Showing posts with label pureaire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pureaire. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2022

Monitoring Off-Gasses to Guard Against Thermal Runaway Risk with Li-Ion Batteries


Lithium-Ion Batteries

Rechargeable lithium-ion (“li-ion”) batteries (comprised of cells in which lithium ions move from a negative electrode through an electrolyte to a positive electrode during discharge—and the other way around when charging) were first described conceptually in the 1970s.

Following initial prototype development in the 1980s, li-ion batteries became commercially viable in subsequent decades, and they are now commonly used in a variety of portable consumer electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, and tablets.

Li-ion batteries also provide power for a broad array of automotive, aerospace, and commercial energy applications, such as electric vehicles (i.e., cars, trucks, buses, and trains), drones and satellites, and battery energy storage systems (or “BESS”, which enable power system operators and utilities to store energy—including that generated from renewable power sources—for later discharge and distribution as demand necessitates).

Analysts expect that the global size of the lithium-ion battery market will grow from some $40 billion in 2021 to over $115 billion by 2030, as users increasingly appreciate li-ion batteries for their rechargeability, large storage capacity, slow loss of charge when not in use, and high power to weight ratio.

However, those involved with li-ion battery production and usage must live with the inherent safety hazards involved with these batteries, as their electrolytes are flammable by nature, which can, at high temperatures, lead to fires and explosions.

Thermal Runaway Can Impact Lithium-ion Battery Safety

In 2019, a battery failure at an Arizona BESS facility operated by the Arizona Public Service (“APS”) utility resulted in an explosion that caused serious injuries to a number of firefighters. The APS site housed over 10,000 lithium-ion battery cells in 27 battery racks within a relatively small battery storage enclosure.

Authorities believe that the explosion, which they attributed to a chain reaction process knows as “thermal runaway”, was initiated by a failure in just one li-ion battery cell, which leaked explosive gas which, in turn, combusted as soon as the firefighters, responding to an alarm and reports of gas clouds emanating from the structure, opened the door and let oxygen into the storage enclosure.

Described simply, thermal runaway is an exothermic reaction in which li-ion battery cell temperatures rise rapidly in an uncontrollable self-exacerbating fashion. As cell temperatures rise, flammable and/or toxic gasses are vented (that is, “off-gassed”) from the battery.

While the gasses may not ignite immediately, the risk for a potential gas explosion remains. Ultimately, pressure from the buildup of gas can cause the cell to rupture and release toxic or explosive gasses (most commonly, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, fluorine, hydrogen, and methane, though there may be others).

An after-incident report commissioned by APS and released in 2020 listed a number of incidents from 2006-2017 involving thermal runaway events in lithium-ion batteries, including one on a tugboat in 2012 and another on a Boeing 787 in 2013.

There have been other such events as well including, memorably, a 2017 fire and explosion in Houston, TX on a train car that was transporting lithium-ion batteries to a recycling facility. The explosion broke windows in nearby buildings and, reportedly, sent a chemical stench throughout downtown Houston.

Off-Gas Monitoring Can Reduce the Risk of Thermal Runaway

Lithium-ion battery off-gassing, and subsequent thermal runaway, can occur due to manufacturing defects, mechanical damage or failures, overvoltage, excessive heat, or improper handling or storage.

Unfortunately, without reliable gas detectors in place, there is no sure way to know, until it is too late (i.e., when thermal runaway has actually started), that battery cells have in fact begun to off-gas.

To detect off-gasses, and protect against thermal runaway, best practices call for manufacturers, researchers, facility operators, storers, transporters, and others working with li-ion batteries to install high-quality gas detection monitors.

The gas detectors should continuously monitor all relevant areas and, if off-gas concentrations are detected, activate alarms and turn on ventilation systems.

PureAire Monitoring Systems

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ ST-48 Gas Detector tracks levels of toxic and/or combustible off-gasses including, but not limited to, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, fluorine, hydrogen, and methane. 

The ST-48 is housed in a NEMA 7 explosion-proof enclosure suitable for Class 1, Divisions 1 and 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, making it ideal for locations (including li-ion storage facilities and electric vehicle manufacturing plants) where toxic and/or combustible gasses may accumulate.

PureAire’s ST-48 Gas Detector offers continuous readings of toxic and/or combustible gasses and features an easy-to-read screen, which displays current gas levels, in either parts per million (ppm) or lower explosive limit (LEL), for at-a-glance observation.

In the event of an accumulation of off-gasses to an unsafe level, the Detector will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting personnel to evacuate the area and contact appropriate first responders.

Importantly, the PureAire Gas Detector can be programmed to tie into ventilation systems when off-gas levels reach a user-selectable ppm or LEL, so that the gasses can be flushed before human life is jeopardized.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Toxic and Combustible Gasses – Safety is Paramount


On January 31, 2022, a fire at a North Carolina fertilizer manufacturing facility caused officials to urge residents living nearby to stay away from their homes due to an increased risk of a possible explosion at the facility. People with respiratory issues were likewise advised to take precautions to minimize their potential exposure to toxic gasses.

According to Winston-Salem fire chief William Mayo, there were nearly 600 tons of ammonium nitrate and 5,000 tons of finished fertilizer at the site, enough to cause one of the worst explosions in U.S. history.

Ammonium nitrate is widely used to manufacture fertilizers for commercial and residential use. However, when exposed to extreme heat, ammonium nitrate may produce nitric oxide and ammonia (NH3), which can create not only a toxic environmental situation but also a catastrophic explosion.

What is Nitric Oxide?

Nitric oxide (NO) is a poisonous and highly reactive gas that is colorless at room temperature, with a strong, sweet odor; it can be toxic when inhaled. Although NO is non-flammable, it will react to combustible materials and may increase the risk of fire and explosions if it is exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons, carbon disulfide, fluorine, alcohol, petroleum, toluene, or ammonia. Nitric oxide can quickly oxidize to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

What is Nitrogen Dioxide?

Nitrogen dioxide is a red-brown gas with an irritating, sharp odor. Like nitric oxide, NO2 is non-flammable but can accelerate the burning of combustible materials.

What is Ammonia?

Ammonia (NH3) is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. Ammonia is not highly flammable, but it may react violently when exposed to fluorine, chlorine, nitrogen dioxide, or hydrogen bromide, among other gasses. Ammonia can produce poisonous gas during a fire.

Health Hazards

Exposure to nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. At higher concentrations, NO, NO2, and NH3 can cause pulmonary edema (a build-up of fluid in the lungs). Prolonged exposure to nitric oxide and/or nitrogen dioxide may reduce the blood’s ability to transport oxygen, causing headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness, and even death.

Continued exposure to ammonia may cause asthma-like allergy symptoms and, possibly, permanent lung damage.

Workplace Exposure Limits

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the permissible exposure limits (PELs) for nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia are set forth below:

  • Nitric Oxide: 25 parts-per-million (ppm) over an 8-hour work shift; it is immediately dangerous to health at 100 ppm
  • Nitrogen Dioxide: 5 ppm, not to be exceeded at any time
  • Ammonia: 50 ppm over an 8-hour shift.

Monitoring Hazardous Gasses

Nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia can all react explosively if they mix with incompatible compounds. Further, exposure to fire may produce additional toxic and corrosive gasses. To help prevent an accidental leak and risk of explosion, gas cylinders should be stored in cool, well-ventilated areas, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

While nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia all have strong odors, that is not necessarily an adequate warning of their presence, since prolonged exposure to NO2, NO, and NH3 can desensitize one’s sense of smell, thereby reducing awareness of the exposure.

