeration since the 1800's. It is energy-efficient, inexpensive, more environmentally friendly than chlorofluorocarbon (Freon) refrigerant, and widely available via commercial manufacturing. While it may have started off as a refrigerant of food, ammonia is also used today for ice and water chilling in office buildings. In Europe, ammonia has additional applications in air conditioners in public buildings including hospitals and airports. The substance is also used in industries as diverse as semiconductor manufacturing, environmental emission monitoring, agricultural fertilizer, and chemical manufacturing.
As useful as ammonia is, it is also a dangerous substance when not properly stored. It can combust at high heat. While colorless, ammonia gas has a noxious odor. 
When workers are exposed to ammonia gas, they can experience skin and eye irritation. If concentrations of ammonia are high, burning and injury can result. In some cases permanent eye damage or blindness can occur. 
Workers will immediately know they are exposed to a harmful substance from symptoms including respiratory and nasal burning. Even though staff have a warning due to ammonia's odor, the substance causes adaptation. Workers may perceive a slight ammonia odor at low levels of exposure, and adjust to the scent so they can't tell when concentration has surpassed acceptable levels. 
In a worst case scenario, those exposed to ammonia will experience respiratory failure and die. The good news is, there are ways to protect staff from ammonia exposure using universal gas detection tools. 
How PureAire Universal Gas Detectors Protect Staff from Ammonia Exposure
PureAire's universal gas monitors protect against not only ammonia, but bromine, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrides and other gases. Once installed, the monitor continually checks levels of gases and provides a visual and aural alert if levels of any substance exceed safe levels. 
This is a simple solution for round the clock gas monitoring for ammonia and many other hazardous gases. While ammonia has an odor, many other dangerous gases do not. Gas monitoring protects workers against substances they can smell as well as "silent killers" they cannot see or smell. With a universal gas monitor installed, workers can perform their duties secure in the knowledge that they will be alerted if ammonia or another substance leaks into the environment. 
After installation, the universal gas detector will work for over seven years with no maintenance. PureAire's gas monitor are built to outlast the competition to provide improved peace of mind for management and staff. 
If an ammonia leak were to happen, the gas monitor would sound an alarm so that workers can safely evacuate before succumbing to respiratory damage or failure. With staff outside the premises, everyone is thereby safe until first responders can deal with the leak. For example, in the Boston incident, the worker would have been able to escape the seafood plant with his life, resulting in an ammonia leak with no fatalities. 
Not only is gas detection the right thing to do for peace of mind, it can safeguard your business assets and personnel from dangers. To learn more about PureAire's line of universal gas detectors, please visit


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

PureAire Universal Gas Monitor Receives UL Listing

PureAire is pleased to announce that its PureAire Universal Gas Monitor received the UL/CUL listing for models 99030 and 99031. PureAire’s Universal monitors comply with national and international safety standards, including UL 61010-1, CSA C22.2 NO. 61010-1-12-CAN/CSA, and IEC/EN 31010-1. 

Designed to protect against toxic gases including ammonia, bromine, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrides and other gases, the universal gas monitor from PureAire offers continuous monitoring against unsafe gas levels. A universal gas monitor provides an easy and cost-effective solution for consistent monitoring for those organizations that need to work with these potentially toxic gases, yet wish to safeguard their workers. 

PureAire universal gas monitors are recommended for settings as diverse as cold food storage, chemical plants, semiconductors, manufacturing plants, pharmaceutical operations, and laboratory settings. PureAire's line of universal gas monitors allow facilities to work with these gases in a safe and responsible manner. The renewable sensor lasts for more than 7 years, longer than those of competitors. A built-in alarm sounds when gases surpass safe levels, allowing workers to take notice even when they cannot otherwise see, smell, or taste the gases. PureAire's universal gas monitors also have a 4-20 mA signal and 2 user-selectable relays, which can signal external horns, strobes, or fans. 

About PureAire

PureAire, which was founded in 1997, offers a line of oxygen monitoring devices and universal gas monitors for use in commercial, retail, educational, laboratory, and other settings. PureAire's line of universal gas monitors have sensors guaranteed to last for 7 years without maintenance, offering superior performance and reliability. The universal gas monitors run on a UL listed 24 VDC power supply. To learn more about PureAire or view their line of universal gas monitors, please visit

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fertility Clinics and Egg Freezing: Nitrogen Use and How to Remain Safe

For women who want to have children when the time is right, egg freezing is a viable option and one that has become more popular in recent years. As an abundance of fertility clinics pop up nationwide, it is important to consider the safety implications of IVF, egg freezing, and fertility clinics. Dive into the world of fertility clinics to understand how eggs remain viable -- sometimes for years after harvesting -- and what risks the environment holds.

