Showing posts with label universal gas detector. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universal gas detector. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sterilizing and Reusing N95 Respirators

Personal protection equipment (“PPE”)includes the gloves, gowns, N95 respiratory masks, and other items required by doctors, nurses, andother healthcare personnelresponsible for treating patients, including those suffering from infectious diseases.  As has become evident in the current COVID-19 emergency affecting the globe, during a crisis, these critical items may not always be available in the quantities needed to meet the challenge of treating large numbers of sick people.

Among the most sought after PPE items today are N95 respirators. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), N95 respirators are essential gear to protect the wearer from airborne particles and to keep liquid materials from contaminating the wearer’s face. Now, more than ever, there is a need for readily available, sterile N95 respirators.

Thus far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed a desperate struggle by public and private sector entities to keep up with the huge increasein N95 respirator usage which, in turn, has at times left healthcare workers and other front-line personnel without the equipment necessary to safely do their jobs. Traditionally, N95 respirators have been discarded after a single use and, while on-shore production has recently ramped up, demand for the masks far outstrips supply during the present period in which the number of COVID-19 cases surges daily.

Fortunately, as medical providers and first responders scramble to procure the safety products required to attend to the patients in their care, businesses are innovating to meet the significant challenge posed by the current respirator supply/demand mismatch.

For instance, in late March of 2020, Battelle, a Columbus, OH-based nonprofit research and development firm, received FDA approval for its Critical Care Decontamination System (“CCDS”) process for decontaminating, on a very large scale, the N95 face masks used by healthcare providers. The CCDS process involves pumping concentrated hydrogen peroxide vapor (H2O2) into so-called decontamination chambers (20-foot shipping containers fitted with racks on which the N95 masks are hung) for a 2 ½ hour decontamination cycle. So long as the masks have not been heavily soiled, the CCDS process will allow each N95 respirator to be sterilized and reused up to 20 times. The system is highly scalable, and Battelle, which intends to deploy CCDS as needed throughout the U.S., believes that its larger versions should be capable of sterilizing up to 80,000 N95 masks per day.

Additionally, in early April, the FDA granted STERIS, another Ohio-based company, an Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) to begin, on a temporary basis, small-scale N95 sterilization, pursuant to which certain of the company’s V-PRO Low Temperature Sterilization System machines are approved to sterilize up to 10 masks apiece per 28 minute vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilization cycle. STERIS reportedly has 100 such V-PRO machines across the State of Ohio which have the capacity to sterilize N95 respirators as provided for in the EUA, and each re-sterilized mask is reusable up to 10 times by repeating the V-PRO process.

Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor
Hydrogen peroxide vapor (“H2O2”)is a widely used gaseous sterilant that has been shown to be effective in killing viruses, fungi, bacteria, and other pathogens, and H2O2 decontamination is a standard process used in pharmaceutical, research, and medical facilities.H2O2 vapor works by breaking apart the outer membranes of the pathogen to which it is applied, thereby destroying thedangerous microorganism.

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless gas with a sharp odor. Exposure to H2O2 can irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin, as well as cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Long-term exposure can negatively affect the lungs, producing coughing and shortness of breath, and elevated levels of hydrogen peroxide may result in a build-up of fluid in the lungs (a dangerous condition known as pulmonary edema). The current OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) standard is 1 part of hydrogen peroxide parts per million(ppm).

Gas Detection is Crucial for Personnel Safety
Facilities using concentrated hydrogen peroxide vapor to decontaminate PPE or other medical equipment needto ensure that employees are not exposed to H2O2 at levels greater than OSHA’s PEL of 1ppm. Since it is always present, the odor from H2O2 vapor does not provide warning that hazardous H2O2 concentrations may exist. Therefore, in the absence of appropriate monitoring, it is impossible to determine whether hydrogen peroxide concentrations are approaching dangerous levels.

Best practices call for installation of hydrogen peroxide monitors anywhere H2O2 is stored or used.

PureAire Monitors

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ Universal Gas Detectors use “smart” sensor cell technology to continuously track levels of ammonia, bromine, hydrogen, hydrogen chloride, and other toxic gases, including hydrogen peroxide. The sensor cell is programmed to monitor for a specific gas and measurement range, as required by the user.

PureAire’s Universal Gas Detectors allow operators of medical decontamination facilities and systems to detect elevated hydrogen peroxide levels before employee health is put at risk. In the event that H2O2 is elevated to an unsafe level, the Universal Gas Detector will set off an alarm that includes horns and flashing lights, alerting staff to vacate the affected area.

The Universal Gas Detector’s easy to read screen makes it simple for employees to monitor hydrogen peroxide levels at a glance, providing them with the assurance that their health is not jeopardized while they perform their important work.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gas Detectors Can Ensure Chlorine Safety in Swimming Pools

In April 2019, six people became sick after being exposed to chlorine gas at a hotel pool in India, because one of the chlorine gas cylinders, which had been stored improperly, began to leak, exposing swimmers to chlorine gas.  In June 2019, some 50 pool patrons became ill after a pump malfunction leaked chlorine gas at an indoor pool in Utah. These are not isolated events.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exposure and inhalation of pool chemicals, including chlorine fumes and gases, account for approximately 4,500 emergency room visits each year.
Accidental exposure to chlorine gas, such as the incidents in Utah and India, can cause individuals to have trouble in breathing, burning sensation in the nose, throat, and eyes, as well as blurred vision, coughing, chest tightness, nausea, and vomiting
Learn how to keep swimmers and employees safe at your facility.

Chlorine Treatment

Chlorine, a powerful, corrosive disinfectant, is used in pools and hot tubs to kill harmful bacteria and prevent waterborne outbreaks such as Cryptosporidium (a parasite that causes diarrhea) andLegionella (the bacteria that can cause Legionnaires’ disease), in addition to swimmer’s ear and “hot tub rash”. Contrary to popular belief, while chlorine does have a distinct odor, an overwhelmingly strong scent of chlorine can actually indicate that not enough chlorine is being used.
As chlorine mixes with unwanted substances in the water, such as urine, and sweat, chloramines are produced. Chloramines result from the ammonia in urine and sweat reacting to chlorine. It is chloramine that causes the condition known to swimmers as “red eye”.

Protection Against Accidental Chlorine Gas Leaks

While chlorine is essential to keep pools crystal clear and sanitary, it must be carefully monitored, and pool equipment rooms properly maintained, with appropriate safety equipment.
According to the California Association of Environmental Health Administrators, every public indoor swimming pool and spa should have an audible and visible chlorine detection alarm system located in the room containing chlorine gas equipment. The gas detection system shall continuously monitor the room and, if chlorine concentrations exceed the permissible exposure limit of 0.5ppm, activate an alarm, turn off the chlorine at the source, and turn on the ventilation system.Ideally, the monitoring system will have an audible alarm that is at least 90 decibels and have visible strobe lights.

PureAire Monitors

PureAire Monitoring Systems’ universal gas detectors use “smart” sensor cells technology to continuously track levels of ammonia, bromine, hydrogen, hydrogen chloride, and other toxic gases, including chlorine. The sensor cell is programmed to monitor for a specific gas and measurement range, as required by the user.

Indoor pool facilities using a PureAire universal gas detector can detect elevated chlorine levels before the health of pool staff or patrons is put at risk.  In the event of a chlorine leak, and the elevation of chlorine to an unsafe level, the gas detector will set off an alarm that includes horns and flashing lights, and turn on the ventilation system, alerting pool staff and swimmers to evacuate the area.
An easy to read screen makes it simple for pool staff members to monitor chlorine levels at a glance, giving them peace of mind.