To detect, and protect against, risks emanating from excessive concentrations of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, or ammonia, best practices include placing gas detection monitors (containing visual and audible alarms) in locations where NO, NO2, and NHmay accumulate. The gas detection system should continuously monitor the area and, if gas concentrations exceed the permissible exposure limit, activate an alarm, turn off the gas at the source, and turn on the ventilation system.

PureAire Monitors

PureAire Monitoring System's ST-48 Gas Detector is perfect for tracking levels of toxic and/or combustible gasses including, but not limited to, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia.

The ST-48 is housed in a NEMA 7 explosion-proof enclosure suitable for Class 1, Division 1 and 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, making it ideal for locations where toxic and/or combustible gasses are present or may accumulate.

PureAire’s ST-48 offers continuous readings of toxic and/or combustible gasses and features an easy-to-read screen, which displays current gas levels, in either ppm or lower explosive limit (LEL),  for at-a-glance observation. In the event of an accumulation of gasses to an unsafe level, the Detector will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting personnel to evacuate the area. The PureAire Gas Detector can likewise be programmed to tie into automatic shut-off valves, and ventilation systems when gas levels reach a user-selectable ppm or LEL.

The ST-48 Gas Detector can connect to multi-channel controllers, a remote display, or into building systems themselves.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Coming Clean on Chlorine Safety


What is chlorine?

Chlorine gas (CL2) is a dense, yellow-green gas that has a distinctive, irritating odor that is similar to bleach and is almost instantly noticeable even at very low concentrations. While CL2 is not flammable, it may react explosively when exposed to other gases, including acetylene, ether, ammonia, natural gas, and hydrogen, among others. Due to its reactivity, chlorine is rarely used in its pure form but instead is typically combined with other elements.

If you have ever taken a dip in a swimming pool, you are more than likely familiar with chlorine and its distinctive odor, as well as the burning sensation that sometimes affects the eyes. Chlorine is widely used as a disinfectant in swimming pools and in a variety of residential and industrial cleaning solutions, as well as in many everyday products.

Applications and Benefits of Chlorine Use

Chlorine gas is commonly used in water and wastewater treatment facilities to disinfect water and kill contaminants, thereby helping to prevent water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, and hepatitis A. In the same way, many people use chlorine bleach to disinfect and whiten laundry, as well as on household surfaces to kill germs such as norovirus, E.coli, salmonella, and other pathogens.

In addition to its disinfectant properties, CL2 is used in a variety of applications by a large number of industries. For instance:

  • The automobile industry utilizes chlorine in the manufacture of seat cushions and covers, headlamp lenses, tire cord, bumpers, sealants, paint, fan belts, airbags, brake fluids, and navigation systems.
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers utilize chlorine in the production of medicines such as pain relievers, allergy medications, and drugs to help lower cholesterol.
  • Many industrial solvents, dyes, plastics, epoxy resins, and synthetic rubbers (such as neoprene), use chlorine in their manufacturing processes.
  • The paper and textile industries use chlorine to bleach paper and textiles.
  • Technology firms use chlorine in the production of a diverse array of goods, including microprocessors for smart phones and computers, pc boards, lasers, fiber optic cables, hybrid car batteries, satellite guidance systems, etc.

Chlorine Safety

Well-known to be potentially hazardous to health, chlorine was one of the first poison gases used as a weapon during World War I.

Contact with chlorine can severely irritate and burn the eyes and skin. Exposure can also cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

At high concentrations, and with prolonged exposure, inhalation of chlorine can cause sore throat, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, pulmonary edema, permanent lung damage, and even death. While chlorine’s strong odor can provide some warning of its presence, prolonged exposure to chlorine can desensitize one’s sense of smell, thereby reducing awareness of the exposure.

Monitoring Chlorine

According to The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the permissible exposure level for chlorine is 1 part-per-million (ppm), which should not be exceeded at any time.  Chlorine is considered to be immediately dangerous to life and health when exposure levels reach 10 ppm.

To detect, and protect against, risks emanating from excessive concentrations of chlorine, best practices include placing gas detection monitors (containing visual and audible alarms) in locations where CL2 may accumulate. The gas detection system should continuously monitor the area and, if chlorine concentrations exceed the permissible exposure limit of 1.0 ppm, activate an alarm, turn off the chlorine at the source, and turn on the ventilation system.

PureAire's Universal Gas Detector

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ Universal Gas Detectors use “smart” sensor cell technology to continuously track levels of chlorine. The sensor cell is programmed to monitor for a specific gas (in this case, chlorine) and measurement range, as required by the user.

PureAire's Universal Gas Detectors allow manufacturers to monitor chlorine levels before employee health is put at risk. In the event that CL2 is elevated to an unsafe level, the Universal Gas Detector will set off an alarm that includes horns and flashing lights, alerting staff to vacate the affected area. At the same time, the monitor can be programmed to turn on the ventilation system.

The Universal Gas Detector's easy to read screen makes it simple for employees to monitor chlorine gas levels at a glance, giving them peace of mind as they work with this useful but hazardous gas.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Protecting Against Oxygen Deficiency Risk


What is Oxygen Deficiency?

The air we breathe is made up of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and trace amounts of other gases such as carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines an environment in which oxygen levels fall below 19.5% as an oxygen-deficient atmosphere, which should be treated as immediately dangerous to health or life.

How is Oxygen Deficiency Dangerous?

Oxygen deficiency is often called a silent killer, because there are no warning signs when oxygen concentrations drop to an unsafe level.

Inhaling just a few breaths of oxygen-deficient air can have immediate negative effects, which may include impaired coordination, accelerated respiration, elevated heart rate, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, convulsions, or even suffocation due to a lack of sufficient oxygen.

Where can Oxygen Deficiency Occur?

Oxygen deficiency can occur in any location where compressed oxygen-depleting gases are used, stored, or may accumulate.

Industries that commonly use these types of gases include, but are not limited to, laboratories, MRI, food and beverage, cryogenic facilities, aerospace, pharmaceutical, research and development, alternative fuel, waste management, semiconductor, additive manufacturing, and the oil and gas sectors.

Manufacturers and other organizations utilizing compressed, oxygen-depleting gases in their operations need to successfully navigate complex working environments in which high concentrations of such gases may be critical to production procedures, but where the risks of oxygen deficiency may pose a potential safety hazard for their employees.

Fortunately, by utilizing a top-quality oxygen deficiency monitor, facility managers can maintain stringent processing requirements, as well as protect the health and safety of their personnel.

What is an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor?

An oxygen deficiency monitor is a device that measures oxygen levels in a particular area. By continuously tracking oxygen levels, oxygen deficiency monitors are designed to detect oxygen-depleting gas leaks before employee health is jeopardized.

A number of oxygen-depleting gases, including nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, and argon, among others, are both odorless and colorless. As such, unless they are using a reliable oxygen deficiency monitor, personnel working with such gases would likely be unable to detect a gas leak should one occur in a gas cylinder or line, and they could likewise be unaware that they were breathing oxygen-deficient air.

PureAire Oxygen Deficiency Monitors


PureAire Monitoring Systems’ line of Oxygen Deficiency Monitors offers thorough air monitoring, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required. An easy-to-read screen displays current oxygen levels for at-a-glance reading by employees, who derive peace of mind from the Monitor’s presence and reliable performance.

Our Monitor continuously tracks oxygen levels and, in the event of a gas leak and a drop in oxygen to an OSHA action level, will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting employees to evacuate the affected area.

The Monitor will remain accurate at temperatures as low as -40C. PureAire's durable, non-depleting, long-life zirconium oxide sensor will last for 10+ years in a normal environment without needing to be replaced.

