Showing posts with label nitrogen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nitrogen. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Nitrogen Generators: Where are they Installed and How to Stay Safe?

Used in a range of industries, nitrogen generators ensure a steady supply of 99.5% pure, commercially sterile nitrogen from a compressed air storage tank. From an industrial standpoint, nitrogen generators are seen as preferable to cylinders of nitrogen as they are more reliable, more compact, and easy to use and install. However, these generators are not without risk. Learn about nitrogen generator installation best practices and how to stay safe when using these devices in your facility. 

Where are Nitrogen Generators Installed? 

Since nitrogen generators have such a wide array of end use cases, they wind up getting installed in different commercial environments. Nitrogen generators may exist in: 
  • Brewing operations - To sparge and mix the wort 
  • Food processing and packaging plants - In the food packaging process  
  • Industry - To test and clean tanks and vessels
  • Engineering facilities - For use in manufacturing, testing, and product development
  • Automotive plants - In paint booths 
These generators offer a steady supply of nitrogen at a lower cost than using gas cylinders. One generator takes up less room than several cylinders, saving floor space where it is needed most. A generator is easy to install and simpler for employees to use (since it requires less maintenance) than cylinders, so many manufacturers have switched from using cylinders of nitrogen to using generators. 

Nitrogen generators are most often operated indoors, as these typical use cases show. In the event of a leak or other problem with the generator, escaping gas has nowhere to go other than inside the building. In some cases, the building may be set up so that nitrogen generators vent to the outside, thus offering a buffer from the harmful gas; however, it is not always possible to vent the generator to plain air. 

That said, these units do post a risk. Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless gas that creates an oxygen deficient state. If the generator were to develop a leak, nitrogen gas could leak out undetected into the work environment. In a matter of minutes, nitrogen gas from a leaking tank can deplete the workspace of oxygen. To protect the health of your employees, it is necessary to only use nitrogen generators in conjunction with an oxygen monitor, which alerts staff to low levels of oxygen. 

Why You Need an Oxygen Monitor With Nitrogen Generators

An O2 monitor, or oxygen monitor, continually monitors the level of oxygen in the room. When there is enough oxygen, the detector stays silent. A normal oxygen value is 21 percent by volume.  If something unexpected happens -- such as a nitrogen leak -- and the amount of oxygen in the room begins to fall, the monitor sounds an alarm and flashes to grab staff attention. This way, staff have advance knowledge and can leave the work space before oxygen levels fall too low. 
Oxygen monitors can alert staff if levels fall too low (19.5 percent or less) or too high (23.5 percent or above). Low levels of oxygen pose a severe health hazard for individuals, while high levels of oxygen pose a fire and combustion hazard. 

Without an O2 monitor in place, staff would have no knowledge of a nitrogen problem until it was too late. When oxygen levels fall below the acceptable threshold, staff can become disoriented and fatigued, while succumbing to a euphoria that can dissuade them from noticing that something has gone wrong. Loss of coordination and mental processing skills, followed by poor judgment, vomiting, nausea, and eventually death by asphyxiation as oxygen levels continue to fall. 

An additional consideration for large facilities is that nitrogen gas is often used far from the actual location of the generator. Thus, even if the generator you have purchased comes with an O2 monitor of its own, the monitor may not be able to test working conditions where the nitrogen is actually in use. A facility may need multiple oxygen monitors to make sure that all areas where nitrogen gas is used have acceptable air quality. 

PureAire offers O2 monitors that work in conjunction with nitrogen generators. PureAire's line of oxygen detectors rely on zirconium sensors, which are guaranteed to work for at least 10 years without calibration. When it comes to protecting your staff, it's the wise choice. Explore PureAire's lineup of oxygen detectors at 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Oxygen Monitor for Foup's in Semiconductors and Cleanrooms

Over time, the contamination control requirements in the semiconductor industry have become more stringent. Employees now must spend more time adhering to cleaning protocols to preserve the sanitary nature of the environment and comply with regulations. The front-end unified pod (or FOUP) began appearing in semiconductors in the 1990s, serving as a transportation box to safely and securely hold silicon wafers and ensure easier compliance with the industry's  contamination control requirements.

