Showing posts with label oxygen meter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oxygen meter. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2014

Looking Hot while Staying Cool: Liquid Nitrogen at the Club

You feel the pulse of the music and the energy of the crowd around you. The beat is infectious and before you know it you are on the dance floor moving your body and having a good time. As the rhythm builds and your hips shake, one thing is holding you back and preventing you from fully enjoying the night. You are just too hot. You left your house looking like a million bucks and now you are a sweaty mess who is one song away from completely melting.

Seconds before you make the decision to escape the crowd and mop up your dripping face, a blast of cold air seemingly from the heavens sweeps across the club and sends a chill through your overheated body. You breathe in deeply and feel refreshed and alive, as you change your mind and stick it out to dance a while longer. You are happy just where you are, looking hot but feeling cool.

The cold blast you felt didn’t come from the heavens, but from a specifically designed and constructed cryogenic system created for the club. A quick blast of liquid nitrogen is all it takes to cool the crowd and have you feeling renewed. This liquid quickly dissipates into a gas, and, because it is denser therefore heavier than air, falls onto the dance floor and the sweaty people below.

Nitrogen is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, making it ideal for going unnoticed (other than a nice cool feeling). These qualities are also what can make it dangerous, because a room could fill with nitrogen without anybody noticing before it is too late. If the right safety precautions, like an oxygen deficiency monitor, are in place, you can party on in confidence. These monitors, like the ones sold by PureAire Monitoring Systems, make sure the oxygen level in the room is at a safe and breathable level, which changes as it is displaced with a heavier gas like nitrogen. If this occurs, an alarm will sound and you will be evacuated before anyone is harmed.

If you are looking for a cool a new experience, try attending a club with a liquid nitrogen system, but always remember, safety first. Check with the club and make sure they are using an oxygen monitor, and if they are not, have them contact PureAire Monitoring Systems to get hooked up.

Contact with any questions

Monday, July 21, 2014

Long Lasting Safety with PureAire Monitoring Systems’ 10+ year sensors

When it comes to oxygen deficiency monitors, PureAire makes the longest lasting units on the market. They believe your safety should not be taken lightly, and have created a reliable and affordable monitor that will outlast all of their competitors. PureAire Monitoring Systems has broken away from the norm of using disposable sensor cells, and has introduced the groundbreaking technology of a 10+ year maintenance free sensor.

Disposable sensor cells have been an international standard in oxygen monitors for decades, but they are far from ideal. They require frequent maintenance and monthly to quarterly calibration, which can be costly. Without calibration, false alarms will occur, or worse, a failure to alarm in the event of oxygen deficiency. The reliability of these disposable sensors can even be affected by changes in barometric pressure.

PureAire Monitoring Systems has come up with a unique product to solve these problems. Their oxygen deficiency monitors include a Zirconium Oxide sensor, which lasts for 10+ years. This sensor is not affected by barometric pressure, and never needs to be recalibrated. This means that it will continue working without flaw toward keeping you safe over many years.

With over 4,000 units in the field, PureAire’s oxygen deficiency monitors continue to gain popularity and support amongst its users. No maintenance means no hassle, and more time to focus on your work while continuing to stay safe.

For more information on the PureAire Oxygen Monitor, contact PureAire Monitoring Systems, Inc., 557 Capital Drive, Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047; phone 888-788-8050, fax 847-726-6051, or contact us via contact form. You may also visit the company’s website at, and

About PureAire Monitoring Systems:

PureAire offers an unbeatable combination of innovation and experience in solving safety and environmental needs of their customers. As a manufacturer, they are capable of handling any size project, which includes working with OEMs and distributors.

PureAire’s proprietary sensor cell technology and leading edge electronics are designed to interface with the latest distributive control systems.

Beginning in 1996, their growth has been a result of their total commitment to supporting their customers. PureAire’s goal is to provide the best service and support in the industry. Safety is their number one priority.