How Do Fertility Clinics Harvest and Store Eggs?

During the monthly menstrual cycle, women release a viable egg. In the fertility harvesting process, IVF clinicians administer hormones that increase egg production so they can harvest and store multiple eggs in a one-time procedure.
Doctors first administer hormone injections to inflate egg production prior to harvesting and storage. Three days after the final injection, the eggs are ready for harvesting. At this point, female patients then have eggs harvested from their ovaries using needles. Now the patient's role is simply to leave the eggs at the IVF facility until she wishes to be inseminated.
Traditionally, eggs were frozen for long-term storage, then thawed out when patients wanted to use the eggs. This method worked, but had a suboptimal success rate during IVF.

A new method, termed vitrification, increases the success rate of egg freezing for in vitro fertilization. Vitrification uses a flash freezing process to quickly freeze the eggs for long-term storage. After the eggs have frozen, they are then stored inside tanks of liquid nitrogen until they are needed. The new method reduces the formation of ice crystals, which can damage the egg during the thawing out.

The main risk that doctors counsel patients on is the chance that some or all of the eggs will perish in the process. Freezing of eggs is still a relatively new procedure. However, there is a greater risk involved. One that could affect female patients, their eggs, and fertility clinic staff: The risk of liquid nitrogen exposure.

Nitrogen Warnings in the Fertility Clinic Setting

Liquid nitrogen is perfectly safe as long as it remains in storage tanks. If even a single tank were to develop a leak, and the substance were to spill out into the fertility clinic, a lot more would be at stake than the viability of stored eggs for in vitro fertilization.

Nitrogen has the potential to deplete oxygen from an environment. At first, this may cause discomfort, dizziness, or confusion. As the leak continues and displaces more oxygen from the room, staff can asphyxiate. Since the gas cannot be seen or smelled, employees will not know something is wrong until it is too late and lives are lost.
For the safety of clinic staff, an oxygen deficiency monitor can be installed near the liquid nitrogen tank. This monitor takes periodic readings of the oxygen levels in the room. When everything is working properly and the oxygen is within the normal range, the monitor remains silent yet vigilant. In a worst case scenario where a nitrogen leak does develop, the O2 monitor will sound an alert once the oxygen in the room falls below acceptable levels. The alarm gives staff enough notice to escape the premises before being overcome by the lack of oxygen.
Like a carbon monoxide detector, an oxygen deficiency monitor does not really do anything until something goes wrong but can save lives in the event of an emergency. As with a carbon monoxide detector, it is important to select and install a quality O2 monitor.

The latest generation of oxygen monitors from PureAire come with a zirconium sensor, which requires no calibration or maintenance. Staff can install the O2 monitor in the IVF facility and remain assured that it will work for a period of 10 years with no maintenance of any kind.

For a reliable oxygen deficiency monitor, look to PureAire, a company with over 15 years of experience in the field. Learn more about PureAire's products at

Monday, October 12, 2015

Paint Booths, or Areas Using Combustible Gases: Why a Requirement for Combustible Gas Monitor Might be Necessary

Paint booths save time and ensure a smooth and professional application of paint in a range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, home decor, furniture, and more. Combustible gases and fluids in the paint booth environment can pose a health hazard if something goes wrong. Explore the hidden dangers of paint booth fluids and gases, and learn how a combustible gas detector can increase employee safety in the work environment. 

Hidden Dangers in the Paint Booth Environment

The paint booth serves as a protected environment, minimizing many of the problems that would occur if the same item were to be painted out of doors. While paint booths are highly useful and cost effective for a range of applications, they do utilize harmful gases and fluids. Gases and fluids in a typical paint booth environment include compressed air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, natural gas, kerosene, helium, and custom gas mixes. These gases and fluids are usually piped into the spray booth from an external source; yet in some cases these gases can be piped into the spray booth from a source located inside the building. 
When everything is working properly, gases can flow as needed without posing a health risk. Yet if one of the supply lines, pipes, or storage tanks were to develop a leak, one or more of these substances could leak into the air. There are a range of hidden health dangers. Flammable gases, in contact with oxygen, could pose a fire risk. A lower explosive limit or LEL monitor can alert staff if gases have escaped so that staff may take appropriate measures. 

Nitrogen poses a severe health risk as it can create an oxygen deficient environment. When oxygen drops below a certain level, employees can experience respiratory distress. Since nitrogen is colorless and odorless, staff have no way of knowing of the danger they may be in, unless there is an oxygen monitor in place. 
The protected environment of the paint booth keeps contaminated air from passing through the area, so that the piece can properly dry and cure in between coats. This streamlines the spray paint process to ensure consistency and precision. 