FOUPs allow the wafers to remain in a sterile environment, while also remaining isolated from the cleanroom itself. Not only does this save time, this saves money by lowering the maintenance needs and investments needed to maintain a clean room. Widespread today, FOUPs must be properly cleaned and maintained in order to remain functional. Since a single FOUP can cost $1,000’s so this is not something to be taken lightly by staff. 

Why Cleanliness is Critical to the Semiconductor Industry

Maintaining a cleanroom is so important because air particles can get on equipment or tools and compromise them. During manufacturing processes such as etching, the wafers held inside FOUPs are removed from the isolated environment of the FOUP and then subject to different chemicals. After the etching process ends, trace amounts of these chemicals remain on the wafers. If these were to be returned to the FOUP, they would contaminate the closed atmosphere with chemical residue. This could wreak havoc on the remaining wafers stored in the clean environment of the FOUP. Were this to happen, FOUPs and the wafers inside would need to be cleaned - a very expensive and time consuming process. 

The average FOUP can last for roughly five years before it needs to be replaced. To extend its lifespan and keep all components clean and sanitary, it is necessary to clean FOUPs periodically and to maintain good laboratory habits to minimize mishandling of FOUPs.

Compressed dry air or an inert gas such as nitrogen are common choices for effective cleaning of FOUPs. Studies have shown that passing nitrogen gas over the lower ports and front-end environment of the FOUPs is a reliable way to clean the interior by removing debris and chemical residue stuck inside. While this is useful for reliable FOUP cleaning, introducing nitrogen into the laboratory environment can pose a safety hazard.

Safety Risks of FOUP Cleaning With Nitrogen

Nitrogen gas can displace oxygen if it is released in a closed environment. Were nitrogen to leak from the FOUP and into the clean room, it could reduce levels of oxygen in the air below safe breathing levels. In a worst-case scenario, staff could become sick or die from lack of oxygen. Since both oxygen and nitrogen are colorless and odorless gases, staff cannot tell how much oxygen is in the air, or whether nitrogen used to clean FOUPs has escaped through a leak.
An oxygen monitor can evaluate the levels of oxygen in the air to ensure that nitrogen used to clean FOUPs does not make its way into the clean room, to compromise the air quality and safety there. A wall-mounted O2 monitor takes periodic readings of the level of oxygen in the room. As long as oxygen levels remain in an acceptable range, the sensor will continue to operate as usual. 

If oxygen levels were to drop such that employee health and safety might be compromised, the oxygen deficiency monitor would set off an alarm that would tell staff to evacuate. Staff then have enough time to exit the clean room and avoid health problems associated with oxygen deficient environments. 

When looking for an oxygen monitor for FOUPs, it is vital that the O2 monitor be as hardy and long-lasting as the FOUPs themselves. At PureAire, we make oxygen sensors guaranteed to last for 10 years. Our O2 monitors do not need calibration or maintenance to perform, unlike other brands of oxygen monitors. To ensure a clean, safe environment, while protecting your investment, choose the best in oxygen deficiency monitoring. Learn more about our products at our website,


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

PureAire O2 Monitor for Food Manufacturing Tunnel/Freezers with N2 and CO2: Using a 10 Year No Calibration Sensor

For flash freezing nothing beats a liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide immersion or tunnel style freezer for efficiency, overall performance, and cost savings. If you haven't yet switched to an immersion freezer, doing so now could position you to better compete in your market segment and save money over time. Learn more about why these freezers are a must for frozen food manufacturers.

Immersion Freezers: How They Work

Ideal for freezing seafood, poultry, meat, and marinated or glazed products, these freezers use a conveyor belt to ferry food items through a liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide bath. When the food is fully immersed in the gas, which is held at a steady temperature suitable for freezing food items, it freezes completely in seconds. This locks in nutrients, flavor, and texture to preserve the best qualities of the item.

