Showing posts with label pureaire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pureaire. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Crispr and the Editing of Genes: To Help Revolutionize Biomedical Science

Scientists from MIT and Harvard University are placing their faith in a gene editing tool that may revolutionize the treatment of deadly diseases. CRISPR, which stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, has the potential to unlock the next generation of treatments for conditions like cancer, ALS, or Alzheimer's. Learn how CRISPR is poised to change genome editing and biomedicine over the next few decades.

How Does CRISPR Work? 

Bacteria within the body have their own innate intelligence -- the fascination with the microbiome being one example of this scientific principle.

Scientists observed that bacteria was able to fight infections by retaining a slice of DNA from invading viruses, so they could recognize if the virus returned and mount a faster defense. If the intruder returns, the body's natural CRISPR goes after it. Scientists were able to create their own CRISPR, which they can use to edit genes.

You may remember all genes contain chemical basis, referred to by the letters C, G, A, or T. A genetic typo creates markers for disease. Scientists can search for specific bad combinations using CRISPR -- for instance, the gene that would cause ALS -- and then slice out the faulty gene and replace it with something innocuous. By doing this before someone gets sick, the theory goes, CRISPR can save lives. 

Already, scientists are using CRISPR to breed mosquitos that cannot transmit malaria, an application that would save thousands of lives. Others are working to create a stronger rice plant that can withstand floods and drought caused by climate change.

There are a few examples that illustrate the power of CRISPR.

Scientists are still figuring out the true potential of this genome editing tool, however, there is great promise and great enthusiasm for CRISPR's potential from scientists across the globe. In the meantime, laboratory workers must preserve genes and tissue samples for vitality using a nitrogen freezer.

Keeping Tissue Safe in the Laboratory Setting

Nitrogen freezers maintain ultralow temperatures of -150 to -200 Celsius. When genetic material is frozen at such a low temperature, it goes to sleep. The material can be thawed and reanimated for use in the lab setting. Along with low temperatures, the key to maintaining the vitality of the tissue is a slow freeze and thaw. If cells were to freeze too quickly, their cell membranes would burst. The same holds true for thawing frozen tissue. Thus, nitrogen freezers are a mainstay of the lab setting because they provide a reliable, efficient way to keep genomic materials chilled until use.

Any time nitrogen is used, there is a risk of accident if the nitrogen leaks or spills. Nitrogen does not have a color, scent, or odor, which means lab workers wouldn't notice a leak -- although they might notice if, say, the freezer door did not fully close.

Like other inert gases, nitrogen displaces oxygen. If the nitrogen freezer were to leak, the laboratory could lose so much oxygen that workers would experience respiratory distress. To safeguard against a leak, laboratories must use an oxygen deficiency monitor.

An oxygen deficiency monitor tracks the level of oxygen in the lab through constant monitoring. Since nitrogen displaces oxygen, this monitor can detect a gas leak by noting falling levels of oxygen. A digital display indicates the current amount of oxygen in the room, providing assurance for lab staff that everything is working as it should. If oxygen falls to the critical threshold as defined by OSHA, an alarm goes off. Lab workers can exit the premises and wait for emergency personnel to respond.

PureAire creates robust oxygen monitors trusted within the scientific and biomedical communities. PureAire's oxygen deficiency monitors work in freezing temperatures and confined spaces, remain accurate despite barometric pressure shifts, and last 10 or more years without calibration. 

To learn more about PureAire's products, visit

sited sources:

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

NASA's Uses the Largest Airborne Telescope Observatory in the World

NASA's latest project, a joint collaboration with the German Aerospace Center, breaks new ground for scientific discoveries. The new Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (or SOFIA, as it's known) makes use of a modified Boeing aircraft and a reflecting telescope to enable spatial observations far more detailed than anything a land-based telescope could see. Get a sneak peak inside SOFIA and learn how an O2 monitor plays a pivotal role in keeping SOFIA safe. 

SOFIA's Mission 

The airplane that powers SOFIA is a short-body 747, which is capable of burning through 3,600 gallons of jet fuel per hour. The plane has been extensively modified to support its new mission, which is to observe the universe using the infrared spectrum of light. This is light that is invisible to the human eye. Interestingly, many objects within space emit only infrared light, meaning that astronomers cannot perceive them with the naked eye. 

