Showing posts with label titanium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label titanium. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2019

3D Printed Auto Parts—The Future Is Now


3D printing (also known as “additive manufacturing”) affords manufacturers the ability to create custom parts that fit together perfectly.  Utilized for decades in the medical products and aerospace parts industries, 3D printing is increasingly being used in other industries as well, including the relatively recent advent of 3D printed metal auto parts.

 New and Replacement Auto Parts

Automakers have made use of 3D printing processes since the late 1980s, with the initial output comprised primarily of plastic parts.  Manufacturers such as Ford, BMW, Bugatti, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota, among others, have embraced 3D printing in their research and development efforts, including the production of working prototypes.  While the automobile industry is currently unable to mass produce an all 3D printed vehicle, carmakers are already producing 3D printed parts, with the eventual goal, as soon as is feasible, of more fully integrating 3D printed parts into the original manufacture of future generations of automobiles.

Availing themselves of 3D printing processes for producing auto parts allows manufacturers to generate parts that are lightweight (which can improve fuel efficiency) and customizable, and that can be created quickly, enhancing the lean manufacturing focus on just in time inventory.  Although plastic has traditionally been the material most often used in printing parts, as advances in additive manufacturing have been made, so too has the use of alternative materials.

For instance, in 2018, French luxury automaker Bugatti announced that it had developed a new 3D printed titanium brake caliper prototype which, it claimed, was the largest functional titanium component produced with a 3D printer.  DS Automobiles, Citroen premium brand, has created 3D titanium printed parts for the ignition elements, as well as 3D printed titanium door handles, to give their DS 3 Dark Side edition vehicle a sleek, high tech feel.

Gas Usage In 3D Printing Process

To prevent corrosion, and to keep out impurities that can negatively impact the final product, 3D printed parts must be produced in an environment made free of oxygen, typically by the use of argon (and sometimes nitrogen) within the building chamber. That creates a stable printing environment, prevents fire hazards by keeping combustible dust inert, and controls thermal stress in order to reduce deformities.

Oxygen Monitors Can Improve Safety in Additive Manufacturing Processes

Dust from materials used in additive manufacturing, such as titanium, is, when exposed to oxygen, highly combustible and, therefore, requires monitoring to prevent possible explosions.Argon and nitrogen, while used in 3D printing for their oxygen depleting properties, require monitoring to ensure both the integrity of the finished part, and the safety of manufacturing personnel.

PureAire Monitors 

For quality control purposes, PureAire Monitoring Systems’ Air Check O2 0-1000ppm monitor has a remote sensor that can be placed directly within the printing build chamber, to continuously monitor the efficiency and purity of the O2 depleting gases (e.g. argon and nitrogen) used therein.

Moreover, to ensure employee safety, PureAire’s Oxygen Deficiency Monitors should be placed anywhere argon and nitrogen supply lines and storage tanks are located. In the event of an argon or nitrogen leak, a drop in oxygen will cause the built-in horn to sound and the lights to flash, thereby alerting employees to evacuate the area.  PureAire’s Oxygen Deficiency Monitors measure oxygen 24/7, with no time-consuming maintenance required. PureAire’s monitors feature long-lasting zirconium sensors, which are designed to give accurate readings, without calibration, for up to 10 years.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Where Can I Buy an Oxygen Monitor?

You know you need an O2 monitor, but where do you get one, and how much does it cost?  Selling oxygen deficiency monitors is our business, so we've rounded up information to choose the right oxygen deficiency monitor for your needs. 

Who Should Use an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor? 

An oxygen deficiency monitor should be placed anywhere that inert gases, such as argon or nitrogen, are used or stored. Industries that use an oxygen deficiency monitor include: 

  • Research & development – Laboratories often perform testing using nitrogen, argon, or CO2.
  • Medical gases- Used in hospitals, or labs requiring ultra-purity (99.9%) inert gases or nitrogen gas.
  • MRI facilities- Helium gas surrounds the MR magnet to protect from overheating while in operation.
  • Pharmaceutical- Nitrogen is used in cryogenic freezers and CO2 or dry ice is commonly used for shipping heat sensitive prescription drugs.
  • Cryotherapy- Nitrogen gas is used to create on-demand low temperatures quickly for therapy. Used for treating people to reduce inflammation.
  • Cryopreservation- N2 gas is used in the process of cooling and storing cells, tissues, or organs at very low temperatures to maintain their viability.
  • Universities- Many schools specializing in medicine, sciences, or aerospace require nitrogen gas, argon gas, or carbon dioxide for experiments and long-term research.
  • Semiconductor- Ultra purity nitrogen gas or other inert gases are required to reduce corrosion and oxidation on wafers or in semiconductor tools.
  • Food & Beverage- Nitrogen gas or CO2 is used to rapidly flash freeze food, or increase the shelf life of packaged foods and beverages.
  • OLED- Nitrogen gas is used to reduce oxidation in printing chambers maintaining the quality of the substrate.
  • 3D Printers- Argon gas and nitrogen gas are used in printers to reduce corrosion and protect metals from being a source of ignition, most commonly titanium metals.

