Monday, May 23, 2011

Oxygen (O2) Monitor for MRI Rooms: PureAire Sells a Hassle Free 10+ Year Oxygen Monitor.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) facilities have the same thing in common, helium. Helium is used as part of the cooling process for a MRI magnet. PureAire Monitoring Systems Oxygen Monitors are becoming the newest safety product amongst MRI users, thanks to its 10 + year sensor. PureAire’s sensors do not require maintenance, or require replacement parts. Helium is a nontoxic, odorless, colorless, nonflammable gas stored in cylinders at high pressure. It can cause rapid suffocation when concentrations are sufficient to reduce oxygen levels below 19.5%. It is lighter than air and may collect in high points or along ceilings. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) may be required by rescue workers1.

The above statement is from a Air products MSDS sheet. In addition, ACGIH considers Helium a simple asphyxiant. PureAire has been in business for 14 years selling their highly revered O2 Monitors for safety in MRI facilities for physicians, clients.

“Thanks again for your support. The oxygen monitors are in their respective locations and are functioning as designed. Nice unit! Everyone thinks they are a great product. The software menu is easy to use and could not be easier to operate.” Dominion Nuclear.

Currently PureAire’s O2 Monitors are being used at MRI facilities around the world. O2 Monitors have been used for over 30 years, though most people are accustomed to using an O2 monitor with sensors only lasting 12-18 months. In addition to, they must be calibrated and maintained to function correctly. PureAire’s 10+ Year O2 Deficiency Monitor is much more reliable, requires no maintenance, and does not need to be calibrated. There zirconium sensor does not have the biases associated with the disposable sensor technology. This means no more false alarms and drifting, and an always-accurate reading.

When asked of MRI facilities, do you have an O2 monitor? There common response was I am not sure, or what is it? This was unfortunate in most cases, and when we presented our O2 monitors technology and made them aware. There perspective was significantly different and wondered how to best attain one.

“When it comes to safety, why not use something that’s going to last.” Brandon Alan. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to contact us at, or

1) Air Products. (1997). MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET.

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