SOFIA uses a lot of specialized equipment to make these infrared emissions visible. The telescope on board has a 100-inch diameter. The instrument panel contains cameras, spectrometers, and photometers which operate along near, mid, and far infrared wavelengths to study different scientific phenomena. 
The telescope must be kept clean and properly chilled to see the infrared light. Bathing the telescope in liquid nitrogen keeps it properly chilled, so the telescope can detect midrange and far-out light sources. Nitrogen is used for both of these purposes because it is cost-effective, readily available, and will not damage the sensitive equipment. 

SOFIA will allow astronomers to observe star birth, star death, black holes, and nebulae. It's difficult to forecast what other findings SOFIA may facilitate. 
In some cases, distant objects are blocked by clouds of space dust, much like the sun can become blocked by clouds.  While the space dust prevents these far-off objects from being seem, their infrared energy still reaches SOFIA's powerful telescope. By studying the infrared light captured on SOFIA's instruments, astronomers can learn about new phenomena and come to a better understanding of complex spatial molecules, new solar systems, planets, and more. 

Why SOFIA Needs an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor 

One small but mighty piece of equipment onboard the special aircraft is an oxygen deficiency monitor. SOFIA's powerful telescope must be cooled with liquid nitrogen. The nitrogen storage tank is located inside the crew department. 
Nitrogen gas is heavier than oxygen. In the event of a leak, the nitrogen would actually displace oxygen molecules, causing the cabin air to become deficient of oxygen.

Oxygen-deficient air causes respiratory and cognitive problems within minutes, leading to death via asphyxiation. Since this gas has no color or odor, there is no way the crew can tell there is a leak onboard. This is where the O2 monitor comes in: By taking continuous readouts of cabin oxygen, the oxygen monitor allows staff to check ambient oxygen levels at a glance. Staff receive peace of mind that everything is operating smoothly as well as a fast alert if oxygen approaches hazardous levels due to a leak of nitrogen gas. 

If a nitrogen leak does occur, the plane must make an emergency landing—aborting the mission to save the life of the personnel onboard. If something goes wrong while SOFIA is in flight, and the aircraft has to land before the mission is complete, the cost of wasted fuel is (pardon the pun) astronomical. 

Since there is so much riding on the oxygen monitor, NASA needed a reliable product, one that would not drift from changes in barometric pressure. While there are many oxygen deficiency monitors, several products on the market are sensitive to barometric pressure shifts. PureAire offers hardy O2 monitors that are capable of maintaining reliable performance despite barometric changes. 

Our O2 monitor lasts for 10 or more years after installation with no maintenance required, thanks to a robust zirconium sensor that outperforms the competition. After installation, our oxygen deficiency monitor needs no calibration to continue working accurately. If there is a nitrogen leak, the oxygen deficiency monitor provides two built-in alarms, which operate at 90 decibels. These alarms—which correlate to 19.5 percent and 18.0 percent oxygen—provide the SOFIA crew with sufficient notification of any problems, so they can return to safety. 

It's thrilling to have our products be a part of such a vital mission, and we cannot wait to see what new discoveries SOFIA facilitates. Closer to home, PureAire supports clients in a range of industries with high-value, long-lasting oxygen monitors suitable for use anywhere they are needed. Learn more about PureAire's products at


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Aluminum Extrusion: Staying Cool with Nitrogen

Aluminum is a highly malleable material, which is readily shaped for any number of purposes. The aluminum extrusion process is key to shaping aluminum, and it must be completed in an inert environment to reduce the formation of oxides. Learn why this is important and how facilities can reduce the risks of health hazards in an inert environment. 

How Aluminum Extrusion Works

Billets of aluminum are first heated to above 800 degrees Fahrenheit to become malleable, then coated with a lubricant so the molten metal will not stick to the extruding ram. 

The ram presses the aluminum billet through a die, which is cast in a given shape. As the aluminum passes through the die, liquid nitrogen flows over the metal to prevent oxides from adhering to the aluminum. This also extends the lifespan of the die by cooling it. In some operations, nitrogen gas is used instead of liquid. While the overall purpose is the same -- to keep out oxides, which can cause the extruded aluminum to crack -- the gas does not cool the die. 

The shaped aluminum passes through the die, then exits the press where its temperature is taken. Temperature records help maintain press speeds, for plant efficiency. The extruded aluminum pieces are then transferred to a leadout table and a puller, where the metal is cooled using fans. Some mixtures of aluminum are cooled with water as well as air. 

The cooled and cut aluminum is then stretched via a stretcher, a step that increases the hardness and strength of the finished piece. Finally, extruded aluminum pieces are cut for precision and aged under controlled temperatures via heat treatment. 