To reduce risk to personnel, PureAire's optional Remote Digital Display may be placed well outside of high risk rooms (up to 250 feet from the Monitor itself), where it will safely exhibit oxygen levels inside the room.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Air Delivery of Super-Cooled COVID-19 Vaccines

There are several potential COVID-19 vaccines that may soon be available for widespread distribution. In particular, the United Kingdom has recently approved Pfizer’s vaccine, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering extending Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

That is certainly promising news, but storage, transportation, and delivery of these potentially game-changing vaccines will be quite challenging, with the CEO of the International Air Transport Association describing the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines as “the largest and most complex logistical exercise ever” undertaken.

It is not just the huge numbers (literally, in the billions of doses) and vast geographic scope (worldwide, requiring delivery to every country on the planet) that make the COVID-19 vaccine distribution task so daunting, but both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines must be stored and transported in strict climate-controlled environments (reportedly, at some -70 degrees Celsius for Pfizer, and -20 degrees Celsius for Moderna) as integral parts of the vaccines’ “cold chains.”

COVID-19 Vaccine Cold Chain

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (the “CDC”) describes a cold chain as a temperature-controlled supply chain that includes all vaccine-related equipment and procedures. The vaccine cold chain begins with a cold storage unit at the vaccine manufacturing plant, extends to the transport and delivery of the vaccine (including proper storage at the provider facility), and ends with the administration of the vaccine to the patient. A breakdown in protocols anywhere along the cold chain could reduce the effectiveness of, or even destroy, a vaccine.

Given the extreme cold temperatures required within their cold chains by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (and, perhaps, other COVID-19 vaccines that may now be under development by other firms), various companies within the vaccine delivery network (including temperature-controlled container manufacturers, logistics specialists, storage facility operators, commercial airlines, and dry ice producers) have been hard at work for months to meet the challenges associated with safely storing and transporting billions of vaccine doses once, as now appears to be at hand, they finally become available for international distribution.

Creating Super-Cold Environments

Dry ice, which is the common name for solid (i.e., frozen) carbon dioxide, is often used in cold chains to maintain the very cold temperatures required to keep certain vaccines viable. At a temperature of approximately -78.5 degrees Celsius (equating to -109.3 degrees Fahrenheit), dry ice is significantly colder than frozen water (that is, conventional ice), making it ideal for transport and storage of those vaccines which require an extremely cold temperature environment.

Safety precautions are critical when shippers use dry ice in the transportation and storage of vaccines. Unlike conventional ice, dry ice does not melt into a liquid. Instead, dry ice “sublimates” (changes from a solid to a gas state), turning into carbon dioxide gas. In poorly ventilated, confined spaces, such as storage rooms, railway cars, trucks, and cargo holds in airplanes, carbon dioxide can build up, creating a potentially serious health risk to transportation workers, including ground and flight crews.

Certain vaccine manufacturers may elect to ship their vaccines in multi-layered, storage canisters chilled with liquid nitrogen, rather than dry ice. We note that the potential health risks associated with nitrogen leaks are similar to those that may be caused by dry ice sublimation.

Oxygen Deficiency Risks Associated with Super-Cooled Environments

Carbon dioxide (as is nitrogen) is an oxygen-depleting gas that is both odorless and colorless. As such, absent appropriate monitoring, personnel working with the transportation of COVID-19 and other vaccines kept frozen with dry ice or liquid nitrogen likely would be unable to detect if dry ice were to sublimate (causing CO2 levels to rise), or if there were a nitrogen gas leak, and an associated decrease in oxygen.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an environment in which oxygen levels fall below 19.5 percent is considered an oxygen-deficient atmosphere and should be treated as immediately dangerous to health or life. When there is not enough oxygen in the air, persons working in the affected area may become disoriented, lose consciousness, or even suffocate due to the lack of sufficient oxygen.

FAA Guidance/Increased Air Shipment Capacity/Risk Mitigation

On May 22, 2009, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (the “FAA”) issued Advisory Circular No. 91-76A to specifically address the risks associated with the sublimation of dry ice aboard aircraft and, historically, the FAA has permitted even widebody aircraft to carry only relatively small amounts (typically not exceeding 1-1.5 tons per flight) of dry ice in refrigerated and insulated containers.

However, The Wall Street Journal (the “WSJ”) reported on November 29, 2020, that, in order to maintain the ultra-cold temperatures required by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, United Airlines has recently sought, and obtained, FAA approval to carry up to 15, 000 pounds (7.5 tons) of dry ice per flight. In a December 2, 2020 interview with CNN, Josh Earnest, Chief Communications Officer with United Airlines, noted that the FAA approval will allow United to ship as many as 1.1 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines on each flight of its commercial 777 airplanes.

Notwithstanding the FAA’s relaxation of dry ice weight limits to permit United Airlines to help bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control, it remains focused on risks associated with air shipments of dry ice. In its November 29, 2020 reporting, the WSJ noted that “regulators restrict the amount of dry ice that can be carried on passenger jets because they typically lack the equipment to monitor and mitigate any leaked carbon dioxide.”

Fortunately, by utilizing a top-quality oxygen-deficiency monitor, vaccine storage and transportation personnel, including flight crews, can safely track levels of oxygen and detect (and react to) potentially dangerous low oxygen levels, whether caused by dry ice sublimation or a nitrogen gas leak.

PureAire Monitoring Systems, Inc.

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ Oxygen Deficiency Monitor offers thorough air monitoring, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required. A screen displays current oxygen levels, for at-a-glance reading by crew members, who derive peace of mind from the Monitor’s presence and reliable performance.

Built with zirconium oxide sensor cells, to ensure longevity, the Monitor can last, trouble-free for 10 years in normal working conditions.

Our Oxygen Deficiency Monitor does not rely on the partial pressure of oxygen to operate, meaning that the Monitor is not affected by the changing pressure inside an aircraft due to altitude changes. In the event that dry ice begins to sublimate (causing carbon dioxide levels to rise), or if there is a nitrogen leak, and oxygen decreases to unsafe levels, PureAire’s Monitor will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting flight personnel to take corrective action.

For over 20 years, PureAire Monitoring Systems has been an industry leader in manufacturing long-lasting, accurate, and reliable Oxygen Deficiency Monitors. We have dedicated ourselves to ensuring the safety and satisfaction of our clients, many of which have very sophisticated operating requirements. We are proud to note that NASA’s SOFIA-Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy--a Boeing 747SP aircraft modified to carry a 2.7 meter (106 inch) reflecting telescope--carries onboard a PureAire Oxygen Deficiency Monitor.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

What are Oxygen Deficiency Monitors?

What is an Oxygen Deficient Environment?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines an environment in which oxygen levels fall below 19.5 percent as an oxygen-deficient atmosphere, which should be treated as immediately dangerous to health or life. When there is not enough oxygen in the air, persons within the affected area may become disoriented, lose consciousness, or even suffocate due to the lack of sufficient oxygen.

An oxygen-deficient environment may be created when oxygen is displaced by inert gases, such as nitrogen, helium, argon, or carbon dioxide. Therefore, manufacturers and other organizations utilizing inert gases in their operations need to successfully navigate complex working environments in which high concentrations of such gases may be critical to production procedures, but where the risks of oxygen deficiency may pose a potential safety hazard for their employees.

Fortunately, by utilizing a top-quality oxygen deficiency monitor, facility managers can maintain stringent processing requirements, as well as protect the health and safety of their personnel.

What is an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor?

An oxygen deficiency monitor is a device that measures oxygen levels in a particular area. By continuously tracking oxygen levels, oxygen deficiency monitors are designed to detect gas leaks from oxygen-depleting gases before employee health is jeopardized.

