Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the primary compressed gas used for beverages at major fast food chains. This gas is also used in restaurants, gas stations, and grocery stores. When CO2 leaks into a confined space or basement, this creates a very unsafe workplace for employees by lowering the breathable oxygen. History seems to repeat itself all too often while dealing with CO2. Due to the CO2 leaks several times a year, employees have become sick and in worst cast scenarios, have died from asphyxiation.
Below is a link to the Phoenix Fire Department video on a CO2 leak at a fast food chain. Two Fire men were overcome by CO2 in a basement of a chain. http://nfpa.typepad.com/fireservicetoday/2011/10/lesson-learned-co2-leak-at-mcdonalds-harmful-to-employee-and-responders.html
It has become a standard in the industry to use a CO2 monitor; this is outdated and should be replaced with an Oxygen Monitor. CO2 Leaks are a Oxygen deficiency problem as CO2 displaces oxygen creating an unsafe workplace. PureAire is a leader for oxygen monitors in the workplace for safety. PureAire makes an Oxygen monitor with a 10+ year sensor without maintenance, and calibration. This is very important advantage over the CO2 monitors being used.
The CO2 monitors installed in fast food chains are the wrong approach. The CO2 monitors used are low cost, and can do more harm than good. A gas monitor is a scientific piece of equipment. The technology used in the CO2 monitor requires maintenance, calibration, and monthly testing. Without oversight, the monitors will begin to fail or become unresponsive. The lacks of attention to the current CO2 Monitors are a common problem amongst the fast food employees.
Employees at fast food chains are not trained on compressed CO2 typically. Employees are the first people to work with CO2, and in most cases are required to change CO2 gas in a basement or confined space. What if there is a leak? What if the CO2 monitor is non functional? This result can be catastrophic.
PureAire believes strongly the answer is not a CO2 monitor, but an Oxygen Monitor. CO2 will always displace oxygen and will lower the breathable oxygen levels. PureAire’s Oxygen Monitor is unlike any other, using a 10 + year sensor which is 24/7 supervised. The O2 Monitor is safer and much more reliable. Using PureAire’s O2 Monitor will eliminate the concerns about CO2 spills. If there is a leak of Oxygen, the O2 Monitors alarm will sound alerting employees. PureAire‘s 24/7 supervision will ensure the monitor is functioning properly, and responsive when it is needed most.
PureAire’s knows you cannot always count on an employee’s knowledge of the CO2 risks, the signs of CO2 exposure, and the dangers of CO2. This is why PureAire’s monitor is the best choice. The monitor can also be configured with an exhaust fan, further enhancing the safety with complete automation.
Please contact PureAire if you have anymore questions at 1-888-788-8050. PureAire websites are www.MonitorOxygen.com, or www.PureAireMonitoring.com.