The entire process resembles a play-doh modeling kit, where the dough is squeezed through a press and comes out in a tube or a star shape, for instance. 

Extruded aluminum pieces are used in a variety of industries, including railway cars, lightweight automobiles, bridge decking, solar panels, and coaxial cables. 

Whether liquid or gaseous nitrogen is used, there is a risk of a nitrogen leak causing an oxygen deficient atmosphere. Nitrogen is naturally heavier than oxygen, so it displaces the oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. Since nitrogen has no color, odor, or scent, employees are unable to tell there's a leak. A leak poses health hazards in addition to work disruption and revenue losses. Fortunately, there's an easy way to protect facility staff. 

Why Oxygen Sensors Should Be Used With Aluminum Extrusion 

When nitrogen displaces oxygen, oxygen levels start to fall unbeknownst to anyone present. Eventually, oxygen levels will grow dangerously low. In an oxygen deficient environment, employees may start to feel dizzy or confused. Some may sweat, start to cough, or experience rapid breathing and increased heart rate. Death via asphyxiation is a real risk. 

An oxygen sensor provides assurance that there is no leak, since it tracks levels of oxygen in the room 24/7. As long as oxygen levels are above the OSHA threshold of 19.5, the monitor will be silent. If liquid or gas nitrogen starts to leak, leading oxygen levels to fall, the monitor will sound an air horn and flash lights. Staff will understand there is a problem and will have time to evacuate to safety. Staff can also check the monitor face at any time to see oxygen levels at a glance. 

PureAire offers oxygen monitors that feature zirconium sensors, which last long and withstand shifts in barometric pressure and temperature. These monitors can operate for over 10 years with no annual maintenance or calibration. PureAire's monitors work in temperatures from -40 Celsius to 55 Celsius and even function in confined spaces, such as basements or freezers.  Learn more about PureAire's products at 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

How Do Potato Chips Stay So Fresh In The Bag?

Chip bags have all that air in them for a valid reason — and it's not air, anyway, it's nitrogen gas. 
So what is this gas doing in your bag of crisps? First, the gas acts as a preservative so your chips are as crispy when you open the bag as the day they were packaged. Next, the gas also gives the chips a cushion. In what's known as slack fill, chips manufacturers intentionally inflate the package with nitrogen gas to protect it from damage in transit. Without the cushion of nitrogen gas, chips would likely wind up at their final destination as a bag of crumbs, because the chips inside the bag would break through being stacked in transit or packed onto a grocery store shelf. 

Nitrogen gas is piped into the chip bag before packaging. The gas displaces oxygen from the bag, which is then filled with chips and sealed. Without this step, chips would have a much shorter shelf life. Oxygen in the bag would cause the chips to stale and humidity found in air would lead to soggy crisps — no signature crunch.

While nitrogen gas does play an important role in keeping chips fresh and full-sized, there is a danger in using this gas. Not to the chips — since nitrogen lacks odor, color, and flavor—but to the employees in the processing plant. Nitrogen preserves the chips' texture because it displaces oxygen. If nitrogen leaks in the packaging facility, it will displace ambient oxygen — eventually causing levels to fall so low they threaten employee health. 

Workers become confused and dizzy when they breathe air that lacks sufficient oxygen. Oxygen-deficient air also causes respiratory problems and can lead to death via asphyxiation. 
The same properties that made nitrogen a good choice for preservation — lack of color, odor, and taste — mean employees cannot detect a leak until it is too late. 
Fortunately, there's a simple and reliable way to make sure food packaging facilities aren't leaking nitrogen: Using oxygen sensors to measure the amount of oxygen in the air. 

How an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Protects Food Packaging Plant Workers

An oxygen monitor tracks oxygen levels in the facility, which should be stable as long as there is no gas leak. Since nitrogen gas displaces oxygen, oxygen levels will fall in the event that nitrogen starts to leak. When oxygen levels fall below safe thresholds — which are defined by OSHA as 19.5 percent — the oxygen monitor will sound an alarm. Employees will be able to leave the packaging floor and alert emergency personnel before the situation turns deadly. 

For peace of mind, employees can check the levels of ambient oxygen by looking at the face of the monitor. A silent monitor — with no loud alarms or flashing lights — indicates that all is well. Lights and loud noises mean staff should stop what they are doing and vacate immediately. 

To properly protect employees, one oxygen deficiency monitor should be installed in any room where nitrogen gas is used or stored. Facilities that use nitrogen generators to produce nitrogen on demand also need an oxygen sensor near the generator. 