A number of gases, including nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, and argon, among others, are odorless, colorless, oxygen-depleting gases. As such, unless they are using a reliable oxygen deficiency monitor, personnel would likely be unable to detect a gas leak should one occur in a gas cylinder or line.

Which Industries Should Use Oxygen Deficiency Monitors?

Oxygen deficiency monitors contribute to safe working environments in any scientific or industrial application utilizing oxygen-depleting gases and, therefore, requiring continuous monitoring of oxygen levels. For instance:

  • The medical industry uses inert gases for a variety of purposes, including MRI facilities, performing cryosurgery, in-vitro fertilization, and cryostorage facilities, and for blood and tissue preservation, while laboratories typically use compressed gases including argon, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers depend upon gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide to maintain sterile environments throughout the drug manufacturing and packaging processes.
  • The food and beverage industries rely on carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas for a range of uses. By way of example, carbon dioxide carbonates beverages in bars, fast-food establishments, and restaurants, and it is a critical component in the productions of soft drinks and beer. Nitrogen gas is important in food preservation processes, where it is used to remove oxygen from the manufacturing environment, extend product shelf life, and decrease the likelihood of spoilage.
  • Semiconductor fabricators and foundries must closely monitor process gas levels, as an improper amount of gas can ruin the quality and integrity of the components and devices being manufactured.

The foregoing bullet points highlight just a few of the industries that need oxygen deficiency monitors as part of their daily operations. Others include aerospace, cryotherapy, additive manufacturing, research and development, alternative fuel, waste management, and the oil and gas sectors.

PureAire Oxygen Deficiency Monitors

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ line of oxygen deficiency monitors offer thorough air monitoring, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required. Our monitor continuously tracks oxygen levels and, in the event of a gas leak and a drop in oxygen to an OSHA action level, will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting employees to evacuate the affected area.

The monitor will remain accurate at temperatures as low as -40C. PureAire’s durable, non-depleting, long-life zirconium oxide sensor will last for 10+ years in a normal environment without needing to be replaced.

Where Should Oxygen Deficiency  Monitors Be Installed?

Oxygen deficiency monitors should be installed 3 to 5 feet away from a gas cylinder or gas line, and in any location where there is a risk of gas leaks that may cause a drop in oxygen to an unsafe level.  So that employees can see the monitors and verify their performance, the monitors should typically be mounted 3 to 5 feet off the ground.

There are many other configurations for mounting. For instance, PureAire oxygen deficiency monitors can sample oxygen levels from up to 100 feet away using ¼  inch tubing, or be installed within a glovebox, freezer, gas line, sealed chamber, or even below ground level. PureAire oxygen deficiency sensors can be mounted directly in vacuum chambers with the use of a KF25 vacuum fitting.

How Many Oxygen Deficiency Monitors Do I need?

To ensure safety, PureAire generally recommends that one monitor be installed for approximately every 400 square feet of your facility’s space. However, since cryogenic gases, such as argon, helium, and nitrogen, are unpredictable, we encourage you to contact PureAire for additional guidance specific to your needs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Don't Throw Away Your Shot...the Cold Truth About Vaccine Handling and Storage


In modern times, vaccines have been widely used to keep people healthy by protecting them from serious illnesses and diseases. Worldwide, vaccines annually prevent millions of deaths, and their utilization is responsible, in many parts of the globe, for the nearly total eradication of numerous diseases, including polio, measles, and smallpox.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (the "CDC"), a vaccine for a specific disease stimulates an individual's immune system, causing it to produce antibodies to counteract the antigens associated with the disease in question, just as one's immune system would do if one were actually exposed to the disease. The concept is that, after getting vaccinated, the inoculated patient develops immunity to the disease without first having to contract it. Unlike medicines, which are used to treat or cure diseases, vaccines are intended to prevent them.

Handling and Storage of Vaccines

Developing a vaccine can take years before it is deemed safe for human use and, thereafter, manufactured and made available for widespread distribution and inoculation. Throughout the manufacturing and  distribution process, and up to the time of administration, a vaccine must be kept in strict climate-controlled environments, collectively referred to as the "cold chain." The CDC describes a cold chain as a temperature-controlled supply chain that includes all vaccine-related equipment and procedures. The vaccine cold chain begins with a cold storage unit at the vaccine manufacturing plant, extends to the transport and delivery of the vaccine (including proper storage at the provider facility), and ends with the administration of the vaccine to the patient. A breakdown in protocols anywhere along the cold chain could reduce the effectiveness of, or even destroy, a vaccine.

According to FedEx, while most vaccines have traditionally been transported in a cold temperature range of 2 degrees Celsius to 8 degrees Celsius, certain vaccine manufacturers and pharmaceutical firms require a much lower temperature range within the cold chain associated with specific vaccine products.

Dry ice, which is the common name for solid (i.e., frozen) carbon dioxide, is often used in cold chains to maintain the very cold temperatures required to keep certain vaccines viable. At a temperature of approximately -78.5 degrees Celsius (equating to  -109.3 degrees Fahrenheit), dry ice is significantly colder than frozen water (that is, conventional ice), making it ideal for transport and storage of those vaccines requiring an extremely cold temperature environment.

Safely Tracking Carbon Dioxide Levels When Working with Dry Ice

Safety precautions are critical when shippers use dry ice in the transportation and storage of vaccines. Unlike conventional ice, dry ice does not melt into a liquid. Instead,  dry ice "sublimates" (changes from a solid to a gas state), turning into carbon dioxide gas. In small, poorly ventilated spaces, such as storage rooms and closets, cargo vans, trucks, and airplanes, carbon dioxide can build up, creating a potentially serious health risk.

Carbon dioxide is an oxygen-depleting gas that is both odorless and colorless. As such, absent appropriate monitoring, workers involved with the transportation and/or storage of products frozen with dry ice likely would be unable to detect if dry ice were to begin to sublimate, with carbon dioxide gas levels possibly rising to unsafe levels. When there is not enough oxygen in the air, persons working in the affected area may become disoriented, lose consciousness, or even suffocate due to the lack of oxygen

Fortunately, by utilizing a top-quality oxygen monitor, also known as an oxygen deficiency monitor, vaccine transportation storage personnel can track oxygen levels and detect (and react to) dangerous carbon dioxide levels before employee health is jeopardized.

PureAire Dual Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Monitor

PureAire Monitoring Systems' Dual Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Monitor offers thorough air monitoring, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required.  A screen displays current oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, for at-a-glance reading by employees, who derive peace of mind from the Monitor's presence and reliable performance.

In the event that dry ice begins to sublimate, causing carbon dioxide levels to rise, and oxygen to decrease to unsafe levels, PureAire's Monitor will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting personnel to evacuate the area.

Our Dual Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Monitor is well-suited for industries where dry ice is used, such as in the handling, transportation, and storage of life-saving vaccines. The Monitor includes both a non-depleting, zirconium oxide sensor cell, to monitor oxygen levels, and a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor cell, to monitor carbon dioxide levels. Known for their dependability, PureAire's O2/CO2 Monitors can last, trouble-free, for over 10 years under normal operating conditions.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Brewers Safely Capture and Reuse Carbon Dioxide


Brewing beer produces carbon dioxide (CO2), especially during fermentation (the process by which yeast converts sugars into alcohol). Estimates are that fermentation yields three times as much carbon dioxide as is actually needed to produce (including brewing, canning, and bottling) each batch of beer, with up to 15 grams of CO2 generated per pint of beer brewed. According to the British Beer & Pub Association, over 8 billion pints of beer were consumed in the United Kingdom alone in 2019, contributing to the production of a whole lot of carbon dioxide.