What is an Oxygen Monitor Alarm?

An oxygen monitor alarm goes off if oxygen levels fall to a critical threshold, which is defined by OSHA as below 19.5 percent. 

The type of alarm varies by the specifications of the oxygen deficiency monitor you're considering. At PureAire, our oxygen monitors have two alarm levels, for 19.5 percent and 18 percent. The built-in alarm operates at 90 decibels, so workers can hear the alarm over facility noise. The optional horn and strobe combination amplifies the alarm. 

Alarm relays link alerts with third party communication systems, such as control panels, PLCs, or fire alarm systems for maximum versatility. 

How Much Does an Oxygen Monitor Cost?

Oxygen monitors range in price from $1,500 to $4,500, depending on if you need percentage or ppm accuracy. 

Where Can I Buy an Oxygen Monitor? 

Now that you understand the different features available in an oxygen monitor, as well as who should have an O2 monitor, you're ready to research and buy. We're partial to PureAire products, but we always recommend that you review the specifications of any oxygen deficiency monitor so you understand what features the product has and whether it's right for you. PureAire includes a sensor lasting 10 year or more which is usually more desirable when you’re planning on using an oxygen monitor longer than 2 to 3 years.

You can buy an oxygen deficiency monitor online from the manufacturer, directly though distributors, and through commerce outlets as well. 

PureAire works with various distributors such as Airgas, Air Liquide, Linde, Air Products, Fisher Scientific, and Johnson Controls.

One note of caution here, especially if you use the internet to research oxygen monitors. A number of products may come up when you search for O2 monitors that are NOT the correct product to detect gas leaks. You may find search results for the following products when you begin to look for oxygen monitors online: 

  • Finger oxygen monitor
  • Blood oxygen monitor 
  • Pulse oximetry monitor 
  • Oximeter
  • Baby monitor 

As you may guess from the names, these other monitors are commonly used in medical and pharmaceutical settings. The price point will be far less than what you would spend for the type of oxygen monitor we're talking about. The other oxygen monitors are also found in stores and online at pharmacies: Walgreens, Target, CVS, and the like. 

When you review the product specifications, make sure the product you've found does what you need it to do: Monitor levels of oxygen in the air to detect a gas leak that could harm your facility and workers. 
If there are other questions you have about shopping for an oxygen deficiency monitor, we're here for you. Chat with us online or email us today. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Titanium Demand on Rise for Additive Manufacturing Printing: How it’s Made? Titanium Plasma Atomization

                                                                                                                                      Link to oxygen sensors
Plasma atomization is used in many applications, including 3D printing. First developed in 1998, this technique has risen to become the industry standard process for creating reactive metal powders suitable for 3D printing. Learn how plasma atomization works and why you need an oxygen monitor to stay safe with plasma atomization. 

How Plasma Atomization Works

Plasma atomization is used not only in 3D printing, but in any circumstance where powder metallurgy is needed. Other uses include spray coating, cold spray, and metal injection molding. 
To pulverize metal, wire is fed through a tube, then hit by three plasma torches capable of reaching temperatures of 10,000 degrees Celsius. As the wire liquefies and melts, individual droplets shear off and fall into a chamber filled with argon gas and cooled by water. When the drops of metal hit the argon, they solidify into spherical droplets. This process produces a fine, uniform metal powder. After the wire has been transformed into droplets, the powder is sieved to ensure uniformity. This is key to the success of the 3D printing process, which relies upon fine grade, uniform powder. 

Titanium (Ti), Nitinol, Niobium, Aluminum, and other reactive metals and their alloys can all successfully be atomized through this process. Variables in the plasma atomization process allow workers to create droplets of different sizes, for different end uses.  

PureAire offers an oxygen analyzer, which many 3D printing manufacturers utilize. This device helps monitor the levels of oxygen in ppm, from 0 to 1000, while the atomization process takes place. 
It's important to keep oxygen levels low while the Ti and other base metals are being turned into powder, as this ensures the purity of the final product. Oxygen analyzers provide a continuous readout of oxygen levels inside the chamber, so your workers can ensure the highest levels of purity at a glance. 

Argon gas is used during plasma atomization because it helps ensure the purity of the powdered metal by reducing the chance for chemical reactions that might happen if oxygen interacted with the metal during the atomization. As long as the argon gas remains in the chamber where the aluminum or titanium powder is being made, plasma atomization is quite safe. Like other inert gases, argon depletes oxygen from the atmosphere. Were the argon gas to leak out of the plasma atomization chamber, employees' wellbeing could be at risk. 