PureAire's oxygen deficiency monitors are a cost-effective long-term solution to nitrogen leaks in food packaging plants. These monitors provide accurate readouts even when temperatures are as low as -40 Celsius, and operate reliably even in confined spaces, including freezers and basements. 

PureAire's monitors feature a zirconium sensor, which requires no maintenance and no calibration after installation. PureAire's O2 monitors provide consistent readouts regardless of the weather or barometric pressure, which makes them reliable solutions for safety-minded employers. 

If you are looking for an oxygen monitor that is easy to use, accurate, and built to last, look to PureAire to provide solutions that protect your employees and deliver peace of mind. Browse products at

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Gas Chromatography and Breathe Safely While Using Nitrogen

Gas chromatography is a process used to separate chemical compounds for analysis. The analytical chemistry process is used with gases that won't decompose when vaporized. Gas chromatography are used in a wide range of industries -- everything from forensic science to medical marijuana. While the procedure is highly useful, there are risks when working with nitrogen gas. Learn how gas chromatography works, the role nitrogen plays, and how an oxygen sensor improves safety. 

How Gas Chromatography Work

In chromatography, one gas moves over the sample substance. The moving gas is known as the mobile phase, and it's usually an inert gas, such as nitrogen or helium. As the mobile phase passes over the substance, it separates out into its component parts. Since accuracy is key, it's vital that the moving gas not react with the substance being analyzed. For this reason, inert gases are recommended for gas chromatography.

Gas chromatography takes place within a special machine, known as a gas chromatograph machine. The substance being studied is injected into the chromatograph with a syringe, then the material is heated to the vapor stage. The carrier gas -- e.g. nitrogen -- is then added to the chromatograph to push the sample up the central column. As the substance being analyzed passes up the column, it's absorbed by the carrier and then separated into its distinct components. The components emerge from the column and pass through a detector, where they are identified and noted on a chart.

When the process is complete, every part of the mixture is identified. At this point, for instance, a forensic scientist will have the raw data needed to analyze evidence found at the crime scene. While television shows may portray the process as instant, it's often time-consuming.

Within the medical marijuana industry, scientists are using gas chromatography to test for pesticide residue in cannabis. While the medical marijuana industry is still young, and pesticide levels are not heavily regulated, industry leaders expect this to change as the marijuana industry grows. Thus, the use of gas chromatography to check for pesticides will grow too.

Whenever gases is used in the chromatography process, there's a potential for gas leaks, whether from the supply lines, storage tanks, or from the chromatograph itself. Nitrogen gas displaces oxygen. If nitrogen were to leak, air levels would become deficient of oxygen and employees could suffer health problems. 

Since nitrogen gas has no color or odor, there is no way for lab staff to tell that the gas has leaked. The best way to safeguard the lab is with an oxygen monitor. 

How an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor Protects Employees 

Risks of breathing oxygen deficient air include dizziness, fatigue, unconsciousness, and death via asphyxiation. All it takes is a couple breaths of air to experience adverse health effects. 
Since there is no way to tell whether a leak has occurred, it's necessary to use an oxygen sensor to track oxygen levels at all times. The oxygen monitor or sensor measures oxygen and only reacts when levels fall below a predefined threshold. Oxygen sensors from PureAire have alarms for oxygen levels of 18 percent and 19.5 percent, for instance. 

The oxygen deficiency monitor includes a flashing light and loud alarm, so that staff and passerby receive prompt notification of the leak. When the alarm goes off, employees can vacate the premises and contact emergency personnel. 

Given the serious risks posed by a nitrogen gas leak, it's important to use oxygen deficiency monitors anywhere inert gases are stored or used. 

PureAire is an industry leader when it comes to oxygen monitors. O2 monitors from PureAire are designed for long-lasting and maintenance-free use. They feature a zirconium sensor, which lasts for 10-plus years without calibration. PureAire's monitors can handle temperature changes, barometric shifts, and even freezing temperatures. Learn more about PureAire's monitors and how they promote safety at 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Nitro Coffee: A New Trend in Cold Brew

In cold brew coffee, grinds are infused into cold water to make a strong brew that reduces acidity and bitterness. Some coffee roasters have started using nitrogen gas to amp up their cold brew coffee's silky texture and add a creaminess to the basic black brew. The resulting nitro coffee has creamy, sweet, and smooth flavors without added milk or sugar -- although these can be added to taste. While nitrogen coffee offers a cool factor that's rapidly gaining converts, it isn't without risk. 
How Nitro Brew is Made
It all starts with the cold brew, where coffee grinds soak in distilled water to create a rich coffee concentrate. The mixture is then diluted with water. Coffee lovers claim cold brew coffee tastes better than hot coffee, because it captures the flavors of the brew without the acidic notes. The underlying fruity, floral, or spices notes within the coffee are allowed to shine for a deeper coffee drinking experience. 