Unit controls accommodate for fluctuations in the product load and variations in temperature of the incoming food items to enforce quality control every time. A turn up/turn down capability allows you to save money by moderating unit performance; the unique space-saving design and tunnel orientation reduces air infiltration and helps maintain best practices in unit sanitation.

By offering a better yield retention, a low capital investment, and lower operating costs, these units allow you to increase your production rates without increasing your staffing or your physical footprint. The immersion freezing system is customizable for a wide range of products and ensures the consistent quality in frozen foods you need.

These freezers run on inert gases, which deplete oxygen from the air. To protect workers and maintain safety, you must ensure that your freezer has an O2 monitoring system, which ensures that there is enough oxygen in the environment and alerts staff if the level of oxygen falls below the minimum safe level.

Why You Need an Oxygen Monitor For Your Immersion Freezer

If oxygen levels in the work environment get too low, staff working in the area may not have enough oxygen to breathe and could asphyxiate. PureAire's O2 monitors are capable of performing in sub-zero environments, where other oxygen sensors may fail to perform consistently.

The oxygen monitor keeps tabs on the amount of oxygen in the environment at all times. Even in a sensitive environment like the tunnel or immersion freezer, where the temperatures are constantly changing as food cycles off of and on to the conveyor belts, the oxygen monitor is able to provide a stable reading to ensure accuracy and protect your employees.

This oxygen deficiency monitor features a zirconium sensor, which is able to detect oxygen levels across the temperature spectrum and regardless of humidity. The oxygen monitor is guaranteed to perform accurately for a period of 10 years or more, without requiring the time-consuming maintenance that another oxygen detector might need. Additionally, you will not need to calibrate the oxygen monitor, as you would with other models. This offers an improvement over disposable sensors, which increase your bottom line and the amount of waste you produce.

When you switch to a tunnel or immersion freezer, you stand to boost your production capacity and your bottom line. Oxygen detectors from PureAire can help you save as much as $475 per year off our operating expenses while supporting your overall business growth.

With over 15 years of experience, PureAire is the industry's leading expert in oxygen monitoring. To learn more about the PureAire Oxygen Monitoring System, visit the company's website at

Friday, October 17, 2014

Looking Hot while Staying Cool: Liquid Nitrogen at the Club

You feel the pulse of the music and the energy of the crowd around you. The beat is infectious and before you know it you are on the dance floor moving your body and having a good time. As the rhythm builds and your hips shake, one thing is holding you back and preventing you from fully enjoying the night. You are just too hot. You left your house looking like a million bucks and now you are a sweaty mess who is one song away from completely melting.

Seconds before you make the decision to escape the crowd and mop up your dripping face, a blast of cold air seemingly from the heavens sweeps across the club and sends a chill through your overheated body. You breathe in deeply and feel refreshed and alive, as you change your mind and stick it out to dance a while longer. You are happy just where you are, looking hot but feeling cool.

The cold blast you felt didn’t come from the heavens, but from a specifically designed and constructed cryogenic system created for the club. A quick blast of liquid nitrogen is all it takes to cool the crowd and have you feeling renewed. This liquid quickly dissipates into a gas, and, because it is denser therefore heavier than air, falls onto the dance floor and the sweaty people below.

Nitrogen is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, making it ideal for going unnoticed (other than a nice cool feeling). These qualities are also what can make it dangerous, because a room could fill with nitrogen without anybody noticing before it is too late. If the right safety precautions, like an oxygen deficiency monitor, are in place, you can party on in confidence. These monitors, like the ones sold by PureAire Monitoring Systems, make sure the oxygen level in the room is at a safe and breathable level, which changes as it is displaced with a heavier gas like nitrogen. If this occurs, an alarm will sound and you will be evacuated before anyone is harmed.

If you are looking for a cool a new experience, try attending a club with a liquid nitrogen system, but always remember, safety first. Check with the club and make sure they are using an oxygen monitor, and if they are not, have them contact PureAire Monitoring Systems to get hooked up.

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