Why You Need an Oxygen Monitor with Plasma Atomization

When argon escapes into the environment, it displaces oxygen molecules. Since the gas is both odorless and colorless, there is no way to detect an argon leak by sight or smell. If there are several atomization stations creating Ti or titanium powder at once, the risk increases exponentially. 
Once oxygen levels begin to drop, worker safety becomes a concern. If oxygen levels fall below the minimum set by OSHA, workers can suffer respiratory and cognitive impairment. Symptoms include dizziness, confusion, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Even a brief exposure to an oxygen deficient environment can prove deadly. 

Fortunately, an oxygen deficiency monitor can continually weigh oxygen present in the room, alerting staff before oxygen levels plunge below the OSHA threshold. This provides sufficient notification via flashing lights and loud alarms for staff to exit the room to safety. 

PureAire offers an oxygen monitor with a zirconium sensor. Unlike other sensors, this lasts with no maintenance and no calibration once the O2 monitor is installed. The O2 monitor and oxygen analyzer, when used together, allow for precise manufacturing of powdered metals with low risk to workers. Businesses prefer PureAire products, which are low-maintenance, cost-effective, and reliable for 10+ years. Visit to learn more about our oxygen analyzers and monitors. 


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

PureAire Oxygen Analyzer for 3D Printers: How Argon is used and Why O2 Detection is Required

Thanks to new technologies, the 3D printers that have been used to create plastic three-dimensional objects can now print metal. Titanium 3D printing is possible thanks to a technique called DMLS, or Direct Metal Laser Sintering. While the potential to use titanium 3D printing is groundbreaking for many industries, the new advances could pose a health hazard if volatile gases used in the printing process are not contained. Learn more about the role of argon in 3D printing and how an oxygen analyzer can safeguard your employing while printing. 

What Happens in Direct Metal Laser Sintering? 

3D printing of plastics uses an additive process in which objects are constructed layer by layer or fused together cross section by cross section. These basic techniques need rethinking for titanium 3D printing. With Direct Metal Laser Sintering, a laser follows a computer-aided design (CAD) file to melt titanium powder, rendering the object. The process is similar to sculpture, in which pieces of the raw material are carved away to create or reveal a three-dimensional object or figure. 

Because titanium is such a strong metal, the resulting objects are highly durable. For something like medical devices or three-dimensional replacement joints or bones, this means that individuals can get greater use out of the replacement part. Aviation professionals greet these new developments, estimating that titanium parts can cut the weight of an airplane by as much as 1,000 pounds, saving fuel on every flight. 

Since the titanium powder (Or other metal powders) used in this additive manufacturing process is created from manufacturing remnants, the materials are highly cost-effective. 

What are the Risks of 3D Printing? 

The 3D printer operates in an inert environment, where argon prevents any unwanted chemical reactions from taking place and maintains the purity of components. The inert environment in the 3D printing machine keeps the oxygen content low, to reduce oxidization in the manufactured part. It also reduces the fire hazard by rendering combustible dust inert. Since thermal stress is controlled and titanium powder clumping is reduced, the argon improves the consistency of the final product and reduces deformities. 

While there are many benefits to using argon in the printing process, and argon is harmless when contained, it does pose a health risk should the argon escape the additive manufacturing environment. 

Argon is known as an oxygen displacer. This means that when argon gas leaks into the air, it physically displaces the levels of oxygen in the air. In extreme cases, staff can asphyxiate due to the lack of oxygen in the environment. 

This gas is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. Were argon to leak out of the 3D printer, staff would be unable to see or smell it. As soon as oxygen begins to deplete from the room, it cause symptoms including dizziness, shortness of breath, and confusion. Even if staff suspect that something is wrong, they may be unable to escape from the area before it is too late. 

When you have a poorly ventilated manufacturing space with several 3D printers going at once, the potential for oxygen displacement by argon gas increases.

How Can an O2 Analyzer Reduce Risks? 

An O2 Analyzer helps keep levels inside the 3D printing environment low, to ensure the printer works optimally. Without the analyzer, there would be no way to ensure that the ppm concentration of oxygen remained at a steady state for the duration of the printing process. The oxygen analyzer checks levels of oxygen ranging from 0 to 1,000 parts per million (ppm). 3D printers using the DMLS process need to keep the oxygen under 1% or less for product manufacturing. A 0 to 25% oxygen range detector is also available. The oxygen analyzer can make sure that the air inside the chamber meets the low levels needed. Meanwhile the air outside is safe for staff to breath. PureAire's oxygen analyzers are easy to install and easy to use. Once set up, they require no maintenance and will work as promised for a set period of time.

At PureAire, we have just developed a new oxygen analyzer that works with 3D printers. To learn more about our new oxygen analyzer, please visit or send an email to 