In a nitro coffee process, nitrogen gas is added to the cold brew coffee. This can happen during canning or bottling, which creates a shelf stable product, or coffee shops can use a tap system to infuse cold brew with nitrogen. In either case, when nitrogen meets the water content in coffee, it doesn't dissolve readily, as another gas might. This gives the nitro coffee a rich mouthfeel and a creamy head, mimicking the creamy flavor of coffee with cream without the dairy. Tiny bubbles of nitrogen gas make the drink thicker for a better mouthfeel. It's almost like a dessert version of iced coffee, especially when the nitro coffee is served with sugar syrup and cream -- or as the base for an ice cream soda. 

While nitrogen gas enhances the flavor of coffee, there are risks associated with using this gas to infuse coffee. Nitrogen gas displaces oxygen from the environment -- part of the reason it makes that coffee taste so good -- and this can cause health hazards if the gas leaks into the air. 
Coffee shops that serve nitrogen coffee on tap or bottle the beverage for consumption must worry about the potential for a nitrogen gas leak. If a nitrogen dewar or supply line were to develop a leak, the leaking gas would reduce oxygen levels in the room. Since nitrogen has no color or odor, there is no way for employees or customers to know there is a leak. 
If the oxygen levels fall so low that the air is unsafe to breathe, employees and customers can experience respiratory distress, cognitive confusion or -- in a worst case scenario -- death via asphyxiation. One simple safety device can monitor oxygen levels to ensure there's enough breathable air in the room and provide sufficient warning of a nitrogen leak. 
How an Oxygen Monitor Protects Public Health 
By installing an oxygen monitor anywhere that nitrogen gas is stored or used, coffee shops can protect against the risks of a nitrogen leak. Oxygen monitors continually sample the air to determine oxygen levels. As long as the air has enough oxygen, the monitor remains silent. If levels of oxygen in the air fall to OSHA's critical threshold, which would suggest that nitrogen gas is displacing oxygen, the monitor will flash lights and sound a 90-decibel alarm to warn people of the imminent health threat. Staff and customers can then leave the cafe until emergency personnel arrive to contain the nitrogen leak.
PureAire's alarm has a digital display, which shows a constant readout of oxygen levels in the room. This can provide peace of mind that everything's working properly. Since these oxygen monitors resist drift from thunderstorms, barometric shifts or other incidents, they are reliable all year round. 

PureAire's line of oxygen monitors feature robust zirconium sensors, which last for 10+ years. PureAire products require no maintenance or calibration once set up, and offer a low-maintenance and long-lasting alternative to other oxygen monitors. To learn more about PureAire's products, please visit 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Benefits of Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide for Food Processing

A blend of gases -- carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen -- help preserve packaged food by reducing the amount of oxygen inside the sealed package. Gas flushing or Modified Atmosphere Packaging, as the process is called, also reduces the amount of processing that food must undergo. This preserves the quality and nutrient content of meats, vegetables, and other foods.

Estimates suggest that 25-40 percent of fresh food does not reach consumers due to spoilage in transit. Modified Atmosphere Packaging enables fresh food to stay fresh by slowing down the food spoilage process, reduces food waste, and allows consumers to store purchased foods for longer. 

Without Modified Atmosphere Packaging, oxygen levels inside food packages would be 20.9 percent. By introducing nitrogen into the package, facilities strive to lower oxygen levels, sometimes as far as zero. With no oxygen inside the package, bacteria will be unable to grow and the food will not oxidize. Carbon dioxide also inhibits bacteria growth and lowers the pH of preserved food. Carbon monoxide is often used in meat packaging, as it can preserve the red color. Packing plants use either low-barrier, breathable film that allows fruits and vegetables to breathe, or high-barrier film that prevents gas inside packaged meat, fish, or cheese from seeping out. 

As oxygen is flushed out of the package, the blend of nitrogen and carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide is piped in and the package is sealed, trapping the inert gases inside.