While large, global breweries, with their vast financial resources, have been recapturing and reusing carbon dioxide for a number of years, most craft brewers have considered carbon recapture technology to be prohibitively expensive. They have treated excess CO2 as waste, and vented it into the atmosphere, though that practice may make little sense, either economically or environmentally since, in order to produce subsequent batches, brewers must then turn around and purchase carbon dioxide to carbonate the beer, purge beer tanks and lines of oxygen, and to transfer the beer from tanks to bottles or cans.

And carbon dioxide purchase is a recurring line-item expense that eats into craft brewers’ profit margins.

Capturing and Reusing Carbon Dioxide

The good news is that recent technological innovations, driven in large part by companies working with NASA on space exploration and investigation, have led entrepreneurs to an awareness that CO2 recapture may in fact now be seen as a relatively affordable, and certainly environmentally friendly, option for craft breweries. The technology involves capturing the CO2 that has accumulated during fermentation and purifying the gas to make it suitable for reuse and/or sale.

The Washington Post has reported that Texas-based Earthly Labs has created a product called “CiCi” (for “carbon capture”), a refrigerator-sized unit that enables brewers to trap and reuse accumulated carbon dioxide. Captured CO2 is piped from the fermentation tanks to a “dryer” to separate water from CO2gas. The gas is next purified and chilled to a liquid for ease of storage and subsequent use.

Brewers can reuse their stored carbon dioxide to carbonate new batches of beer, as well as in the canning and bottling processes for the new beer. Craft Brewing Business, a trade website dedicated to the business of commercial craft brewing, reports that breweries can reduce monthly carbon dioxide expenses by 50 percent or more, and CO2 emissions by up to 50%, via carbon capture technology.

Breweries that capture more CO2 than they can use, may elect to sell the surplus to other breweries, bars, restaurants, and any other businesses that also use carbon dioxide. For instance, the State of Colorado, Earthly Labs, the Denver Beer Co., and The Clinic announced in early 2020 a pilot program in which Denver Beer Co. would sell its surplus CO2 to The Clinic, a medical and recreational cannabis dispensary, which would then pump the carbon dioxide inside its grow rooms to stimulate and enrich plant growth.

Oxygen Monitors Can Mitigate Unseen Dangers of Carbon Dioxide

Brewers and others working around carbon dioxide need to be aware of the potential risks associated with CO2. Carbon dioxide is an odorless and colorless oxygen-depleting gas. Since it deprives the air of oxygen, CO2 use presents a potential health hazard for brewery personnel.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an environment in which oxygen levels fall below 19.5 percent is considered an oxygen-deficient atmosphere and should be treated as immediately dangerous to health or life. When there is not enough oxygen in the air, persons working in the affected area may become disoriented, lose consciousness, or even suffocate due to the lack of sufficient oxygen. Because CO2 is devoid of odor and color, individuals working around it might well, in the absence of appropriate monitoring equipment, be unaware that a risk situation has developed.

As such, The National Fire Protection Association recommends that gas monitoring equipment be placed in storage areas or any place where carbon dioxide is used or stored.

PureAire Dual O2/CO2 Monitors


PureAire Monitoring Systems’ Dual Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Monitor offers thorough air monitoring, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required. A screen displays current oxygen and carbon dioxide levels for at-a-glance reading by brewery employees, who derive peace of mind from the Monitor’s presence and reliable performance.

In the event of a carbon dioxide leak, and a decrease in oxygen to an unsafe level, PureAire’s Monitor will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting brewery personnel to evacuate the area.

PureAire’s Dual Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Monitor is well-suited for facilities where carbon dioxide is used, such as breweries, bars, and restaurants. Our Dual O2/CO2 monitor includes both a non-depleting, zirconium oxide sensor cell, to monitor oxygen levels, and a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor cell, to monitor carbon dioxide levels. PureAire’s O2/CO2 monitors can last, trouble-free, for over 10 years under normal operating conditions.

Saving money, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and ensuring employee safety...that is certainly something to which we can all raise a glass.

Monday, March 16, 2020

What Is Up With Helium

Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe and used across a variety of industries. Valued for more than simply filling party balloons, helium is of critical importance in many commercial applications, including high-tech, automotive, healthcare, and aerospace.

Helium Uses
For instance, the manufacture of fiber optics requires an all-helium environment to prevent air bubbles or other flaws in the delicate fibers used in cables to transmit data. Additionally, the semiconductor industry utilizes the cooling properties of helium to transfer heat away from computer chips during manufacturing.

Helium plays a key role in inflating automobile airbags and may also be used to detect leaks in car air-conditioning systems. Metal fabricators use helium for welding because of its inert properties and high heat transfer capabilities, which make it the perfect shielding gas (an inert or semi-inert gas that protects the weld from oxygen and water) for welding materials with high heat conductivity, such as copper, magnesium alloys, and aluminum.

In the medical field, helium is used to cool the superconducting magnets in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) equipment, to treat medical conditions such as asthma and emphysema, andfor laparoscopic surgery.

NASA uses helium as an inert purge gas for hydrogen systems and as a pressurizing agent for ground and flight fluid systems, as well as a cryogenic agent for cooling various materials. Moreover, as in the automotive sector, helium is likewise used in precision welding applications in aerospace manufacturing.

Staying Safe While Working with Helium
Since helium is odorless and colorless, it has no early warning properties. Helium can displace oxygen in the air to levels below what is needed for humans to breathe. Exposure to helium can cause dizziness, nausea, and loss of consciousness. Absent proper oxygen monitoring, unconsciousness, and even death may occur in seconds. The National Institutes for Health recommends installing oxygen monitors anywhere compressed gases, such as helium, are stored or used.

PureAire Monitors
PureAire Monitoring Systems’ oxygen deficiency monitors continuously track levels of oxygen and will detect helium leaks before the health of employees is put at risk. Built with zirconium oxide sensor cells, to ensure longevity, PureAire’s O2 deficiency monitors can last, trouble-free, for over 10 years under normal operating conditions. In the event of a helium gas leak, and a decrease in oxygen to an unsafe, OSHA action level, the monitor will set off an alarm, replete with horns and flashing lights, alerting staff and users to evacuate the area.

Each PureAire O2 monitor has an easy to read screen, which displays current oxygen levels, for at-a-glance readings by employees, who derive peace of mind from the monitor’s presence and reliability.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fast, Frozen, Convenience-Tunnel Freezers

Frozen foods first became commercially viable in the 1930s, thanks in large part to Clarence Birdseye. He is credited with inventing the double-belt freezer, the forerunner to modern quick-freeze technology, which includes the tunnel freezers used by most major food processors in North America.

Frozen foods offer many benefits to today’s busy consumers, including convenience; minimal processing, with few to no preservatives; a long spoilage-free product shelf life; and, especially when compared with canned foods, superior taste, since the ingredients are quick-frozen at their peak of freshness. Seasonal foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are, once they have been frozen, now available year-round. In the same way, people living in landlocked locations can enjoy fresh-frozen seafood, no matter the distance from the coast. And, through the near magic of quick-frozen partially baked bread products, we can consume bakery-quality goods at home, straight out of the ovens in our own kitchens.

Still, even as Mr. Birdseye’s invention made frozen foods available to mass consumers in the first place nearly a century ago, so, too, have more recent innovations in freezing technology, including new freezer types, such as tunnel freezers using cryogenic gases, greatly improved the quality and, therefore, the market acceptance, of frozen foods. These freezers very quickly “flash freeze” foods at extremely low temperatures, such that the foods maintain essentially all of their original freshness, flavor, and texture.

