Showing posts with label toxic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toxic. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Toxic and Combustible Gasses – Safety is Paramount


On January 31, 2022, a fire at a North Carolina fertilizer manufacturing facility caused officials to urge residents living nearby to stay away from their homes due to an increased risk of a possible explosion at the facility. People with respiratory issues were likewise advised to take precautions to minimize their potential exposure to toxic gasses.

According to Winston-Salem fire chief William Mayo, there were nearly 600 tons of ammonium nitrate and 5,000 tons of finished fertilizer at the site, enough to cause one of the worst explosions in U.S. history.

Ammonium nitrate is widely used to manufacture fertilizers for commercial and residential use. However, when exposed to extreme heat, ammonium nitrate may produce nitric oxide and ammonia (NH3), which can create not only a toxic environmental situation but also a catastrophic explosion.

What is Nitric Oxide?

Nitric oxide (NO) is a poisonous and highly reactive gas that is colorless at room temperature, with a strong, sweet odor; it can be toxic when inhaled. Although NO is non-flammable, it will react to combustible materials and may increase the risk of fire and explosions if it is exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons, carbon disulfide, fluorine, alcohol, petroleum, toluene, or ammonia. Nitric oxide can quickly oxidize to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

What is Nitrogen Dioxide?

Nitrogen dioxide is a red-brown gas with an irritating, sharp odor. Like nitric oxide, NO2 is non-flammable but can accelerate the burning of combustible materials.

What is Ammonia?

Ammonia (NH3) is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. Ammonia is not highly flammable, but it may react violently when exposed to fluorine, chlorine, nitrogen dioxide, or hydrogen bromide, among other gasses. Ammonia can produce poisonous gas during a fire.

Health Hazards

Exposure to nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. At higher concentrations, NO, NO2, and NH3 can cause pulmonary edema (a build-up of fluid in the lungs). Prolonged exposure to nitric oxide and/or nitrogen dioxide may reduce the blood’s ability to transport oxygen, causing headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness, and even death.

Continued exposure to ammonia may cause asthma-like allergy symptoms and, possibly, permanent lung damage.

Workplace Exposure Limits

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the permissible exposure limits (PELs) for nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia are set forth below:

  • Nitric Oxide: 25 parts-per-million (ppm) over an 8-hour work shift; it is immediately dangerous to health at 100 ppm
  • Nitrogen Dioxide: 5 ppm, not to be exceeded at any time
  • Ammonia: 50 ppm over an 8-hour shift.

Monitoring Hazardous Gasses

Nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia can all react explosively if they mix with incompatible compounds. Further, exposure to fire may produce additional toxic and corrosive gasses. To help prevent an accidental leak and risk of explosion, gas cylinders should be stored in cool, well-ventilated areas, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

While nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia all have strong odors, that is not necessarily an adequate warning of their presence, since prolonged exposure to NO2, NO, and NH3 can desensitize one’s sense of smell, thereby reducing awareness of the exposure.

To detect, and protect against, risks emanating from excessive concentrations of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, or ammonia, best practices include placing gas detection monitors (containing visual and audible alarms) in locations where NO, NO2, and NHmay accumulate. The gas detection system should continuously monitor the area and, if gas concentrations exceed the permissible exposure limit, activate an alarm, turn off the gas at the source, and turn on the ventilation system.

PureAire Monitors

PureAire Monitoring System's ST-48 Gas Detector is perfect for tracking levels of toxic and/or combustible gasses including, but not limited to, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia.

The ST-48 is housed in a NEMA 7 explosion-proof enclosure suitable for Class 1, Division 1 and 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, making it ideal for locations where toxic and/or combustible gasses are present or may accumulate.

PureAire’s ST-48 offers continuous readings of toxic and/or combustible gasses and features an easy-to-read screen, which displays current gas levels, in either ppm or lower explosive limit (LEL),  for at-a-glance observation. In the event of an accumulation of gasses to an unsafe level, the Detector will set off an alarm, complete with horns and flashing lights, alerting personnel to evacuate the area. The PureAire Gas Detector can likewise be programmed to tie into automatic shut-off valves, and ventilation systems when gas levels reach a user-selectable ppm or LEL.