While the process of Modified Atmosphere Packaging revolutionized food packing, it isn't without risk. Nitrogen gas, a critical component of the gas flushing blend, has the potential to create an oxygen deficient environment if a leak occurs. As nitrogen leaks, it physically displaces oxygen, often in a matter of minutes. As employees breathe air that does not have enough oxygen, they may become tired and confused or experience difficulty breathing. Within minutes, employees could die from asphyxiation as a result of breathing oxygen-deficient air. 
Since nitrogen gas has no color or odor, secondary measures must be used to detect a leak before staff experience life-threatening symptoms. One simple and cost-effective way to monitor the food packing facility for leaks is by using an oxygen monitor. 

How an Oxygen Monitor Protects Workers in Food Packing Plants

While it's critical to maintain the right blend of gas in packaged foods, it's also important to ensure that gas used in food packing equipment does not leak out of the machines. Gases used in food packing, including nitrogen, are colorless and odorless, so staff would be unable to detect a leak visually. By installing an oxygen monitor in the food packing facility, employers can detect leaks before workers' health is adversely affected. 
Since nitrogen gas depletes oxygen, it's easy to tell whether nitrogen is leaking by taking continual measures of oxygen. The secure, wall-mounted oxygen monitor checks the levels of oxygen in the room and remains silent as long as oxygen is above the minimum amount. 

The oxygen monitor will sound an alarm if oxygen falls to 19.5% or 18.0%. The 90 db alarm is designed to be heard over the sound of the equipment, and there's also a flashing light to warn employees of a drop in oxygen levels. Employees can then leave the room before the oxygen falls below the acceptable threshold and staff begin to experience health problems. 

In addition to using oxygen monitors on the food packing line, facilities should also use oxygen monitors wherever inert gases are stored. Oxygen deficiency monitors from PureAire are designed to last for a minimum of 10 years with no maintenance or annual calibration. The monitors feature a digital display that's easy to read, and do not drift as a result of barometric pressure. If you're looking for an oxygen monitor that's low maintenance, accurate, and easy to use, consider PureAire. Visit to learn more.

Nitro Beer Tastes Better

If you've ever remarked on the smooth creaminess of a pint of Guinness, you've picked up on the key difference in its carbonation: Nitrogen rather than carbon dioxide. Such "nitro" beers have become a trend in recent years, with major U.S. breweries and small startups alike offering nitro products. Nitrogen keeps bitterness in check and balances out the hops to make drinkable craft brews, but it also increases the risk for breweries. 

How Nitro Beer Works 

CO2 is a natural byproduct of the beer brewing process, occurring when the yeast consumes the natural sugars in the wort. Breweries often add additional CO2 when kegging or bottling the beer. The carbon dioxide gas adds flavor, aroma, and those bubbles that fizz against your tongue. CO2 is also slightly acidic, so it can intensify the bitter flavors in a brew. While this might be desirable in a hop-bomb IPA or citrusy hefeweizen, it isn't always complementary to the flavor of the brew. 

Nitrogen gas adds carbonation without the bitterness, allowing the beer's natural flavors to remain. It delivers a new drinking experience with favorite brews. Nitrogen is harder to dissolve than carbon dioxide, so the resulting bubbles of carbonation are smaller. The mouth feel of a nitro beer is smoother or creamier. Dark beers -- stouts and porters -- pair well with nitrogen gas, but the nitro technique can also present a new take on a classic IPA or wheat ale. 

While the process of adding nitrogen to beer is similar to carbon dioxide, breweries must take some extra precautions. Nitro beers must be stored in tanks rated to a higher psi, 25 rather than 15. Breweries must also take precautions to ensure that nitrogen isn't leaking out of the supply lines or canisters and onto the brewery floor. Nitrogen gas displaces oxygen from the air, so if it did leak, the room would soon become oxygen deficient. Breathing oxygen deficient air causes confusion, dizziness, respiratory distress, and death via asphyxiation. Since nitrogen gas has no color or odor, breweries need a tool to check for leaks by measuring ambient oxygen levels. 

How an Oxygen Monitor Protects Brewery Staff 

Since staff cannot tell if there is a leak -- there's nothing to see or smell -- there is no way they can protect their health if a leak occurs. Oxygen monitors provide a safeguard against respiratory distress by measuring oxygen levels. As long as there is no leak, the oxygen in the brewery should remain constant. If nitrogen gas starts to leak, oxygen levels will fall. Before oxygen levels fall to a critical threshold, an oxygen monitor will sound an alarm. There's also a flashing light to get the attention of staff. 