How Tunnel Freezers Work

Tunnel freezers work by rapidly freezing food using cryogenic gases, such as liquid nitrogen (LN2) or carbon dioxide (CO2). The fresh food items are placed on a conveyor belt, which carries them into the freezer, where an injection system (utilizing either liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide), together with fans circulating the gas-chilled air, ensure that all food surfaces are quickly and evenly frozen.

Food products frozen in cryogenic tunnel freezers, including all manner of proteins, fruits, vegetables, and parbaked bread and dough items, are ultimately shipped to grocery chains and warehouse superstores; operators of quick service, fast casual, and fine dining restaurants; and school and hospital cafeterias, among other places, and they are enjoyed daily by millions of hungry people.

Monitoring Can Protect Food Processing Employees

While the use of liquid nitrogen and/or carbon dioxide is essential in that part of the quick-frozen food processing industry using tunnel freezer technology, it is not without risk. LN2 and CO2 are both oxygen-depleting gases, and oxygen deprivation could put employees in real danger if there are gas leaks from freezer supply lines or exhaust systems, or from on-site gas storage containers. In the event of a leak, plant personnel could become disoriented, lose consciousness, or even suffocate from breathing oxygen-deficient air. Since liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide are both colorless and odorless, workers would, in the absence of appropriate monitoring, have no way of knowing that there has in fact been a gas leak.

PureAire Water-Resistant Dual O2/CO2 Monitors 

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ water-resistant dual oxygen/carbon dioxide monitors offer thorough air monitoring, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required. A screen displays current oxygen and carbon dioxide levels for at-a-glance reading by employees, who derive peace of mind from the monitor’s presence and reliable performance.

In the event of a nitrogen or carbon dioxide leak, and a decrease in oxygen to an unsafe level, the monitor will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting personnel to evacuate the area.

PureAire’s dual oxygen/carbon dioxide monitor is housed in an IP67 water resistant enclosure that will keep the electronics dry during wash-downs and will remain accurate at extremely low temperatures.That makes the monitor ideally suited for facilities using liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide, such as frozen food processing plants with tunnel freezers. Built with zirconium oxide sensor cells and non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR)cells to ensure longevity, PureAire’s dual O2/CO2 monitors can last, trouble-free, for over 10 years under normal operating conditions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gas Detectors Can Ensure Chlorine Safety in Swimming Pools

In April 2019, six people became sick after being exposed to chlorine gas at a hotel pool in India, because one of the chlorine gas cylinders, which had been stored improperly, began to leak, exposing swimmers to chlorine gas.  In June 2019, some 50 pool patrons became ill after a pump malfunction leaked chlorine gas at an indoor pool in Utah. These are not isolated events.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exposure and inhalation of pool chemicals, including chlorine fumes and gases, account for approximately 4,500 emergency room visits each year.
Accidental exposure to chlorine gas, such as the incidents in Utah and India, can cause individuals to have trouble in breathing, burning sensation in the nose, throat, and eyes, as well as blurred vision, coughing, chest tightness, nausea, and vomiting
Learn how to keep swimmers and employees safe at your facility.

Chlorine Treatment

Chlorine, a powerful, corrosive disinfectant, is used in pools and hot tubs to kill harmful bacteria and prevent waterborne outbreaks such as Cryptosporidium (a parasite that causes diarrhea) andLegionella (the bacteria that can cause Legionnaires’ disease), in addition to swimmer’s ear and “hot tub rash”. Contrary to popular belief, while chlorine does have a distinct odor, an overwhelmingly strong scent of chlorine can actually indicate that not enough chlorine is being used.
As chlorine mixes with unwanted substances in the water, such as urine, and sweat, chloramines are produced. Chloramines result from the ammonia in urine and sweat reacting to chlorine. It is chloramine that causes the condition known to swimmers as “red eye”.

Protection Against Accidental Chlorine Gas Leaks

While chlorine is essential to keep pools crystal clear and sanitary, it must be carefully monitored, and pool equipment rooms properly maintained, with appropriate safety equipment.
According to the California Association of Environmental Health Administrators, every public indoor swimming pool and spa should have an audible and visible chlorine detection alarm system located in the room containing chlorine gas equipment. The gas detection system shall continuously monitor the room and, if chlorine concentrations exceed the permissible exposure limit of 0.5ppm, activate an alarm, turn off the chlorine at the source, and turn on the ventilation system.Ideally, the monitoring system will have an audible alarm that is at least 90 decibels and have visible strobe lights.

PureAire Monitors

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ universal gas detectors use “smart” sensor cells technology to continuously track levels of ammonia, bromine, hydrogen, hydrogen chloride, and other toxic gases, including chlorine. The sensor cell is programmed to monitor for a specific gas and measurement range, as required by the user.

Indoor pool facilities using a PureAire universal gas detector can detect elevated chlorine levels before the health of pool staff or patrons is put at risk.  In the event of a chlorine leak, and the elevation of chlorine to an unsafe level, the gas detector will set off an alarm that includes horns and flashing lights, and turn on the ventilation system, alerting pool staff and swimmers to evacuate the area.
An easy to read screen makes it simple for pool staff members to monitor chlorine levels at a glance, giving them peace of mind.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cryotherapy - Baby It’s Cold Inside

Cryotherapy (also known as cold therapy) is broadly defined as the use of very cold temperatures for medical or general wellness purposes.  Modern cryotherapy (which comes from the Greek kyro, meaning “cold” and therapeia,  meaning “healing”) can be traced back thousands of years, and some form of it was practiced by the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, among other civilizations, which used extreme cold therapy to treat injuries and reduce inflammation.

In 1978, a Japanese rheumatologist, Toshima Yamaguchi, developed what is known as Whole Body Cryotherapy (“WBC”), in which, cryotherapy is applied to the entire body; that is, the whole body, except the head, is exposed to extremely cold temperatures. Dr. Yamaguchi’s research found that rapid temperature decreases on the outer layers of individuals’ skin led to a rapid release of endorphins, which caused those individuals to become less sensitive to pain. To put his findings into practice, Dr. Yamaguchi and his associates built the world’s first cryochamber.

How Whole Body Cryotherapy Works

Whole body cryotherapy involves enclosing the entire body (excepting the head) in a cryochamber, with liquid nitrogen used to quickly chill the chamber to temperatures between -200 and -300 degrees Fahrenheit for a period not longer that 2-4 minutes. The extremely rapid cooling of the body causes blood flow to concentrate towards the body’s core, and away from the extremities, which, in concept, can reduce inflammation relating to soft tissue injuries.  At the same time, the body releases endorphins, which serve to decrease pain and increase feelings of euphoria.

Health Benefits Attributed to Whole Body Cryotherapy

Whole body cryotherapy is used to treat patients suffering from chronic inflammatory conditions, as well as, Olympic and other elite athletes experiencing muscle soreness, and to shorten recovery times from injuries and surgeries.

Cryotherapy is used to treat joint pain and inflammation due to arthritis and fibromyalgia, and for pain management, physical therapy, anti-aging, and weight loss treatments.

Oxygen Monitors Can Protect Cryochamber Workers and Users

In 2015, a cryotherapy facility employee in Las Vegas was found dead after she suffocated in a chamber.  The coroner’s office concluded that the death was caused by accidental asphyxiation, resulting from low oxygen levels, possibly resulting from a leak of the nitrogen gas used to rapidly chill the cryochamber. Nitrogen is an oxygen-depleting gas that is both odorless and colorless. Oxygen deprivation is called a silent killer because there are no indications that one is breathing oxygen deficient air until it is too late. As such, absent appropriate monitoring, workers would be unable to detect a nitrogen leak if one were to occur in a gas cylinder or line. Conversely, by utilizing a top-quality oxygen monitor, also known as an oxygen deficiency monitor, cryochamber personnel can track oxygen levels and detect leaks before a workers’ and users’ health is jeopardized.