When everything functions as it should, the paint booth ventilation controls keep vapors in the mist below 25 percent of exhaust. While routine inspections and internal alarms can ensure you that everything is working well, they are not a failsafe. To protect your staff from the dangers posed by combustible fluids and gases, install a combustible monitor and an O2 monitoring device as a second line of defense. 

How an LEL Combustible Monitor Can Protect Your Staff

The presence of combustible gases makes paint booths a dangerous environment prone to fires and explosions. To mitigate the risk, special pipes are used to carry materials into and out of the environment. Instrumentation and temperature controls utilize explosion-proof components, which ensure that the instrumentation and controls create no spark.

While this reduces the risk of explosion, it does not reduce the danger these gases pose were they to leak into the closed environment of the paint booth. An LEL monitor alerts your staff if gases exceed the lower explosive limit. This gives staff enough time to shut off control valves and exit the paint booth environment, safeguarding their health and reducing the risk of explosion. 
Not only are these monitors a good idea for employee health and safety, they may be required by law. According to OSHA, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, a compliance safety and health officer can use a combustible gas monitor during inspections to ensure that the work environment does not pose a threat. 

PureAire offers a range of O2 monitoring systems for Nitrogen, Argon, CO2, and helium. Also, they offer LEL monitors that can be used to monitor the levels of hydrogen, natural gas , acetylene, and other combustible gases in the environment.  Built to withstand regular use without the need for maintenance, our combustible gas detectors come with a 4+ sensor and two alarm relays.

PureAire has over 15 years of experience developing the latest in LEL and oxygen monitors for a wide range of industrial uses. When you need a reliable and durable safety monitor, choose PureAire. Learn more about our combustible gas monitors for paint booths at our website or email us at


Thursday, October 10, 2013

PureAire Releases Universal Toxic Gas Monitor

PureAire Monitoring Systems manufactures and distributes toxic gas monitors for safety, and as of August 2013, releases new toxic gas monitor called the Universal Toxic Gas Monitor. Their monitors make sure areas where toxic gases exist the area remains at a safe and breathable level, some gasses included are chlorine, bromine, HCL, HF, ammonia, toxics, and hydrides. These gases, commonly known as toxic gases, can be hazardous or even deadly if used without the proper safety precautions. Typical areas where these gases are used include laboratories, pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, cryopreservation facilities, semiconductors, and cold food storage. The addition this product line insures PureAire’s products are the premium choice for your safety. Since their beginnings in 1997, PureAire has sold many thousands of toxic gas monitors to customers including (Northwestern University, Exxon Mobil, and NASA) and laboratories (Intel, Los Alamos National Labs, USDA). A release of toxic gases in a confined space can cause irritation, permanent damage, and even hospitalization making it direly important that every space with human occupancy be monitored. Though these gases can be highly dangerous, their universal gas monitors allow groundbreaking research to be done with the ease of knowing any leak will be immediately detected. PureAire Monitoring Systems provide the #1 universal toxic gas monitor in the industry. With a renewable sensor lasting 7+ years, no competitor can offer the same longevity or reliability. The universal gas monitor has a built in audible alarm, 2 user-selectable relays for signals to external fans/horns/strobes, and a 4-20 mA signal. The introduction of the universal gas monitor provides a newer easier solution for the customer. Still used is the STX-PA Smart Gas Transmitter, though PureAire is predicting the universal gas monitor will take the STX-PA’s place. Manufactured in the USA, there is no question they are the unparalleled company to go to for your toxic gas monitor safety needs. The STX-PA has been sold since PureAire started in 1997 along with there 4-20mA version Aircheck Lite, also trying to be replaced by the universal toxic monitor. As with most technology, a newer updated version of a product is necessary. While the universal monitor has many of the same functions as the STX-PA this product offers more. Integrated is software enabling the customer to change the sensors by a simple plug and play. If the customer has testing which requires using HF for a few days but needs to switch to chlorine for another experiment, he/she can simply unplug the HF sensor and replace with chlorine in matter of seconds. The STX-PA would also have capabilities of switching sensors, though sending in the monitor PureAire had to take place in order to switch. In addition to many more features listed for the universal monitor, now there is a considerable louder 90 dB audible alarm. Lastly, pricing is much more competitive starting at $1,390 for a complete system compared to a starting price of $1,990. For more information on the PureAire Oxygen Monitoring System, contact PureAire Monitoring Systems, Inc., 557 Capital Drive, Lake Zurich, IL 60047; phone 888-788-8050 or 847-726-6000; fax 847-726-6051; or email You may also visit the company’s website at