When the alarm goes off, workers can exit the brewery floor before the lack of oxygen poses a threat to their health. Emergency personnel can then come and contain the leak. 
PureAire offers a robust oxygen monitor with two alarm levels: 19.5 percent and 18 percent, a 90 db alarm, and a bright flashing light. The oxygen deficiency monitor is designed to mount on the wall and features an easy-to-read digital interface, so workers can tell at a glance whether there's a problem.

PureAire's monitors use zirconium sensors, which deliver reliable performance even during thunderstorms, sudden barometric shifts, and other weather incidents. These O2 monitors are designed to last for 10 or more years with no maintenance or calibration, unlike other products that need regular maintenance to remain effective.  

Breweries should place one oxygen monitor in the area where beer is bottled and kegged and another where nitrogen is stored. This ensures the entire facility is protected from leaks. 

Left Hand Brewery, a pioneer of the nitro beer trend, relies on PureAire products for workplace safety.  Learn more about the oxygen monitor form PureAire at

Friday, August 25, 2017

Nitrogen Tank or Cryogenic Dewar? Not Sure Where they are Installed? Here's the List!

Liquid nitrogen is used in a broad range of industries, from steelmaking and pharmaceutical to health care and ceramics. The inert gas is also used in laboratories, breweries, fine cooking, and more. Wherever liquid nitrogen is used, it must be stored securely so as not to mingle with air. Learn why nitrogen must be so carefully contained and where and how N2 gas is stored. 

Bulk Nitrogen Tank Storage 

Liquid nitrogen is stored in a bulk nitrogen tank, also known as a nitrogen dewar. Nitrogen dewars exist wherever nitrogen is used, including in: 
  • Labs
  • Research universities 
  • Restaurants, bars, and hotels 
  • Freezers
  • Hospitals 
  • Flash freezing facilities
  • Food processing facilities
  • Cryotherapy facilities 
  • Manufacturing plants 
The nitrogen dewar features a vacuum stopper, which protects the substance inside and prevents the nitrogen from boiling off. Dewars must have pressure release valves to prevent a bulk nitrogen tank explosion, which can occur when pressure builds up inside the tank. Since liquid nitrogen vaporizes at room temperature, it's critical that the tank stay sealed at all times.

Nitrogen and other insert gases, including argon, displace air when they are released into the environment. As oxygen is displaced, the air becomes oxygen deficient. Breathing oxygen deficient air causes respiratory distress and death via asphyxiation. Since nitrogen is colorless and odorless, there is no way to tell that a leak occurs unless you use an oxygen monitor, which samples oxygen levels. 

Given the risks posed by the material, bulk nitrogen tanks must be stored and transported safely and securely. Workers must bleed out pressure before transporting the tanks, for example, to reduce the risk of incident during transport. 

A robust ventilation system should be installed where the nitrogen is kept, so escaped nitrogen can be vented away, and fresh air should be circulated into the storage room several times per hour. 
Other safety measures include checking that fittings are appropriate, wearing gloves to prevent the nitrogen from burning the skin, and never filling dewars more than 80 percent full. 

While liquid nitrogen can be transferred from the bulk nitrogen tank into a smaller tank for small scale use, it must only be transferred into approved container. If you use the wrong container, it could shatter, leaking nitrogen into the air and decreasing available oxygen. 

Wherever nitrogen is stored or used, signs warning of the risks associated with the material should be posted as a warning to employees. When working with nitrogen, staff should wear eye protection, cryogenic gloves, and other safety equipment. 

Anyone who handles or works with the gas should be trained in safe use, storage, and handling of bulk nitrogen tanks as well. The valves, gauges, and other components of the nitrogen storage tank should be inspected regularly for safety, and replaced whenever you notice wear and tear. 

Why You Need an Oxygen Monitor Where Nitrogen is Stored

By placing an oxygen monitor wherever nitrogen is used, you can protect worker safety and prevent injury or fatality onsite. Oxygen monitors continually sample oxygen levels in the room, making sure that oxygen falls within acceptable levels. Should nitrogen gas leak from the dewar, ambient oxygen levels will start to tumble as the air is displaced by nitrogen. 

When oxygen levels fall to the threshold set by OSHA, which is 19.5 percent, the oxygen deficiency monitor will sound and flash alarms to notify workers onsite. Staff can exit the room before they begin to experience the adverse effects of being in an oxygen deficient atmosphere, then call 911 so emergency personnel can respond to the threat. 