PureAire Monitors

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ oxygen monitors continuously track levels of oxygen and will detect nitrogen leaks before the health of cryochamber operators or users is put at risk. Built with zirconium oxide sensor cells, to ensure longevity, PureAire’s O2 monitors can last, trouble-free, for over 10 years under normal operating conditions.  In the event of a nitrogen gas leak, and a decrease in oxygen to an unsafe level, the monitor will set off an alarm, replete with horns and flashing lights, alerting staff and users to evacuate the area.

Best practice calls for oxygen monitors to be installed anywhere there is a risk of gas leaks. The oxygen monitors should be placed wherever nitrogen is stored and, in all rooms where nitrogen is used.

PureAire oxygen monitors measure oxygen 24/7, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required.

Each PureAire O2 monitor has an easy to read screen, which displays current oxygen levels, for at-a-glance readings by cryochamber employees, who derive peace of mind from the monitor’s presence and reliability.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Freeze-Dried Food…Dogs Eat It Up


As dog owners, we treat our pets as we do our children, taking care that the food we give them is not only filling and nutritious but contains only high-quality ingredients sourced and processed in ways that meet our exacting standards.

For many owners, far in the past are the days of grabbing any old bag of kibble off the shelf and feeding it to Fido or Ginger. Dog owners today are making informed choices in their purchases of pet food, such as whether the ingredients are all-natural or organic, whether they contain allergens to be avoided, which proteins predominate in the mix, etc. Not only are owners increasingly educated about what goes into their dogs’ food, they are faced with many choices when it comes to exactly what form the food will take.

Types of Dog Food

Major pet food types available to contemporary dog owners, from a wide array of manufacturers, include dry food, semi-moist, canned, raw, and freeze-dried food.
Dry food, commonly known as kibble, is the most prevalent type of dog food on the market. Semi-moist food is served either on its own or added to kibble for a variety of tastes and textures. Canned food is a moist product with a long shelf life. Raw food appeals to owners who believe that an uncooked all-meat diet is closer to what dogs would have eaten in the wild, before they became domesticated. Raw foods may be produced and sold as either fresh, fresh frozen, or freeze-dried.

Freeze-Dried Dog Food

The freeze-dried dog food segment--including 100% freeze-dried meals, so-called “kibble+” (dry kibble mixed with freeze-dried components), and freeze-dried treats, such as beef liver and other types of training tidbits--currently commands only a niche share of the ~$30 Billion U.S. dog food industry, but it is rapidly growing in popularity among owners seeking, as in their own diets, to avoid highly processed foods.

Purchasing freeze-dried proteins, whether cooked or raw, as well as fruits and vegetables (which are typically freeze-dried in a raw state), allows owners to provide their pets with minimally processed, nutrient-rich, natural foods. Freeze-drying quality ingredients makes for an easily transportable, shelf-stable tasty food that does not require refrigeration.

Gas Usage in Freeze-Dried Food Processing and Packaging

Food safety is as important in the pet food industry as it is in the manufacturing and distribution of human-grade foodstuffs.  Proper temperatures must be maintained in order to prevent mold and bacteria growth resulting from, among other things, improper cooking and cooling temperatures, as well as insufficient or excessive moisture.

Quality control and safety concerns dictate that, because of their rapid cooling and freezing properties, liquid nitrogen (LN2) and liquid carbon dioxide (liquid CO2) be used in pet food production to uniformly cool proteins after cooking, and to freeze them as part of the freeze-drying process. Once properly chilled, the proteins and other ingredients that go into a freeze-dried dog food product are quickly frozen in blast freezers using LN2 or liquid CO2.  After freezing, they are placed into vacuum drying chambers for some 12 hours, until the drying process is complete (i.e., essentially all moisture has been removed), following which the food is ready for packaging.

To prolong dog food shelf life (by inhibiting the growth of mold and bacteria which thrive in oxygenated environments), nitrogen is injected to displace oxygen from the product packaging.The addition of nitrogen during the packaging phase also provides a cushion to protect the contents from settling and breakage that can occur during shipping and handling.

Oxygen Monitors Can Improve Safety in Pet Food Manufacturing and Packaging

While their use is essential in the production of freeze-dried dog food, nitrogen and carbon dioxide can pose health risks (including death by asphyxiation) to employees working in the industry. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are both odorless and colorless, and they displace oxygen. Absent appropriate monitoring, workers would be unable to detect a leak if one were to occur in a gas cylinder or line. Conversely, by utilizing a top-quality oxygen monitor, safety and production personnel can track oxygen levels and detect leaks before workers’ health is jeopardized.

PureAire Monitors

With PureAire Monitoring Systems’ dual oxygen/carbon dioxide monitor, pet food producers can track levels of oxygen and detect nitrogen or carbon dioxide leaks before workers’ health is at risk. PureAire’s O2/CO2 monitor measures oxygen and carbon dioxide 24/7, with no time-consuming maintenance or calibration required. PureAire’s monitors can handle temperatures as low as -40C, making them ideally suited for environments, such as pet food processing plants, that use liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Built with zirconium oxide sensor cells and non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) cells, to ensure longevity, PureAire’s O2/CO2 monitors can last, trouble-free, for over 10 years under normal operation conditions.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Alternative Fuels - A Look At the Current Environment


Vehicles powered by gasoline and diesel account for emissions of dangerous air pollutants and contribute to the presence of greenhouse gases. Consumers, businesses, and public entities looking for environmentally friendly alternatives to gasoline and diesel-powered cars and trucks have viable choices beyond the well-known battery electric and plug-in hybrid electric variants.  Other options in use today include vehicles powered by natural gas, as well as, on a more limited basis, those powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

Natural Gas Vehicles

Natural gas can be used to power all classes of vehicles, including motorcycles, cars, vans, public transit buses, light and heavy-duty trucks, etc.  Most natural gas vehicles (NGVs) run on either compressed natural gas (CNG), which is typically used for light-duty vehicles (such as motorcycles, cars, taxi cabs, and light trucks), or liquified natural gas (LNG), used in heavy-duty vehicle applications (including public buses, garbage trucks, and the like).

CNG vehicles store natural gas in tanks, where the fuel remains in a gaseous state. Vehicles using LNG can typically hold more fuel than those using CNG, because the fuel is stored as a liquid, making its energy density greater than that of CNG. That makes LNG well-suited for heavy duty commercial trucks requiring the greatest possible driving range. Regardless, because of the lower density of natural gas (whether CNG or LNG), the driving range of NGVs is generally less than that of comparable vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel.

As such, and excluding the commercial and municipal fleet sectors, where fuel sources can be assured, confidence in ability to timely access refueling stations must be a concern for drivers (or potential drivers) of NGVs.

The first vehicles converted to utilize natural gas appeared in the late 1930s, though most of the rapid growth in NGV usage has taken place in recent years. According to the Natural Gas Vehicle Knowledge Base, there are over 27 million NGVs currently on the road worldwide (compared with as few as 1 million as recently as 2000), with over 70% of the present total in the Asia-Pacific region (and only about 225 thousand in North America as of 4/30/2019).