The ST-48 Gas Detector can connect to multi-channel controllers, a remote display, or into building systems themselves.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Chlorine Safety and Prevention: How to Protect Yourself from Chlorine Leaks

While chlorine gas is widely used in swimming pools, water treatment facilities, cleaning products, pharmaceutical products, and in many other industries, the gas is highly toxic when handled improperly. Training your workers on how to safely use chlorine is one part of health and safety best practices; monitoring your workplace for chlorine leaks is another. Learn about the hidden dangers in this common substance and how you can stay safe. 

The "Hidden Dangers" of Chlorine 

So many everyday things that you see and touch have come into contact with chlorine. The substance is a common cleaner and disinfectant because it is easy to use and inexpensive. Chlorine is also used in agricultural pesticides, in the manufacturing of drugs, in wastewater treatment facilities and the sanitizing of everyday drinking water, in paper manufacturing, in hospitality swimming pools and spas, and in many other products. No matter where it is being used, chlorine must be properly handled by all staff at all times. 

At room temperature, high chlorine levels are toxic. If chlorine gas comes into contact with substances including ammonia, ether, hydrogen, and turpentine, it can combust. Since this gas can cause breathing problems, it is dangerous to individuals with respiratory problems including asthma. 
The gas is yellowish at room temperature and has a distinct odor, so staff will be able to see and smell the substance. While this does aid in awareness of chlorine leaks, it is not sufficient to trust that your staff will see or smell leaked chlorine and leave. 

Employees exposed to chlorine can experience eye damage, coughing, choking, frostbite on the skin, and respiratory problems. In a worst case scenario, staff can die from suffocation due to sustained chlorine exposure. 

Fortunately, fixed gas monitors are an efficient way to protect staff from a chlorine leak. 

How PureAire Universal Gas Detectors Protect You From Chlorine Leaks

At PureAire, we offer universal gas monitors that protect against chlorine and other gases. PureAire's universal gas detectors are compact and designed for wall mounting in areas where you store or work with gases. Once installed, these detectors continually performs gas detection and monitoring. The maximum acceptable level of chlorine that workers can be exposed to, per OSHA regulations, is 1.0 parts per million (ppm). Chlorine is considered to be "Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health" when levels reach 10 ppm. As long as levels of chlorine remain below the acceptable safe level of 1.0 ppm, the detector is silent. Yet if gas leaks out and levels rise above the maximum acceptable level, the PureAire gas detector will sound an alert and flash a light so that staff will see or hear the alarm. 

Staff can then have enough time to stop what they are doing, exit the premises, and wait for emergency responders to contain the chlorine leak. When staff are alerted as soon as levels exceed those deemed safe, they can get out of the building before succumbing to chlorine-related health hazards. 

The universal gas monitor from PureAire protects against toxic gases including chlorine, hydrogen chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen fluoride, and other gases. Once installed, the PureAire detector will last for more than seven years without requiring any maintenance. If you seek a safe solution that delivers peace of mind and effective protection from chlorine leaks, PureAire's fixed gas monitor is a cost-effective, reliable option. 

Capable of chlorine gas detection in temperatures as low as -25 Fahrenheit up to to 22 Fahrenheit (-32 C to 50 C), these gas detectors offer flexible gas monitoring for visible and invisible toxins. PureAire's universal gas monitor is also water resistant and capable of detecting gases within a 30-foot range. 

Since PureAire's detectors have such a long lifespan, they are a convenient way to address gas leaks in the workplace. An optional long life renewable sensor extends the lifespan of these gas monitors by recharging the battery. 

After you install the gas monitor, your staff can work with chlorine and other gases with the certainty of knowing that their safety is protected. To protect your workers and your business assets, look to PureAire. View their fixed gas monitor or learn more at