PureAire offers a robust oxygen deficiency monitor capable of withstanding low temperatures of -40 Celsius. Once installed, the oxygen monitor works as intended for 10+ years with no annual maintenance or calibration. An ultra-loud alarm is audible throughout the premises, while a flashing light provides a secondary alert for employees. The unit easily mounts on the wall with brackets and comes with a 3-year warranty. Learn more about oxygen monitors from PureAire at 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Oxygen Monitors now Required for Nitrogen, Argon, Helium, and CO2 use in Denver

Oxygen Monitors now Required for Nitrogen, Argon, Helium, and CO2 use in Denver

The Colorado city of Denver recently passed a new law that requires facilities that use insert gas to install oxygen deficiency monitors wherever these gases are used in excess of 100 pounds. Learn what the new law requires from businesses and how an oxygen sensor protects your employees, your business, and your peace of mind. 

What Denver's New Law Requires 

The law specifically applies to Colorado commercial, industrial, or manufacturing facilities that use inert gases, including nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, and helium. Facilities covered by the new law include water treatment plants, laboratories, and food processing plants. 
Fire suppression systems and medical gas systems are not covered by the Denver law. 
Under the new law: 
  • Inert gas storage tanks must be placed in approved locations, whether stored inside or outside of the building 
  • Storage containers must be secured to prevent tip-overs
  • All valves and tubing used with the gas system must meet applicable standards
  • Gases must vent outside the building
  • All areas where gas is used must either have an oxygen deficiency monitor or continuous ventilation system, which keeps the oxygen levels in the room steady 
  • Oxygen alarms should be visually inspected daily by trained staff members
  •  Storage tanks, piping, and other parts of the system must be checked on a monthly basis 
  • Tests of the system must be conducted regularly with either air or an inert gas
The Denver law sets out regulations for the type of oxygen deficiency monitor, plus where and how to use them. Acceptable monitors must be installed in any location where an inert gas leak could result in an oxygen deficient environment where public health could be at stake. 
Oxygen detectors must be on an approved device list and directly connected to the electrical supply and fire alarm system for the site. The oxygen detectors must be permanently mounted to the wall at a height which is consistent with the given gas's vapor density, so they can work properly. The devices must be located within their specified ranges of operation, in order to ensure the monitors can work as intended. 

The law prohibits self-zeroing or auto calibrating devices, unless they can be spanned or zeroed to check that the oxygen monitor is working as it should be. All installed oxygen monitors must be calibrated regularly to ensure safe and reliable operation. 

Alongside mounted alarms, companies must place signage that notifies employees of the oxygen monitor and gives instructions for what to do in the event of an alarm. Typical instructions tell staff to leave the building and call 911 if the alarm is going off. 

Signs notifying employees of the risk for oxygen deficiency must be posted anywhere inert gas is stored or used.

To further protect employees, the Denver law mandates that gas be transported, filled, or moved only by qualified individuals who follow protocol. All equipment, including piping systems, must be inspected for competency and the organization must maintain records for a period of three years. 

Why an Oxygen Monitor is a Practical Suggestion 

Oxygen deficient environments occur when an inert gas, such as helium, nitrogen, or argon, escapes into the environment and begins to displace oxygen. Since these gases have no odor or color, there is no way that staff working in the room can tell something is leaking. As the oxygen levels fall, employees can experience confusion and respiratory distress, resulting in death by asphyxiation. 
An oxygen monitor tracks ambient levels of oxygen and sets off an alarm when oxygen levels fall below the safe threshold, thus protecting employee safety. Since employees can both hear and see the alarm, they will know there is a problem even if they are operating loud equipment that overrides the noise of the sensor. 

Oxygen monitors are simple solutions to pressing problems faced by organizations that rely on inert gases and want to mitigate their risk. 

PureAire's oxygen sensors are cost-efficient and high quality. They are designed with a zirconium sensor, which is capable of lasting for as long as 10 years. PureAire's oxygen sensor is accurate in diverse environments, from storage freezers to basements. The sensor functions between -40 and 55 C. While PureAire's oxygen monitors do not need to be calibrated, they are capable of calibration, thus eligible for use in Denver. 

PureAire's monitors need little maintenance to work reliably once they are installed using the included wall-mounting brackets, and they are not affected by changes in the barometric pressure, a known problem with other types of oxygen sensors. PureAire's products can be set to measure oxygen levels of either 18 percent or 19.5 percent (which is the OSHA action level), to comply with standards. 

To learn more about oxygen monitors from PureAire, and view specifications, go to