In addition to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions inherent in choosing natural gas over conventional gasoline and diesel fuels, some businesses and municipalities seeking to meaningfully reduce reliance on fossil fuels are going even further, by focusing on renewable natural gas (RNG), including gas derived from decaying garbage, to power vehicles subject to their authorities.  Indeed, in May 2019, the City of Seattle, Washington announced that the trash truck fleet servicing Seattle will now include some 91 Waste Management vehicles powered by RNG generated by decaying trash from U.S. landfills.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

Importantly for the environment, hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) produce no tailpipe emissions.  Fuel cell technology has been around since at least the late 1950s, when Allis-Chalmers tested an FCEV farm tractor, followed some years later by GM’s prototype hydrogen FCEV Electrovan in 1966.  FCEVs use a propulsion system whereby energy, stored as pure hydrogen gas, is converted to electricity by a fuel cell.

Initially, the fuel cells and associated piping were quite bulky (reducing the 6-seat GM Electrovan from a 6-seat van to a 2-seater that could barely accommodate 2 adult passengers), heavy (reducing range and acceleration, such that the Electrovan, which was never produced for sale, had a top speed and range of  only about 70 mph and 120 miles, respectively), and too expensive to mass produce.  As a result, meaningful FCEV production has lagged until well into the 21st century, when technological innovations have at last begun to make it possible for the FCEV concept to become a functioning reality.

Though FCEVs, and the hydrogen fueling infrastructure (i.e., stations equipped to pump hydrogen gas) necessary to support them, remain in a relatively early stage of development, certain major automobile manufacturers (including Honda, Hyundai, Toyota) are now offering a limited number of FCEVs to the public in certain markets (chiefly within California) where hydrogen refueling infrastructure is already in place, and passenger FCEVs currently in service now have a driving range between refueling of some 300 miles.

However, until retail refueling infrastructure shows a marked increase, most of the anticipated growth in hydrogen FCEV usage is likely to come from the municipal and commercial fleet sectors. By way of example, Toyota and Kenworth have recently announced development of a 10-vehicle zero emissions heavy-duty FCEV truck fleet to be put into service at the Port of Los Angeles.

Refueling and Maintaining Alternative Fuel Vehicles

While far fewer in number, refueling stations and equipment for vehicles powered by natural gas (approximately 1,900 service stations in North America) and hydrogen (no more than 50 service stations in North America, mostly in California, can accommodate hydrogen FCEVs) are similar in appearance to conventional gas stations and pumps, with large tanks from which drivers pump into their vehicles either natural gas, on the one hand, or hydrogen on the other.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, proper maintenance of NGVs requires that the fuel storage tanks be inspected regularly, following accidents, or when there has been suspected damage.  NGV users must also be aware of end-of-life dates of their tanks, so that the tanks can be properly decommissioned as and when appropriate. Moreover, fuel filters should be inspected and, if necessary, replaced on a yearly basis.

Hydrogen FCEVs are maintained in much the same way as any other electric vehicle, including scheduled maintenance, and, if necessary, replacement of electric components and suspension parts. For a major overhaul, a vehicle will need to be serviced at a so-called “hardened shop”, at which there are specific requirements, including the presence of combustible gas monitors, curtains around the work area, and explosion-proof lighting fixtures.

Gas Detection Monitors Can Improve Safety in Alternative Fuels Servicing Facilities

Natural gas is odorless, colorless, and highly combustible. However, an odorant is normally added to natural gas to alert users if there is a leak.  If a natural gas leak occurs indoors, the gas is likely to rise and remain at ceiling level until ventilated outside.

To detect, and protect against the risks of, natural gas leaks, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy recommends placing combustible gas detection monitors, containing visual and audible alarms, at the highest point (i.e., ceiling level) in natural gas fueling stations and repair facilities.

Hydrogen is also highly combustible, as well as odorless and colorless, making leaks undetectable (and dangerous), absent appropriate monitoring. Because hydrogen gas is light, it may disperse relatively quickly if a leak occurs outdoors, but if a leak occurs inside a building, the gas will, much like natural gas, rise to ceiling height, where it will remain until ventilated outside.

The International Fire Code and the National Fire Protection Association have set out requirements mandating the use of hydrogen sensors in hydrogen fueling stations and repair facilities.
Ideally, if there is a leak (whether of natural gas or hydrogen gas) in a facility, the combustible gas detection monitors should automatically activate that building’s ventilation system.


PureAire Monitoring Systems’Combustible Gas Monitor (LEL) offers continuous readings of hydrogen, compressed, and liquified natural gas. In the event of a leak or buildup of gas to an unsafe level, the monitor will set off the alarm, replete with horns, flashing lights, and turn on the ventilation system.

PureAire’s Combustible GasMonitor (LEL) is housed in a NEMA 4 explosion proof enclosure suitable for Class1, groups B, C, D.

Friday, May 17, 2019

3D Printed Auto Parts—The Future Is Now


3D printing (also known as “additive manufacturing”) affords manufacturers the ability to create custom parts that fit together perfectly.  Utilized for decades in the medical products and aerospace parts industries, 3D printing is increasingly being used in other industries as well, including the relatively recent advent of 3D printed metal auto parts.

 New and Replacement Auto Parts

Automakers have made use of 3D printing processes since the late 1980s, with the initial output comprised primarily of plastic parts.  Manufacturers such as Ford, BMW, Bugatti, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota, among others, have embraced 3D printing in their research and development efforts, including the production of working prototypes.  While the automobile industry is currently unable to mass produce an all 3D printed vehicle, carmakers are already producing 3D printed parts, with the eventual goal, as soon as is feasible, of more fully integrating 3D printed parts into the original manufacture of future generations of automobiles.

Availing themselves of 3D printing processes for producing auto parts allows manufacturers to generate parts that are lightweight (which can improve fuel efficiency) and customizable, and that can be created quickly, enhancing the lean manufacturing focus on just in time inventory.  Although plastic has traditionally been the material most often used in printing parts, as advances in additive manufacturing have been made, so too has the use of alternative materials.

For instance, in 2018, French luxury automaker Bugatti announced that it had developed a new 3D printed titanium brake caliper prototype which, it claimed, was the largest functional titanium component produced with a 3D printer.  DS Automobiles, Citroen premium brand, has created 3D titanium printed parts for the ignition elements, as well as 3D printed titanium door handles, to give their DS 3 Dark Side edition vehicle a sleek, high tech feel.

Gas Usage In 3D Printing Process

To prevent corrosion, and to keep out impurities that can negatively impact the final product, 3D printed parts must be produced in an environment made free of oxygen, typically by the use of argon (and sometimes nitrogen) within the building chamber. That creates a stable printing environment, prevents fire hazards by keeping combustible dust inert, and controls thermal stress in order to reduce deformities.

Oxygen Monitors Can Improve Safety in Additive Manufacturing Processes

Dust from materials used in additive manufacturing, such as titanium, is, when exposed to oxygen, highly combustible and, therefore, requires monitoring to prevent possible explosions.Argon and nitrogen, while used in 3D printing for their oxygen depleting properties, require monitoring to ensure both the integrity of the finished part, and the safety of manufacturing personnel.

PureAire Monitors 

For quality control purposes, PureAire Monitoring Systems’ Air Check O2 0-1000ppm monitor has a remote sensor that can be placed directly within the printing build chamber, to continuously monitor the efficiency and purity of the O2 depleting gases (e.g. argon and nitrogen) used therein.

Moreover, to ensure employee safety, PureAire’s Oxygen Deficiency Monitors should be placed anywhere argon and nitrogen supply lines and storage tanks are located. In the event of an argon or nitrogen leak, a drop in oxygen will cause the built-in horn to sound and the lights to flash, thereby alerting employees to evacuate the area.  PureAire’s Oxygen Deficiency Monitors measure oxygen 24/7, with no time-consuming maintenance required. PureAire’s monitors feature long-lasting zirconium sensors, which are designed to give accurate readings, without calibration, for up to 10 years.